- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 2400
Liverpool (/ˈlɪvərpuːl/) is a city in Merseyside, England. A borough from 1207 and a city from 1880, in 2014 the city local government district had a population of 470,537 and the Liverpool/Birkenhead metropolitan area had a population of 2,241,000.
Liverpool is in the south west of the historic county of Lancashire in North West England, on the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. The town historically lay within the ancient Lancashire division of West Derby known as a "hundred".
The urbanisation and expansion of the city were largely brought about by its advantageous location during the industrial revolution status that led to its growth as a major port, which included its participation in the Atlantic slave trade. Liverpool was the port of registry of the ocean liner RMS Titanic, and many other Cunard and White Star ocean liners such as the RMS Lusitania, Queen Mary, and Olympic. Liverpool's status as a port city has contributed to its diverse population, which, historically, was drawn from a wide range of peoples, cultures, and religions, particularly those from Ireland. The city is also home to the oldest Black African community in the country and the oldest Chinese community in Europe.
Renata - Liverpool
Renata Zanchi - Liverpool Arsenal para ESPN Dreamjob
Welcome to Vita Student Liverpool
Campaña solidaria - "Todos por Renata"
Renata (Tema de Marcelo Zona Sul que ficou na parada de sucessos)
Video Reacción a YOUTUBERS - Pepe y Teo
Tips para entrevistas de trabajo: Lenguaje Corporal - Renata Roa
Bengal Cats Liverpool
Zumba Jammer, Renata Rado thoughts on Yolanda Febles of Syracuse, NY
"Todos por Renata" La comisión "Wanderers Social" tiene el agrado de presentarles la nueva campaña "Todos por Renata". En esta ocasión Wanderers y Liverpool se unen para ayudar a la niña Renata de 6 añitos que padece retinoblastoma en sus retinas. Su familia necesita juntar USS 50.000 para operarla en Bs As, así que esperemos que todos puedan participar! Montevideo Wanderers donará $20 por cada entrada vendida en el día del partido, y además van a haber muchas alcancías para que los hinchas puedan colaborar con lo que esté a su alcance. Entre los que colaboren se va a sortear una camiseta firmada por el plantel principal. Le queremos agradecer a Liverpool por la buena onda y disposición, demostrando que hay causas importantes que nos siguen uniendo.
A música Renata, composição de Denoy de Oliveira e Geni Marcondes, fez parte da trilha sonora do filme Marcelo Zona Sul, de Xavier de Oliveira, lançado em EP, no ano de 1970. Interpretada pela banda de Porto Alegre, Liverpool Sounds. Sucesso nos cinemas e nas rádios. Letra: Foi num dia, zona sul De muito sol e muita luz Sob as vitrines, no turbilhão de muitas cores Por entre as cores, Marcelo conheceu Renata. Renata linda menina, O amor começa a chamar, O mundo nasce em teus olhos, Sem lenda e um sol de verdades, Garota nova, dona do mundo, Renata. No vestido aponta o seio, Já consulta o calendário. Toda maquina produz pra seduzir Renata. Passas tranquila, tão leve e tão distraída, Minissaia, mini rosto, mini blusa, Mini ideia.
¡Hola bebés en esta ocasión hicimos un video reacción a youtubers! Pónganos a bajo a quién quieren que reaccionemos. ¡Recuerden hoy y siempre que les amamos! SOCIALIZA CON NOSOTROS EN REDES SOCIALES: www.younow.com/pepeyteo www.facebook.com/pepeyteo www.twitter.com/pepeyteo www.instagram.com/pepeyteo
Una entrevista de trabajo es una experiencia que genera mucho estrés. Aquí te dejo algunos tips que te pueden ayudar a vivir esta experiencia y hacer de ella una gran oportunidad. Te dejo también este video de cómo ir vestido a una entrevista: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYmb3Qils60 y cómo darle forma al fondo del CV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz5xhmEnVEg Si quieres aprender más entra a: http://www.renataroa.com http://twitter.com/renata_roa http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tips-de-Renata-Roa/124174444318252 Instagram: @Renata_Roa ¡No olvides suscribirte al canal!
http://www.zumbasyracuse.com Renata Rado is one of the best Zumba Jammers around. She's an international super star and recently Yolanda, Nathan Blake and Monica Mejia put on an awesome master class. Here's what Renata thought of Yolanda's Reggaton action If you are in the Syracuse, Liverpool, NY area you will want to join her Fit and Fab Club find out class schedule at http://www.zumbasyracuse.com
Monique Kessous nascida no Rio de Janeiro em 14 de fevereiro de 1984 é considerada uma das maiores artistas de sua geração..........Aos 9 anos, Monique fez sua primeira apresentação, quando participou de um Festival de Música representando o seu colégio, à frente de um coral de 40 crianças. Na adolescência estudou canto lírico e popular, piano, aprendeu a tocar violão, com seu irmão Denny Kessous, e começou a compor. Decidida a seguir carreira musical, fez seu primeiro show em 2001 no Teatro Ipanema onde, pela primeira vez, mostrou suas composições. Em seguida, começou a cantar em algumas bandas e formou o grupo Entretantos, com Denny no violão, o guitarrista João Arruda e a percussionista Jadna Zimmerman, passando a se apresentar em bares e casas noturnas, cantando música brasileira. ...
Get to know Liverpool, England, where the River Mersey meets the Irish Sea. This charming city is filled with maritime history, Beatlemania, and places of worship. Begin your English adventures at the Three Graces, which include the Royal Liver Building, Cunard Building, and Port of Liverpool Building. These iconic and architecturally magnificent structures sit in Pier Head, overlooking the River Mersey. View the buildings in all their glory at the nearby Museum of Liverpool. Then head to U-Boat Story to explore a previously sunken German submarine, followed by a trip to the Merseyside Maritime Museum, where you’ll learn boatloads of information about ships of the past, from the Titanic to the Lusitania. As long as you’re in Liverpool, explore the fabulous four’s old stomping grounds. T...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Liverpool (England) - Travel Guide: Albert Dock, Cathedral Church of Christ in Liverpool, Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Croxteth Hall, Merseyside Maritime Museum, Museum of Liverpool, Pier Head, St George's Hall, Tate Gallery, Walker Art Gallery, The Beatles Story
We head to Liverpool, former European Capital of Culture, to discover the city's rich cultural legacy - then get a quite a surprise! SUBSCRIBE AND JOIN THE ADVENTURE! http://bit.ly/Vagabrothers We're Alex and Marko Ayling, vagabond brothers on a mission to explore the world through the people we meet. Stay curious & keep exploring! Come Travel with us! + INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/Vagabrothers + TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vagabrothers + FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers + SNAPCHAT: @Vagabrothers + WEB: http://www.vagabrothers.com FOLLOW OUR PERSONAL INSTAGRAMS Alex: https://www.instagram.com/vagabrotheralex Marko: https://www.instagram.com/markoayling VAGABOND LIFESTYLE CLOTHING: http://store.vagabrothers.com/ Help us fund out travels If you are ...
Are you ready for the realness?! Ash and I planned to travel Europe for 1 year on a budget. We began this journey about 6 months ago. But now it's hit that crucial moment where we have to be truly cautious with our money. So, time to do some maths and figure out our budget. Song: My Future by Artificial Music My Band by jimmysquare This Is My Tape For You by jimmysquare ---------- Twitter: http://twitter.com/wayawaymag Instagram: http://instagram.com/wayawaymag Snapchat: mrsmekka (Ash) https://snapchat.com/add/mrsmekka , thEmythfasha (Josh) https://snapchat.com/add/themythfasha How To Pack 365 Days of Clothes Into 1 Carry On - http://thewayaway.com/cheat-sheet/ Patreon: http://patreon.com/thewayaway/
Here's what I got up to when I spent 24 hours in Liverpool. I can't recommend this city enough. So much culture, good food, and happy people. If you're debating whether or not to book a ticket; do it now. It will not disappoint! Comment below if you'd like to know the names of some of the places that I visited, and please subscribe if you'd like to see more of my travelling adventures!
Many people visit Liverpool just to remember to John, Paul, George and Ringo, but Liverpool is a surprisingly enjoyable city. It's an interesting stop both for Beatles fans and for those who like to look urban Britain straight in the eye. For more information on the Rick Steves' Europe TV series — including episode descriptions, scripts, participating stations, travel information on destinations and more — visit http://www.ricksteves.com.
Trilha Sonora de "Marcelo Zona Sul". Músicas do filme. Música a letra de Denoy de Oliveira interpretada pela banda Liverpool Sounds. Propriedade da Lestepe. LADO A Renata Dança da Chuva Canção da Volta LADO B Marcelo Fossa de Marcelo Exciting Posters http://www.lestepe.com.br
1 Renata 0:00 2 Canção da Volta 2:40 3 Dança da Chuva 4:51 4 Marcelo 6:28 5 Fossa De Marcelo 8:26 6 Exciting Posters 9:43 Esta trilha sonora, composta por Denoy de Oliveira e interpretada pela banda Liverpool Sounds teve duas faixas na parada de sucessos em 1970: 'Renata' e 'Marcelo'. Em 2016, o Canal Barra gentilmente remasterizou o EP original e a Lestepe fez lançamento mundial no mundo digital. Link para o filme completo: ───► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRapxxSH8dU Mais informações sobre este filme na página da Lestepe http://www.lestepe.com.br/marcelo-zona-sul Você pode comprar este álbum no Google Play! https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bsdvevxkxs7tddn7cevfnpd6jli&tid;=song-Tp5mousflnsor5gn7yrxiln3ytu O desenho da capa é do artista Ziraldo.
"Todos por Renata" La comisión "Wanderers Social" tiene el agrado de presentarles la nueva campaña "Todos por Renata". En esta ocasión Wanderers y Liverpool se unen para ayudar a la niña Renata de 6 añitos que padece retinoblastoma en sus retinas. Su familia necesita juntar USS 50.000 para operarla en Bs As, así que esperemos que todos puedan participar! Montevideo Wanderers donará $20 por cada entrada vendida en el día del partido, y además van a haber muchas alcancías para que los hinchas puedan colaborar con lo que esté a su alcance. Entre los que colaboren se va a sortear una camiseta firmada por el plantel principal. Le queremos agradecer a Liverpool por la buena onda y disposición, demostrando que hay causas importantes que nos siguen uniendo.
http://www.zumbasyracuse.com Renata Rado is one of the best Zumba Jammers around. She's an international super star and recently Yolanda, Nathan Blake and Monica Mejia put on an awesome master class. Here's what Renata thought of Yolanda's Reggaton action If you are in the Syracuse, Liverpool, NY area you will want to join her Fit and Fab Club find out class schedule at http://www.zumbasyracuse.com
Dave Grohl as a especial guest at Paul McCartney's concert at Anfield Stadium playing Band on the Run and Back in the USSR. Featuring: Edu Bisogno (in trance), Renata Crawshaw (in shock) and Eddie Hoffmann (making a big effort to be the camera man). The concert was unbelievable!!! Liverpool Sound 2008.