IMF worries as bank values plunge $565b to GFC levels and systemic risks rise

IMF report says that the policies of European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi have side effects for European banks and ...
IMF report says that the policies of European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi have side effects for European banks and insurance companies. Jasper Juinen

The International Monetary Fund has issued its most trenchant criticism of the aggressive monetary policies of the world's major central banks, arguing that prolonged low interest rates are undermining the resilience of European and Japanese banks and insurance companies and raising the risk of global financial instability.

In its latest Global Financial Stability Report the IMF says financial markets have benefitted from central banks' unprecedented actions and monetary policy needs to remain loose to support the economic recovery. However it says  "some monetary policies, such as negative interest rates, are reaching the limits of their effectiveness, and the medium-term side effects of low rates are rising for banks and other financial institutions." 

Indeed, the report notes that bank share prices "continue to remain under pressure this year, reflecting investor concerns about their medium-term profitability in the wake of declining growth and interest rates." 

Since the beginning of the year, the market capitalisation of advanced economy banks "has fallen by almost $US430 billion ($565 billion), increasing the challenge of addressing banking system vulnerabilities, particularly for weaker European banks".

And the IMF warns that this sharp slide in bank share prices "is likely to put pressure on banks to curtail lending as investors question whether banks can deliver sustainable profitability and dividends".

Market 'not optimistic'

The IMF says banks need to be able to generate profits so they can maintain and expand their balance sheets, meet higher regulatory requirements and maintain adequate capital buffers during economic downturns, when they need to lift their provisions for their problem loans.

But, it says, "the market's current assessment of the ability of banks to meet these challenges is not optimistic, as valuations are well below the balance sheet value of banks, especially in Europe and Japan where they have dipped to levels in line with the worst points of the crisis."

According to the IMF report, the banks' ability to generate profits has been reduced as low rates and flatter yield curves have reduced their ability to earn income from borrowing short-term and lending long-term.

Stifling regulation 

Regulatory measures designed to increase safety are also limiting banks' scope to engage in risky activities, such as derivatives trading.

The IMF says regulatory measures to increase safety are limiting the scope for risky activities, such as derivatives trading.

In addition, the report notes that European banks – particularly in Italy and Portugal – face challenges in reducing their large stock of problem loans.

The IMF report warns that global financial market conditions could tighten if Japanese banks pull back from international lending markets due to rising funding costs.

Faced with weak demand for credit, and extremely low interest rates, Japanese banks have expanded their role as international lenders, helping to offset the pullback of European banks.

Japanese banks in a bind

According to the IMF report "Japanese banks have dedicated more of their balance sheets to higher-yielding overseas borrowers, increasing the foreign asset share from 12 per cent of their total assets in 2010 to 16.7 per cent in 2015."

So far, however, major Japanese banks have taken a cautious approach to the credit and foreign exchange risks associated with their offshore expansion. They've little exposure to lower-rated borrowers, and their foreign currency exposures are almost fully hedged.

But, the IMF report warns that this might be about to change because the recent rise in hedging and foreign currency funding costs means that, after taking into account hedging costs, Japanese investors can no longer generate a positive return if they buy AA- and A-rated US corporate bonds.

The problem is that if Japanese financial institutions take on additional credit or duration risk, they'll be forged to hold extra capital to cover the risk. According to the IMF report, "this may curtail the ability of Japanese financial institutions to continue expanding overseas investment."

And the effect of this is likely to reverberate through international financial markets, with the IMF report warning that any such pullback by Japanese banks "could negatively affect cross-border capital flows and global financial market conditions".