- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 616
The War Museum of Thessaloniki (Greek: Πολεμικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης) is a military museum in Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece. Thessaloniki War Museum opened its doors to the public in October 2000. It is housed in the building designed by architect Vitaliano Posseli and erected between 1900 and 1902.
The museum’s mission is to act as a base in Northern Greece for events organized by the War Museum in Athens and to help preserve historical memory and heritage in Northern Greece. Through its permanent exhibitions and various dedicatory exhibitions, the museum emphasizes the continuation of the Hellenic race throughout history, while simultaneously contributing to the documentation of the history of Greece at war.
The permanent collections show events which were a watershed in Modern Greek history from the turn of the 20th century to the liberation of Greece from German forces at the end of World War II. They include photographs of the times, Greek army, air force and navy uniforms, weapons of the Greek army, replicas of artillery and ships, works of art, stone engravings, maps, paintings, postcards, and similar items from the armies of other Balkan countries.
The Korean War (in South Korean Hangul: 한국전쟁, Hanja: 韓國戰爭, Hanguk Jeonjaeng, "Korean War"; in North Korean Chosungul: 조국해방전쟁, Joguk Haebang Jeonjaeng, "Fatherland Liberation War"; 25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953) was a war between North and South Korea, in which a United Nations force led by the United States of America fought for the South, and China fought for the North, which was also assisted by the Soviet Union. The war arose from the division of Korea at the end of World War II and from the global tensions of the Cold War that developed immediately afterwards.
Korea was ruled by Japan from 1910 until the closing days of World War II. In August 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and—by agreement with the United States—occupied Korea north of the 38th parallel. U.S. forces subsequently occupied the south and Japan surrendered. By 1948, two separate governments had been set up. Both governments claimed to be the legitimate government of Korea, and neither side accepted the border as permanent. The conflict escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces—supported by the Soviet Union and China—invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950. On that day, the United Nations Security Council recognized this North Korean act as invasion and called for an immediate ceasefire. On 27 June, the Security Council adopted S/RES/83: Complaint of aggression upon the Republic of Korea and decided the formation and dispatch of the UN Forces in Korea. Twenty-one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the defense of South Korea, with the United States providing 88% of the UN's military personnel.
A Liberation War is a conflict which is primarily intended to bring freedom or independence to a nation or group. Examples might include a war to overthrow a colonial power, or to remove a dictator from power. Such wars are often unconventional. When a war is large - but not complete - overlap between a Liberation War and a War of Independence can occur.
The Liberation War Museum (Bengali: মুক্তিযুদ্ধ যাদুঘর Muktijuddho Jadughôr) is a museum in Segunbagicha, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh that commemorates the Bangladesh Liberation War, which led to the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan.
A museum opened on 22 March 1996, and has more than 9,000,000,000 artifacts and exhibits on display in the museum or stored in its archives. It is currently being rebuilt.
The galleries on the ground floor begin with covering the early history of Bangladesh and the Indian independence movement against British Raj in Bengal. A major section records the events of the Language Movement for the recognition of the Bengali language in Pakistan, which is regarded as the beginning of the movement for Bangladesh's independence. Several galleries highlight the building sectional conflict between West Pakistan and Bangladesh (then East Pakistan), the rise of Bengali nationalist leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the events of 1971, when the postponement by Pakistan's military ruler Gen. Yahya Khan of the convening of the National Assembly of Pakistan, in which Sheikh Mujib's Awami League had won a majority, led to the call for the independence of Bangladesh.
The Victorious War Museum or Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum is a museum located in Pyongyang, North Korea.
The museum was originally built in the Central district of Pyongyang in August 1953 as the "Fatherland Liberation War Museum". In April 1963 it was moved to the Sosong district in a purpose-built building.
Recently the museum has been upgraded significantly, including a building spanning across the river with a large panorama hall at the top. It was visited by 800,000 people in 2013.
Exhibits include a 360-degree diorama of the Battle of Daejon. In addition to the many statues, murals and artifacts contained in the museum is the USS Pueblo, a US Navy ship that was captured by North Korean forces when it entered North Korean territorial waters in 1968. Visitors are allowed to board the ship and see the ship's "Secret code room" and crew artifacts.
Korean War Museum in Pyongyang - The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum Pyongyang North Korea
Tour of the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in North Korea
Russian Diplomats Visit Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
Victorious Fatherland Liberation War ("Korean War") Museum, Pyongyang
Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum - Pyongyang, North Korea (September 2009)
President of Tatarstan Visit Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in Pyongyang
North Korea: Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
KTG presents the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in Pyongyang, DPRK (North Korea) aka the Korean War Museum. This short video shows the US weapons in possession of the DPRK. Most were used in the Korean War which took place from 1950 to 1953 though some date to the late 1990s. The new section of the Museum is an impressive building that was opened in 2013 and built in just only 10 months. It is not possible to take pictures or make any recordings inside the new museum though it is fine to take pictures of the weapons and the US ship (the USS Pueblo) located in the outdoors section of the museum. ____________________________________________________________________ KTG les muestra el Museo de la Victoria de la Guerra de la Liberación de la Patria de la RPDC (Corea del Norte) ...
Korean Central News Agency Copyright © 2000-2014 DPR of Korea With the 54th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of Songun (military-first) revolutionary leadership, many servicepersons and civilians of the DPRK visit the Hall "Victory of Songun Revolution" at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. Leader Kim Jong Il started his Songun guidance on August 25, Juche 49 (1960) with inspection of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People's Army. Since then, he had made a long journey of Songun leadership, regarding it as his steadfast creed that the revolution is pioneered and advanced to completion with arms. He continued visiting KPA units until the last moments of his life to defend the sovereignty of the country and the nation and pr...
Our favorite guide Kyung-il in video form giving us a tour. Do not be fooled by her Stalinist tone. She is a real softy inside. For another view of her see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zxsOnwsB5A
Located in Pyongyang, North Korea, this museum is dedicated to the North Korean government's rendition of Korean War.
NEW Channel of Korean Central Television on https://www.youtube.com/user/KoreanCentralTV1 Alexandr Matsegora, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and his embassy staff members visited the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum on Thursday on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Great Patriotic War. They paid tribute to the statue of President Kim Il Sung waving back to columns of the military parade celebrating the victory in the war at the square. They laid bouquets before the sculpture "Victory" in the Monument to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War and paid tribute to the officers and men of the heroic Korean People's Army. They looked round different halls, being briefed on the fact that the Korean people inflicted upon the Japanese imperia...
The museum covers an area of 18000 square meters and has a total floor space of 52000 square meters. It consists of a 3-storey main building, a grand cyclorama hall of the operation for liberation of Taejon with a floor space of 3000 square meters and several auxiliary buildings. Data and materials on display attest to the factor of victory and source of strength of the Korean Peoples Army and the Korean people who defeated the world's would-be strongest US imperialists and brought about the beginning of their decline. The museum was opened in 1953 and the present building was rebuilt in 1974. North Korea (DPRK - Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) Nordkorea (DVRK - Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) Corea del Norte Corée du Nord Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna Корейская Наро...
Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum (Korean War Museum) footage from the official North Korean Tourism DVD of my September 2009 trip. http://www.lindsayfincher.com/category/north-korea-2009
Korean Central News Agency Copyright © 2000-2014 DPR of Korea
Here is a quick video from my trip to North Korea. This was day one we went to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. Find out more about North Korea on my travel blog: http://www.tripbitten.com/destinations/asia/north-korea/
War Museum of Thessaloniki Greece is the 1st Museum to implement interactive tour using the ibeacon technology. Tourists arriving at the local airport receives a special offer, personalized in order to visit the Museum and travel within 200 years of modern history.
Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Citywalk, Greece, HD, Travel Channel please read more: https://blog.myvideomedia.com English see below [dt.] Thessaloniki in Zentralmakedonien, Griechenland, ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Griechenlands und war von jeher ein bedeutender Verkehrsknotenpunkt. Heute gilt es als wichtiges Tor Europas nach Istanbul und in den vorderen Orient. Daneben hat sich Thessaloniki einen guten Ruf als Universitäts-, Kultur-, Messe- und Industriestadt geschaffen. Im Osten der Stadt liegt das Messegelände, das vom OTE-Fernsehturm überragt wird. Von hier aus sind es nur wenige Schritte zum östlichen Ende der Uferpromenade mit dem Wahrzeichen von Thessaloniki, dem weißen Turm. Errichtet im 15. Jahrhundert diente er als Verteidigungs- und Befestigungsanlage, später als Gefängnis...
Thessaloniki, Roman Imperial Palace http://www.myvideomedia.de English see below [dt.] Zur Römerzeit war Thessaloniki ein bedeutendes Handelszentrum am wichtigen Verkehrsweg zwischen Rom und Byzanz - der Via Egnatia - und wurde zur Hauptstadt der Provinz Macedonia. Heute ist Thessaloniki die zweitgrößte Stadt Griechenlands. Von der Uferpromenade aus in nördlicher Richtung stößt man auf den Navarinou Platz mit einem Teil der freigelegten ehemaligen Palastanlagen. Der Glanz und Wohlstand ist an den noch erhaltenen Marmorböden und Wandreliefs erkennbar. Die Römer eroberten 145 v. Chr. Makedonien und machten es zu einer römischen Provinz. Um 300 n. Chr. erlangte es seine höchste Blüte als der römischer Kaiser Galerius Thessaloniki zu seiner Residenz ernannte. Dessen Prachtbauten sind es auch...
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Greece Travel Guide http://bit.ly/19QqISc Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Achilleion in Corfu and shows you its sites and attractions. Achilleion visitors can enjoy the old castle with its rich history, the castle park from where a beautiful panorama opens on the capital city and The Kaiser Bridge.000a The wife of Franz Joseph, Elizabeth of Bavaria bought the -- estate in 1861. Based on the plans of an Italian architect, a neoclassicist style castle was built here which was named Achilleion after the favorite hero of the queen. After the death of Sissi, it was bought by German Emperor William II who spent six summers in the castle. Following his defeat in World War I, it was occupied by Serbian and French troops who devel...
Hey allemaal! In deze vlog bezochten we als eerste een oude stad Virgina en later gingen we naar een van mijn lievelingssteden Thessaloníki om gezellig in de stad te lunchen en rond te lopen! Hopelijk vinden jullie het een leuke vlog. Liefs, Marianna
Jan. 11: Today we visit the traditional site of Lydia's baptism, then the ancient city of Philippi where Paul was imprisoned and a jailor's family was baptized. Then on to Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece and home to the Thessaloniki Archeological Museum and the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius.
EPISODE 6 - The Hellenic War Museum, in the centre of Athens, isn't just for military enthusiasts. It's for anyone who wants a rounded picture of Greece's history that includes more than just the standard Acropolis and archaeological museums. From the ancient battles of Marathon and Thermopylai to the early jet fighters of the Greek air force, the military history of Greece is all here.
The Permanent Exhibition of the National Historical Museum covers the history of Modern Greece since the fall of Constantinople (1453) to the War of 1940. It is in the Center of Athens on Stadiou Street, a short stroll from the Syndagma Metro Station.Through relics, artifacts, weapons, personal items, clothing, and maps, visitors can follow the progress of the Greek nation during the Turkish and Venetian rule of Greece, the Greek revolution of 1821, the independence and the formation of the new Greek state, the expansion of the frontiers during the Balkan Wars, the adventure of the Asia Minor campaign, up through the Second World War. These are complemented by aspects of daily life and Greek society in the Museum's rich folklore collection.The Old Parliament Building was founded in 1858 by...
Let's take a Pilgrimage together ... to the early Christian Catacombs of Salonika, Greece during the ChriChristian Persecutions, and the Byzantine Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece. More Pilgrimages to follow. If you like taking such Pilgrimages throughout early Christian Greece (where Saint Paul the Apostle and many other Christian Saints blessed the local polulace and brought the Church of Christ) please let me know. It is a real blessing to feel the joy and strengthening of Faith just by visiting and praying in these ancient Christian locations. God bless you all. Part 2 continues at LINK BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xJZQe4aUH8 Part 3 of 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xJZQe4aUH8
The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum (aka Korean War) in Pyongyang, North Korea
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Here is a quick video from my trip to North Korea. This was day one we went to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. Find out more about North Korea on my travel blog: http://www.tripbitten.com/destinations/asia/north-korea/
Located in Pyongyang, North Korea, this museum is dedicated to the North Korean government's rendition of Korean War.