Crackdown on violent thugs and predators

Crackdown on violent thugs and predators

EXCLUSIVE: TOUGH new laws to stop violent and dangerous offenders being released into the community will be rushed into ­parliament.

$250m claim on troubled law firm

$250m claim on troubled law firm
AGGRIEVED Slater and ­Gordon shareholders will tomorrow launch a landmark $250 million class action against the law firm.

Guards ‘smuggle ice into prison’

Guards ‘smuggle ice into prison’
PRISON guards worked with an alleged drug kingpin to smuggle ice into Victoria’s largest maximum security prison, police told a court.

Obese alcoholic’s small win after compo claim

Obese alcoholic’s small win after compo claim
A MORBIDLY obese nicotine and alcohol addict has won some relief despite losing a compo bid after claiming 18 days at a Latrobe Valley power station made him unemployable.

Bayley ranter in hot water over posts

Bayley ranter in hot water over posts
A PUBLIC servant who berated a colleague on social media following posts about killer Adrian Bayley has failed a legal bid over her employers probing her Facebook account.

Last selfies before fall to death

Last selfies before fall to death
THE last photos of Warriena Wright before she plunged to her death have been tendered to the Brisbane Supreme Court.

Man arrested over axe-wielding clown threat

Man arrested over axe-wielding clown threat
A CREEPY clown with an axe has terrorised motorists at a Gippsland takeaway restaurant, before a 23-year-old was arrested following panicked calls to police.

Clowns threaten scares across suburbs

Clowns threaten scares across suburbs
MENACES dressed as creepy clowns with fake knives and cap guns are scaring people on the streets of Melbourne amid threats the “clown purge” will spread.

Accused locked up over teen crime rampage

Accused locked up over teen crime rampage
A BOY accused of stealing $11,000 in cash and cigarettes during the armed holdup of a convenience store last night was due to be sentenced for other crimes in three days’ time.

Pyro jailed over train derailment

Pyro jailed over train derailment
A MAN who lit fires and derailed trains across Victoria has been jailed over his multi-million dollar crime spree.

Police confirm shots fired at Boutique

Police confirm shots fired at Boutique
POLICE have confirmed that shots were fired at a high-profile nightclub last week, despite the club’s owner denying a shooting took place.

Object thrown in terrifying road rage

Object thrown in terrifying road rage
A WOMAN was menaced on a major freeway by another driver before her window was smashed by the unkempt thug.

Teens charged over robbery rampage

Teens charged over robbery rampage
A BOY aged 13 is among six teens charged with aggravated burglary and armed robberies in a five-day crime rampage.

Man critical after stabbing

Man critical after stabbing
A MAN is in a critical condition after being stabbed at an industrial area in the state’s north this morning.

Man charged with procuring boy for sex

Man charged with procuring boy for sex
A MELBOURNE man has been arrested and charged in Sydney after a covert online investigation into child exploitation.

Knives, crossbows stolen in hunting store raid

Knives, crossbows stolen in hunting store raid
THIEVES have smashed their way into a Oakleigh hunting store and stolen knives and crossbows in a weekend burglary.

Killer’s visa fight costing taxpayers

Killer’s visa fight costing taxpayers
EXCLUSIVE: VICTORIAN taxpayers are funding a brutal double killer’s fight to remain in Australia after spending 15 years in jail.

Man jailed over botched crucifixion

Man jailed over botched crucifixion
AN ice affected man who attempted to crucify his housemate in their backyard, after accusing her of stealing, has been jailed.

School sends its pupils to monster

School sends its pupils to monster
UPDATE: A CONVICTED child sex offender — jailed again today — was given unsupervised one-on-one access to three ­pupils as part of a school’s work experience program.

Jail time doubled for baby shaker

Jail time doubled for baby shaker
A BRUTE who left a baby in intensive care after shaking her so violently he fractured her skull has had his jail term doubled on appeal.

Man charged over Ballarat shooting

Man charged over Ballarat shooting
UPDATE: A MAN has been charged with attempted murder after a shooting in Ballarat yesterday afternoon.

How the Hot Chocolate Rapist got away

How the Hot Chocolate Rapist got away
ON the streets of 1995 Melbourne, hot chocolate had become a frightening weapon. And a bond between two schoolmates had evolved into something sick and terrifying.

Sexting backfire for concerned dad

Sexting backfire for concerned dad
A DAD who reported his stepdaughter to police and her school for sexting has himself been convicted of child porn offences and placed on the sex offenders register.

Squatters to be kicked out of East West Link homes

Squatters to be kicked out of East West Link homes
SQUATTERS are tomorrow being ordered out of inner-city homes acquired for the dumped East West Link, amid claims of violence and drug and alcohol-fuelled “tirades”.

Gang glamour entices thugs

Gang glamour entices thugs
AMERICAN gangster fantasies are inspiring many of the young Melbourne thugs ­involved in carjackings and home invasions.

Rapist takes his secrets to the grave

Rapist takes his secrets to the grave
THE man believed to be one of Victoria’s worst rapists is dead but the full extent of his atrocities may never be known.

Woman dies in collision on freeway

Woman dies in collision on freeway
A WOMAN has died in a fatal collision on a major highway north west of Melbourne.

Man shot, dumped outside house

Man shot, dumped outside house
A MAN is in a serious condition after he was shot and then dumped outside property in Melbourne’s southeast.

Come on in, bro

Come on in, bro
NEW Zealand criminals are strolling into Australia without background checks as the number of Kiwi deportations swells.

Man seen waving gun at cars, court told

Man seen waving gun at cars, court told
A MAN was seen wielding a gun at motorists out the window of an erratically driven car with fake number plates while on a freeway in Melbourne’s west, a court has heard.