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  1. casts minorities to the margins as citizenship law denies legal identity

  2. Islamic State leader rallies fighters

  3. Report Details "Fantastical Allegations" In Guantanamo Bay Detainee Cases

  4. VIDEO: Jakarta Prepares For Intense Islamic Protest Over Governor

  5. Thousands caught driving distracted twice over four years

  6. Humans Settled Australia's Interior Way Earlier Than We Realised

  7. Arson and Pro-Trump Graffiti Destroys Mississippi Black Church in Potential Hate Crime

  8. Scientists Explore Pap Smears For Detection of Birth Defects

  9. U.S. Senators Seeking to Quash China Aluminum Magnate’s Purchase

  10. . invites himself into family's , then brings back all his friends

  11. . Cashes In as Cubs-Indians World Series Goes to Seventh Game

  12. Prince’s Catalog, From ‘Kiss’ to ‘Cream,’ Is Sold to Universal

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