- published: 05 Aug 2016
- views: 12758
Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev (Kazakh: Нұрсұлтан Әбішұлы Назарбаев [nʊrsʊlˈtɑn æbəʃʊˈlə nɑzɑrˈbɑ.jɪf]; Russian: Нурсултан Абишевич Назарбаев [nʊrsʊlˈtan ɐˈbʲiʂɨvʲɪtɕ nəzɐrˈbajɪf]; born 6 July 1940) is the President of Kazakhstan. He has been the country's leader since 1989, when he was named First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR, and was elected the nation's first president following its independence from the Soviet Union in December 1991. In April 2015, Nazarbayev was re-elected with almost 98% of the vote.
Nazarbayev has suppressed dissent, been accused of human rights abuses by several human rights organizations, and conducted an authoritarian regime. No election held under him in Kazakhstan since independence has met international standards. Since 2010 he announced reforms to encourage a multi-party system.
Nazarbayev was born in Chemolgan, a rural town near Almaty, when Kazakhstan was one of the republics of the Soviet Union. His father was a poor labourer who worked for a wealthy local family until Soviet rule confiscated the family's farmland in the 1930s during Joseph Stalin's collectivization policy. Following this, his father took the family to the mountains to live out a nomadic existence.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Resmi Karşılama töreni, 05.08.2016 Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Nazarbayev Türkiy'de Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Nazarbayev Ankara'da kazakistan'da fethullah gülen okulları'nın kapatılması
(Excerpt of a speech in 2001) The president of Kazakhstan explains why Kazakh women are considered one of the most beautiful women in the world and what is the position of women in Kazakhstan.
Awkwardness ensued as Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbaev toured a newly opened Carrefour supermarket in the country's biggest city, Almaty. Originally published at - http://www.rferl.org/media/video/kazakh-presidents-awkward-shopping-trip/27558202.html
After being re-elected as President of Kazakhstan on Monday, Nursultan Nazarbayev will be officially inaugurated on Wednesday, as the leader secures another five year term. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: cd@ruptly.tv ---------------------------------- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly VK: https://vk.com/ruptlytv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly Google Plus: http://google.com/+RuptlyTV YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Kazakistanımızın cumhurbaşkanı Nursultan Nazarbayev, Putin'in Kazakistan topraklarında bugüne kadar asla devlet kurulmadığı şeklindeki tarih sefili sözlerine cevap verdi. Cumhurbaşkanımız bir tarih dersi niteliğinde olan bu cevapta ; Hunların, Göktürklerin ve Altın Orda'nın devamı olduklarını hatırlattı... Eğer bağımsızlığımıza en ufak bir noksan getirecek olursa Ruslarla yapılan gümrük birliği ve diğer anlaşmaların feshedileceği sinyalini veren Nazarbayev, Ukrayna'daki gibi bir durumun yaşanma ihtimaline karşı Kazak ordumuza teyakkuzda olma talimatı verdi. Türk Turan Türkçülük Hunlar Göktürkler Altınorda Turan Kazakistan Kazak Uzbekistan Uzbek Özbek Kyrgyzstan Kırgız Türkmen Türkmenistan Azerbaycan Uygur Doğu Türkistan Tataristan Turk Turik Turuk ozbek uzbek uygur uighur turkiye turkme...
How Powerful Is Russia? http://bit.ly/1Ov9jE1 The Strength of Nations http://testu.be/1SHAZVS Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Since its days as a Soviet satellite, Kazakhstan has grown due to vast mineral resources. So how does Kazakhstan fare on the global stage? Learn More: Kazakhstan election: Snap poll called as President Nursultan Nazarbayev bids to extend his 27-year rule http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/kazakhstan-election-snap-poll-called-as-president-nursultan-nazarbayev-bids-to-extend-his-27-year-a6823971.html "In an attempt to cling on to power amid discontent at falling oil prices in the ex-Soviet state of Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has called a snap election." Kazakhstan country profile http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific...
BU ViDEOYU HERKES MUTLAKA iZLESiN LÜTFEN. . .!!! İslâm'ı resmi din olarak kabul ediyor ve bundan gurur duyuyoruz fakat müslümanlığımızı konu ederek bir yerlere gelemeyiz. Diğer müslüman devletlere ve islamı yaşama biçimlerine saygımız sonsuz fakat biz arap değiliz. Biz göçebe ve Türkî bir halkız. Araplar gibi kızlarımızı dini, kültürel veya toplumsal baskılarla kapatıp bunu müslüman devlet imajı olarak kullanamayız. Onları çarşaflara bürüyerek eve hapsetmek bizim yolumuz değil. Tekrarlıyorum! herkese saygımız sonsuz fakat giyim kuşam insanların kendi özelindedir. biz Kazak'ız, halkımız göçebe hayatı süresince at üzerinde bugünlere kadar kadın erkek ayrımı yapmadan geldi. kadınlarımız, erlerinin yanında veya ardında değil aksine önünde yürürdü. islam öncesi dönemlerde kadınlarımız nasıl i...
28th September, 2015: Full speech in English of Kazakhstan's president; Nursultan Nazarbayev, for the 2015 UN General Assembly Session.
http://budrooo.com https://www.facebook.com/budrooo Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев предложил включить в договор о присоединении Армении к Евразийскому экономическому союзу пункт о том, что страна сделает это в рамках госграниц, зафиксированных в ООН, сообщают российские СМИ. «Один вопрос, который можно было бы решить потом. Он не очень для нас приятный. Но применить то, что вы применили при вступлении в ВТО», - сказал Назарбаев, обращаясь к президенту Армении Сержу Саргсяну. По мнению президента Казахстана, это необходимо, чтобы не задеть интересы Азербайджана, и показать, что Армения вступает в объединение в рамках зафиксированных в ООН границ. Об этом Н.Назарбаев заявил в ходе заседания Высшего Евразийского экономсовета в расширенном составе с участием президентов Армении и Кир...
Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev | Нұрсұлтан Әбішұлы Назарбаев | Нурсултан Абишевич Назарбаев Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev is the President of Kazakhstan. He has been the country's leader since 1989, when he was named First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR, and was elected the nation's first president following its independence from the Soviet Union in December 1991. In April 2015, Nazarbayev was re-elected with almost 98% of the vote!!! :-). *** #recomended Web Site/Web Sites: Kazakhstan Live; International Information Center of The Republic of Kazakhstan: http://www.kazakhstanlive.com/1.aspx Information on Kazakhstan; geography, history, politics, government, culture, religion, languages, economy, population statistics, cities: http://www.kazakhstanlive.com
Nursultan Nazarbayev has ruled Kazakhstan as the oil-rich central Asian nation's president since its independence in 1991. The world's largest land-locked state is taking a heightened interest in the turbulent region's problems since it has taken up the chairmanship of the intergovernmental Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Euronews spoke to President Nazarbayev in Almaty. ... www.euronews.net/
نور سلطان نزارباييف يرأس جمهورية كازاخستان منذ استقلال البلاد عام واحد وتسعين. منذ الأول من هذا الشهر تولت بلاده كازاخستان رئاسة منظمة الأمن والتعاون في أوروبا لمدة سنة كاملة ستعالج خلالها العديد من الملفات الشائكة. يورونيوز التقت الرئيس نزار باييف في مدينة ألماتي.
A GLOBAL RENAISSANCE: RI Spring Crowdfunding Campaign: https://igg.me/at/Gp17O7r2ymo/x/11078070 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev answered a question about whether a woman can become president of Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev has three daughters – Dariga, Dinara and Aliya and no sons.
Teachanywhere recruits qualified teachers to work abroad. In this episode, we interview a teacher who has worked in Kazakhstan in a new educational project - to turn a school tri-lingual.
Türk kültüründe Kadına, çocuğa, mazluma, aman dileyene zulüm ve şiddet mertliğe, yiğitliğe aykırıdır. Gücün Kadına çocuğa mı yetiyor sözüne dikkat. Bu sözde bunu yapanları aşağılama vardır. Bu şiddet aslında edinilmiş bir alışkanlık ve Arap kültüründen geliyor. Ayrıca Türklerde kadın da yiğittir, ata biner, kılıç kullanır, ok atar. Türk tarihinde Erkekleri bu konularda geride bırakan Kadınlar vardır... Nazarbayev'in biz Türküz, biz Kadınlarımıza güveniriz, bizim Kadınlarımız Erinden bir adım önde gider sözü çok güzel anlatıyor bunu. Bizim toplumumuzda kısmen oluşan dejenerasyonun sebepleri batıdan ve Araptan geliyor. nursultan nazarbayev turan, nursultan nazarbayev türkiye, nursultan nazarbayev putin, nursultan nazarbayev kadın, nursultan nazarbayev speech, nursultan nazarbayev 2014, nu...
Teachanywhere works with Nazarbayev Intellectual schools to attract and screen teachers. Find out more about this exciting project that is working with the best and brightest students in Kazakhstan and teaches in a trilingual environment - Kazakh, Russian and English.
State television KZ 24 in Kazakhstan interview with Editor in Chief Hatef Mokhtar speaking about President Nursultan Nazarbayev's newest strategy for Kazakhstan.
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