- published: 26 May 2011
- views: 30570
The term interfaith dialogue refers to cooperative, constructive and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e., "faiths") and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels. It is distinct from syncretism or alternative religion, in that dialogue often involves promoting understanding between different religions or beliefs to increase acceptance of others, rather than to synthesize new beliefs. Some interfaith dialogues have more recently adopted the name interbelief dialogue, while other proponents have proposed the term interpath dialogue, to avoid implicitly excluding atheists, agnostics, humanists, and others with no religious faith but with ethical or philosophical beliefs, as well as to be more accurate concerning many world religions that do not place the same emphasis on "faith" as do some Western religions. Similarly, pluralistic rationalist groups have hosted public reasoning dialogues to transcend all worldviews (whether religious, cultural or political), termed transbelief dialogue.
TEDxDU The Interfaith Amigos -- Breaking the taboos of interfaith dialogue.
Interfaith Dialogue
Interfaith Dialogue Documentary
Muslims, Christians, and Interfaith Dialogue
Death/Dying: Customs, Beliefs and Rituals: An Interfaith Dialogue Panel
Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich and Shaykh Yusuf Badat on An Interfaith Dialogue of Jews and Muslims
Interfaith dialogue A conversation with Tariq Ramadan at The Rothko Chapel
Four Ways of Interfaith Dialogue "Silent Film"
1. Interfaith Dialogue Introduction
Rethinking Religion and World Affairs: Interfaith Dialogue: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward
TEDxDU's theme of "Radical Collaboration" is personified in Rabbi Ted Falcon, Pastor Don Mackenzie, and Imam Jamal Rahman - collectively known as The Interfaith Amigos. In a time when religion appears to be at the heart of fragmentation, suspicion and conflict, their friendship is a beacon to a wiser, more compassionate, and hopeful path. See complete bio and view all TEDxDU Talks at www.tedxdu.com. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organ...
Archbishop Mark Coleridge - Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane Dr Mohamad Abdalla - Imam, Associate Professor who is the Founding Director of the Griffith University Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) and Director of the Queensland node of the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies (NCEIS) Venerable Robina Courtin - Buddhist Nun Josh Thomas - Atheist, Comedian & Actor Deborah Conway - Jewish Atheist Singer-Songwriter
Documentary about Interfaith Dialogue. Content is based on thorough research, producers view on the topic and interfaith dialogue in ASHA Centre, UK. Producer: Klemen Furman (from Slovenia, produced in Lithuania) Mentor: Saulius Beržinis (Lithuania) Interviewed: Fatima Begum (UK) and Alex Stoica (Romania) Cast: Helder Senra (Portugal)
Upon her retirement, this special event was convened on April 16, 2012, to recognize Jane I. Smith, associate dean for faculty and academic affairs, for her years of service to Harvard Divinity School. Panelists included: Ingrid Mattson, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations and director of the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam Christian-Muslim Relations, Hartford Seminary; Amir Hussain, Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University, and editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion; Daniel Madigan, Jeanette W. and Otto J. Ruesch Family Associate Professor and director of Graduate Studies, Department of Theology, Georgetown University; and Miroslav Volf, Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale Divinity School, and found...
Program held on September 24th, 2015. This program features a diverse panel of religious leaders from various faiths, who discuss different religious beliefs surrounding death and dying, funeral and burial rituals, and mourning practices.
AN INTERFAITH DIALOGUE OF JEWS AND MUSLIMS The Challenges and Opportunities of Society and Assimilation March 9th, 2016 Beth Sholom Congregation Organizers: Intercultural Dialogue Institute GTA Beth Sholom Congregation Web: http://www.interculturaldialog.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/interculturaldialogueinstitute Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dialog_Institut
"Four Ways of Interfaith Dialogue" video created for DePaul University's Quarterly Inter-Religious Celebration on April 24, 2014. Created by DePaul University student Nicholas Stanley. Features Matt Charnay, Abdul-Malik Ryan, Jacqueline Posek, and others.
The upstate community of Rochester New York is considered cutting-edge in the area of interfaith and ecumenical affairs. We've been at it a long time, and we have much to celebrate, even as we realize we still have much work to do. We've been richly blessed in the Rochester community with a long history of ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, and it has borne much fruit. In fact, we've made some history, nationally and internationally. We do have much to celebrate.
For more on the 10th Anniversary Symposium, visit: http://bit.ly/1VnpUfd For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/ Issues of religion and world affairs are as salient in the media today as in 2006 when the Berkley Center was founded. And unfortunately much of the news is still negative. Still, there is every reason for hope. The religious people who comprise about four-fifths of humanity overwhelmingly reject faith-inspired violence and identify with values of justice and peace. And religious institutions—communities of worship, schools, hospitals, and aid organizations of different kinds—take roles in world affairs that affirm the essential dignity of human beings and advance the common good. How can we better tap the positive currents within and across ...
Drug Abuse Prevention for Interfaith-Based Organization Seminar
great interview where sam discusses the topics of waking up: a guide to spirituality without religion, and has a discourse with the host maureen fiedler, where in typical fashion he cleverly dissects religion. February 20, 2015.
Description: Beyond Racism, An Interfaith Perspective Quest: Dr. Hakim Rashid, Rabbi Steve Weisman, Rev. James Brassard Production: Read 1 Communications Host: Khalil Shadeed
saya sangat bersukur bisa menjadi salah satu dari bagian interfaith youth pilgrimage indonesia 2013, selama sepuluh hari perjalanan banyak sekali ilmu dan pengetahuan-pengetahuan baru berkenaan dengan toleransi, persaudaraan, perdamaian, belum lagi saya dipertemukan dengan pemuda-pemuda yang luarbiasa dari berbagai daerah diindonesia, kali pertama saya bisa live in bersama keluarga kristen di sala tiga banyak sekali pelajaran yang bisa saya petik di kegiatan tersebut semoga pemuda indonesia bisa menyadari dan mengimplementasikan tentang toleransi dan juga BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA
A Muslim/Leftist Christian led interfaith meeting nearly breaks out in a fight!
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR. Your first month free! http://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/sethandrews What happens when people with conflicting views about God, religion and spirituality fall in love and decide to share life together? This broadcast features the stories of those who are either married or life partners, and who have differing faith traditions and beliefs (or none). Their successes and failures. The challenges of being divided on a critical (or not so critical?) issue. And the meeting of two very different viewpoints within the same - and very small -space. Does love conquer all? We discuss. Plus, Dale McGowan, author of "In Faith and in Doubt," joins us to cap the show with some notes about his research on interfaith couples
Pope Francis takes part in service at 9/11 museum's Foundation Hall.
The signs of the one world, harlot religion are everywhere. Another “gathering” focused on “unity” & “putting aside one’s religious differences” will be taking place next month in Jerusalem. The infamous date of 9/23 is yet again coming up, like what was shown last year when Pope Francis came to America & delivered many speeches regarding the NWO during this same time. Other “gatherings” are also taking place in this time period, such as the “The Gathering: A Solemn Assembly 2016”. Are we seeing signs of the false bride, the harlot church, getting ready to wed her soon-coming groom, "the traveller" aka the antichrist? Time will tell but please seek Yahweh & His True Son, Yeshua, so that you can know the REAL truth for yourself. Many thanks to the "Run2Christ" YouTube channel for the use of...
Pope Francis visits Jerusalem September: Interfaith Gathering in Perparation for Third Temple?
ReasonFest is organized by The Society of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics at The University of Kansas (KUSOMA) For More information about KUSOMA or Reasonfest, please visit: http://www.kusoma.org or https://www.facebook.com/groups/kusoma/ https://www.facebook.com/reasonfest. https://www.facebook.com/groups/kusoma/ https://www.facebook.com/reasonfest. 100% of the ad revenue generated from this video is donated to charity. JT Eberhard http://www.patheos.com/blogs/wwjtd/ Please do not mirror upload this video. If you upload portions of this video, please stay within the guidelines of Fair Use. If the participants of this panel would like me to link to their websites or blog, send me a message with the information and I will add it.
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Frustration turning, turning around
Stomping the feet, moving the ground
All the barriers unbound
Unexplained, it can't be found
Motivation comes from beyond
Purity like the unborn
Riding the storms
The storms
Deeper and deeper in every way
Penetrates the wound again
Deep and deeper everyday
Penetrates the wound again
It's not what you see, it's what you feel
You can not explain, but it's so real
This is our fate, no one can kill
From birth, this has been sealed
Forever and ever without an end
Follow your heart, never pretend
The last will be first, it has been said
So I say
Deeper and deeper in every way
Penetrates the wound again
Deep and deeper everyday
Penetrates the wound again
Faith...On and on
Faith...To carry on
Faith...No transgression
Faith...Is a weapon
Faith is a weapon