Tetrapod Zoology

Tetrapod Zoology has moved

You are currently at the old, defunct version of Tet Zoo. To see new stuff (from July 2011 to present), click here. See you there.

On January 23rd 2007, Tet Zoo ver 2 – the ScienceBlogs version of Tetrapod Zoology – graced the intertoobz for the first time. There was rapturous applause, swooning, the delight of millions. Looking back at it now, that very first ver 2 post is rather odd. It’s on the blood-feeding behaviour of oxpeckers (Buphagus) and…

So sorry for the very short notice. The following airs here in the UK tonight (Thursday 30th June 2011), Channel 4. I look forward to it.

Geckos love Tet Zoo

If you didn’t know, I’ve been away. The last four articles that have appeared here were all scheduled to publish in my absence. I’ve been in Romania and Hungary where I had a great time – saw lots of neat animals (fossil and living) and hung out with some neat people. I’ll talk about some…

Hoopoes and woodhoopoes

Yet more from that book project (see the owl article for the back-story, and the hornbill article for another of the book’s sections). Hornbills, hoopoes and woodhoopoes are all similar in appearance and have been classified together in a group termed Bucerotes. Vague similarities with other long-billed, forest-dwelling birds (like woodpeckers, long-billed cuckoos and such…

Suppose you’re interested in the anatomy and biology of ground hornbills. Now suppose that you get the chance to make physical contact with one of these awesome birds. Here, at last, is the opportunity to get bitten!! Surely you’ve always wanted to know what it feels like when a ground hornbill bites you. No? Ok,…

An introduction to hornbills

More from the bird book. For the back-story, see the previous owls article. Hornbills are among the most distinctive and spectacular of Old World tropical birds. Often flaunting bright colours and sometimes reaching huge sizes (the largest species have wingspans of 1.8 m), they’re well known for their enormous, curved bills and large bony crests.…

There’s something they don’t tell you about freelance writing. It’s about all the fails: the many, many projects that get pitched, worked on and made into proper presentations that then get sent to book fairs, interested companies and so on, but ultimately explode on the launch pad, or die a slow, lingering death. I don’t…

The bearded pigs

One of the most remarkable pigs has to be the Bornean bearded pig Sus barbatus, one of two currently recognised bearded pig species. The other is the much smaller, shorter-faced Palawan bearded pig S. ahoenobarbus of the Philippines: genetic work suggests that S. ahoenobarbus is not a close relative of S. barbatus, but actually closer…

Giant owls vs solenodons

Here’s something you don’t see very often… This illustration (by Peter Trusler) shows the large Pleistocene Cuban owl Ornimegalonyx oteroi battling with a solenodon. Ornimegalonyx has been mentioned here a few times before (use the search bar), but nothing substantive, sorry. Most sources mention O. oteroi as if it’s the only named species of Ornimegalonyx.…