Steelband triumphant in Brisbane!

Congratulations to the CaribVic Steeband who placed 4th in the 2nd Australian Steelband Festival Competition in Brisbane September 2015. We have to thank the CaribVic Committee for supporting us; Denis Gonzalez – G Pan and Heather Gatus – Tenor Director/Arranger; Rita Seethaler, Lisa Nolte and Ken Dorr on Tenors and for their tutorial expertise, input and…

CaribVic’s 10th Anniversary!

                                                                                                                                                                   Groups of 10 people will have a reduced fee of $55.00 per person. We hope to see you all there!  It will be a night to remember!

PANZfest 2015!!!

CaribVic are proud to announce that our very own CaribVic steel pan band are participating in PANZfest 2015, Brisbane, QLD’s first Caribbean Steelband Festival!  West End State School will host a playoff between 12 steelbands from across Australia & New Zealand on the 26th & 27th of September 2015. A carnival parade, Calypso Night Party,…