London, just as you remember it, but utterly different. I'm proud to be part of An Unreliable Guide to London, a forthcoming anthology by the good people at Influx Press. The UGTL stretches the definition of "non-fiction" by presenting fantastical, warped, disguised and downright untrue versions of the capital city. Just check out this list of contributors:
M John Harrison
Yvvette Edwards
Will Wiles
Irenosen Okojie
Nikesh Shukla
Courttia Newland
Gary Budden
Koye Oyedeji
Paul Ewen
Gareth E Rees
George F
Stephanie Victoire
Chloe Aridjis
Sunny Singh
Juliet Jacques
Noo Saro Wiwa
Salena Godden
Tim Wells
Aki Schilz
Stephen Thompson
Eley Williams
Kit Caless
Tim Burrows
My own contribution is a few notes on London's housing crisis - but not the housing crisis we're all so familiar with. This is London, 2016, a city of Ringways, universal basic income, and housing megastructures, where the GPO built the internet in the 1970s ... And that's just one of 21 wildly eclectic stories.
Like the rest of the anthology, it's written and almost ready to go. However it needs a little bit of help from you. If you like the sound of all this, please consider pre-ordering via the Kickstarter, and you'll find there are all sort of additional goodies available. Pledge, pledge, pledge!