
Ex-UQ academic found guilty of fraud

A former University of Queensland researcher has been found guilty of falsifying Parkinson's disease research to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding.

A Brisbane District Court jury on Monday found Dr Caroline Barwood, 31, guilty of two charges of fraud and three charges of attempted fraud.

A former University of Queensland researcher has been found guilty of using a false research paper on Parkinson's ...
A former University of Queensland researcher has been found guilty of using a false research paper on Parkinson's disease to apply for funding. Photo: Bradley Kanaris

The jury was unable to reach a unanimous or majority verdict on two other charges.

The trial had heard Barwood obtained or tried to obtain about $700,000 from different organisations between 2011 and 2013 in relation to a Parkinson's disease study that never happened.

Barwood also copied the papers of another academic that she then passed off as her own to apply for grants, fellowship and travel funding.

The mother of one was released on bail overnight to return to court for sentencing on Tuesday.