
That unmentionable uncle

The one nobody at family reunions will talk about. The one everybody pretends doesn’t exist and talks around. The one who was carted off to jail on a kiddie-porn rap just before Thanksgiving.

That is Donald Trump. Who everybody in the Republican Party is now trying to pretend doesn’t exist, talking around his existence and changing the subject if you bring it up.

Keeping up with Trump revelations is exhausting. By late October, he’ll be caught whacking it outside a nunnery. There are not many places left for this thing to go that don’t involve kids or cannibalism.

Uhm, not many places left for this thing to go that don’t involve cannibalism, anyhow. Because the kids thing? Nope. When Trump walked in on a dressing room full of 15, 16, and 17 year old girls, strike that one off the list.

Hey, good luck with your unmentionable Uncle Donnie, Republicans.


– Badtux the Head-shakin’ Penguin

deplorablesIt wasn’t rape, because she enjoyed it.

That’s the mentality of those people who are defending Donald Trump’s bragging about sexual assault. They’re pining for the good ole’ days, when a man could sexually assault or rape anybody he wished and if brought before a judge, say “it wasn’t rape, she enjoyed it, she even climaxed!”. And the good ole’ boy judge would say “Oh, Okay. Not Guilty. Next!”

Basket of deplorables, indeed.

– Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he shouldn’t be charged with contempt of court because he didn’t know he was violating a Federal court order.

So, 1) was the court order properly served on him?

Answer: Yes.

2) Did the court order prohibit the behavior he was engaged in?

Answer: Yes.

3) Did he violate the court order?

Sheriff Joe says “Yes.”

Thereby relieving the prosecution of the burden of proving that he violated the court order, regardless of the fact that Sheriff Joe immediately follows the “Yes” with “But I didn’t know I was violating it!”.

Yeah right. Try that on a traffic cop someday… “Okay, I was speeding 20mph over the speed limit, but I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know I was violating the speed limit!” On a road with a plainly marked speed limit. See how far it gets you. Probably not far🙂.

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

He ain’t no good

Margo Price, “Since You Put Me Down”, off her 2016 album Midwest Farmer’s Daughter. Old-school Nashville, y’all.

– Badtux the Music Penguin

When Donald Trump was much younger than today, he was filmed interacting with 10 year old and 15 year old girls at various events, and made comments like “Such a pretty girl, in 10 years I might be dating her!”

I watched the tapes. It was clear that this was a clumsy attempt by Trump to compliment the girls. Now, I’m sure the girls didn’t take it that way. They were, like, “who’s this creepy old man think he is, thinking he’s going to date me when I’m grown up?” But see, nobody ever told Donald Trump that not everybody wants to date him. He’s rich. He was handsome when he was younger. Rich, handsome, why wouldn’t every little girl want to grow up to date the rich handsome billionaire?

At least, that’s what the thought process was going through Trump’s feeble little mind. You can see it. He doesn’t seem to be getting off on the girls, or creeping on them, or anything. He’s making a ham-handed attempt to compliment them, based on a self-centered worldview that doesn’t admit the possibility that there could ever be a girl in the world who doesn’t want to date him. He never had to learn how to speak to children — for his own children, he had people for that — and this is the result: a pathetic man lacking the basic self-awareness and social skills to properly interact with children in a manner appropriate for children.

But being pathetic isn’t the same thing as wanting to have sex with a 10 year old. The tapes show a man lacking the fundamental self awareness and social skills to interact properly with a 10 year old girl (or 15 year old girl for the second tape), but they don’t show him hitting on her. There’s a difference, and it’s an important one, because the first just makes him pathetic. The latter would make him a pedophile monster. And thus far, we don’t have the evidence to support the latter.

– Badtux the “Pathetic ain’t the same as a pedophile” Penguin

The woman who accuses Trump of sexually assaulting her isn’t pretty, thus she lies. Because Donald Trump only sexually assaults pretty girls.

That’s it. That’s Donald Trump’s defense.

Of course, Trump has gone even further since then, claiming that the tapes of his own voice speaking his own words are part of a vast conspiracy to crush him. Dude is in serious demagogue territory now, positing giant conspiracies capable of even forging his own voice and image on screen. Will anybody buy that? Well, his basket of misogonyst racist bigoted deplorables sure seem to be lapping it up. Somehow, I doubt that this rabid conspiracy-mongering is going to appeal to the majority of Americans, though.

I hope.

– Badtux the Fingers-crossed Penguin

It isn’t. It really isn’t. It is a set of techniques for statistically measuring and evaluating the world, and comparing the results of those measurements with what theory says should be happening. If the measurements don’t match, the theory is discarded. If the measurements match, the theory is tentatively held to be true — until other data comes in that, most of the time, refines the theory rather than overthrow it entirely. For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity did not overthrew Newtonian physics. Rather, it found that Newton’s equations were a fine description of how things worked at low speeds, but did not work as you approached the speed of light. We sent Apollo to the moon using Newtonian physics, because everything was at slow enough speeds that Newtonian physics was accurate enough. This despite the fact that Einstein had proven over 50 years prior that Newtonian physics was not an accurate description for how mass, speed, force, and acceleration interacted as the speed of an object approaches the speed of light.

This tentativeness confuses people raised to believe there are truths that are handed down by God, Mommy, or Preacher Bob. They think this makes science somehow inferior to their handed-down truths, which have no such tentativeness attached to them. But this tentativeness is exactly why science has been so successful at improving our quality of life, decidedly more successful than God, Mommy, or Preacher Bob. This very computer that you’re reading this on is proof enough that science works. Yet there are people who, if they read this, will deny that fact, and claim that science — things like evolution, global warming, etc. — is a “liberal conspiracy” because of that tentativeness, that inherent lack of absolute truth that characterizes science. Science cannot provide absolute truth, because the universe is too large for human brains to comprehend, but science can provide approximations of truth — like the Newtonian equations — that are “good enough” until refined further by later scientists to create a better approximation of reality.

In short, the inherent tentativeness of science is not a reason to claim science is a liberal conspiracy. Rather, it exists because that’s how science works. Sometimes awkwardly, sometimes heading down wrong paths for decades, but there are no sacred cows in science. There are only measurements, and theories to explain the measurements. And of the two, only the measurements are held as true, and only if they can be repeated by third parties using different methods. Such as, for example, the multitude of methods that have been used to approximate global temperatures over the past 2,000,000 years, which show that the Earth is warming rapidly right now in a way that hasn’t been seen anywhere in the lifespan of humanity on this planet, and that this rise has been correlated with a steep rise in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. At that point the question becomes not, “is global warming happening”, but, rather, “how much of global warming is caused by increases in this potent greenhouse gas.” Scientists then develop models and test their models against the actual measurements. Models that match the measurement are then the models that they adopt as tentatively true, until other data arrives and refines them. And what those models show, right now, is that we’re going to bake ourselves off this planet if we keep going this way.

That is not a liberal conspiracy. That is a model that fits the data. If there are other models that fit the data that show we are *not* going to bake ourselves off this planet, those models would be welcome. Unfortunately, no such models exist — just handwaving on the part of Preacher Bob and Oilman Steve and Politician Don about how science is a liberal conspiracy. So unless Preacher Bob and Oilman Steve and Politician Don can pull out some models that explain these temperatures we’re seeing that do *not* end up with us baked off the planet, they have no cause to claim “liberal conspiracy” — the data is the data, and the model is the model, and the way to refute them is to provide more accurate data and a model that better fits the data. Ranting about liberal conspiracies doesn’t do that, it just makes the ranter look like an idiot.

– Badtux the Science Penguin