Archive for June, 2011

Sponsor Workers Fund Iran supporters running in the Berlin Marathon!

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Supporters of Workers Fund Iran will be pounding the streets in the Berlin marathon on September 25th . They will be getting their running shoes on to raise sponsorship money for the important and unique work of this charity – can you support them?

Workers Fund Iran (WFI) was founded in December 2005 inspired by suggestions from veteran Iranian labour activist Albert Sohrabian (1927-2004). WFI aims to reduce and relieve poverty amongst Iranian workers (both employed and unemployed). This results from both the economic policies of the Iranian regime and the sanctions imposed by other countries. The charity puts at the centre of its activities the drive to rebuild international working class solidarity, directly with the workers of Iran. The charity is an independent organisation. Funds sent to Iran will be distributed amongst the most needy working class families who are facing destitution, regardless of political affiliation. We hope the funds will stop families sending their children to the streets as beggars or peddlers and selling their body parts, which is a common practice.

You can sponsor us on line using Charity Choice’s website

So far runners from England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden and USA will participate to raise funds for this cause. You can show your support by wearing Workers Fund Iran T-shirt and walking with us. If you would like to run the half marathon or the marathon with us and support our cause please send us an email

طرفداران صندوق کارگری ایران در ماراتون    =============== را به لرزه در میاورندآنها کفش های دو به پا میکنند تا برای اهداف بزرگ این موسسۀ خیریه پول جمع آوری کنند آیا شما میتوانید از آنها حمایت کنید؟
صندوق کارگری ایران، با الهام از پیشنهادات کارگرباسابقۀ ایرانی آلبرت سهرابیان (2004-1927) بنیان گذاشته شدصندوق کارگری ایران بر آنست که فقر را در میان کارگران ایران کاهش و نهایتا از بین ببرد شاغل و غیر شاغل )، فقری که نتیجۀ سیاستهای اقتصادی دولت ایران و محاصرۀ اقتصادی توسط دولتهای دیگر استاین موسسۀ خیریه، طبقۀ کارگر ایران را بمثابه مرکزفعالیت و نیروی محرکه برای بازسازی همبستگی طبقۀ کارگرجهان قرار داده استصندوق کارگری ایران موسسه ای است مستقلوجوه ارسالی به ایران بدون توجه به وابستگی سیاسی کارگران در میان خانوداه های کارگری که در معرض فقر قرار دارند توزیع میشودما امیدواریم که صندوق کارگری بتواند مانع از تکدی کودکان در خیابان ها،اعتیاد آنها به مواد مخدر و یا فروش اعضاء بدن این کودکان شود، چیزی که هم اکنون در جریان است.
شما میتوانید از طریق اینترنت و سایت زیر ما را حمایت کنید
تا بحال دوندگانی از انگلستان، آمریکا، فرانسه، آلمان، ایتالیا و سوئد برای جمع آوری پول آمادۀ همکاری شده اندشما میتوانید با پوشیدن زیرپوش صندوق کارگری و راهپیمائی با ما در هامبورگ حمایت خودتان را نشان دهیدچنانچه مایلید ماراتون یا نیمه ماراتون را با ما بدوید و حمایت خود را از اهداف صندوق کارگری نشان دهید لطفا با ایمیل زیر تماس بگیرید
همبسته باد اتحاد کارگران ایران
در ماراتون هامبورگ 22 ماه مه 2011 با ما باشید
صندوق کارگری ایران


Student Ali Ajami on hunger strike

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Ali Ajami, a 23 year old student activist has been on hunger strike for 6 days now along with 5 other political prisoners in Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj. He was arrested in February 2010 at his parents village near Sabzevar. During his arrest the regimes thugs violently attacked his family. After spending months in solitary confinement in Evin prison he was sentenced to four years in prison, later reduced to two years of prison in exile. He was moved to Raja’i Shar prison and hasn’t seen his family in 7 months.

The hunger strike started after Ali was attacked by the guards in the hospital of the prison and was very badly injured. The hunger strikes in Raja’i Shahr are also in solidarity with those on strike in Evin prison.


Eighteen political prisoners on hunger strike in Iran

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

Persian2English – June 25

18 political prisoners in Evin and Rajai Shahr prisons have raised serious concern after launching hunger strikes.

12 of the political prisoners, who are held in Evin, began an indefinite hunger strike six days ago in protest to the deaths of two activists, Haleh Sahabi and Hoda Saber. Their names are: Emad Bahavar, Ghorban Behzadian Nejad, Bahman Ahmadi Amouie, Abdollah Momeni, Hassan Asadi Zeidabadi, Amir Khosrow Dalirsani, Abolfazl Ghadyani, Feizollah Arabsorkhi, Mohammad Reza Moghiseh, Mohammad Davari, Mohsen Aminzadeh, and Mehdi Eghbal.

According to reports, Abdollah Momeni and Abolfazl Ghadyani had been transferred to the prison’s clinic.


* Haleh Sahabi was a temporarily-released political prisoner murdered on June 1st at her father’s funeral after a raid by security forces. Her body was buried beside her father at night under heavy security presence.

**Hoda Saber, another political prisoner went on hunger strike in prison to protest Sahabi’s death. On June 12th, ten days into his hunger strike, he died from an alleged massive heart attack. According to follow-up reports, prison authorities delayed his transfer to hospital. There are also reports that he was badly beaten while he was on the hunger strike.

The Iranian authorities have not named, arrested, or charged any persons responsible for the deaths of Haleh Sahabi and Hoda Saber.

Video: The Arab revolution – reasons, impact and prospects

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

The Arab Revolution: reasons, impact and prospects from Hands Off the People of Iran on Vimeo.

On May 28, Hands Off the People of Iran organised a roundtable discussion to debate the question of the uprisings in the Middle East, the connection to the capitalist crisis and the impacts on Turkey and, crucially, Iran.

– Mohamad Reza Shalgouni (Rahe Kargar)
– Mike Macnair (Communist Party of Great Britain)
– Yassamine Mather (Hands Off the People of Iran)
– Moshe Machover (Israeli socialist)

Workers Fund Iran supporters at the Hamburg Marathon

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

On May 22, ten supporters of Workers Fund Iran (nine men and one woman) took part in the Hamburg Marathon to raise money for the charity, which supports workers in Iran who are suffering from financial hardship.

The race started at nine am – and while the winner only needed two hours and nine minutes, our runners were slightly slower, finishing after between five hours and five hours 20 minutes. Not a bad result at all! All ten received a medal for participating.

The runners raised the magnificent sum of 745 Euros (653 Pounds) – and there is still time to donate by using Charity Choice’s website:

But it wasn’t all hard work: our comrades had a chance to do some sightseeing, shopping and dining together. On the last evening they organised an informal roundtable discussion to debate issues around the nature of the Persian empire, multi-nationalism in Iran and the right of self-determination, the origins of religion and the impact of Islam on Iranian culture. Underlying all the debates was of course the need to organise and mobilise the working class in Iran.

There are many lessons from the Hamburg marathon that we can take to our next WFI intervention at the Berlin Marathon on September 25 2011.

For more info, go to



Mansour Osanloo back in prison despite serious illness

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Mansour Osanloo, the imprisoned founding member of the Syndicate of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (Sherkat-e Vahed), who had been hospitalized for the past few days for his heart condition was returned to prison again on Saturday, 21 May, despite his dire condition. “Because prison conditions are dangerous for Mansour’s health, I tried very hard through the Prosecutor’s office to have him come back home from the hospital, and to remain under house arrest [instead]. I even offered to look after the forces [watching Osanloo], just so that Mansour would return home, because according to his doctors’ diagnosis, he must be on a proper diet, eat fruits and vegetables, and stay in a stress-free environment. None of these would happen in prison,” Parvaneh Osanloo, wife of the labor activist, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

“I talked a lot on the phone with the Office Manager at the Prisons Organization, but, unfortunately, I neither heard a positive nor a negative answer, and on Saturday he was returned to prison,” said Parvaneh, regarding her request on behalf of Mansour. “He was hospitalized on 1 May, but ultimately the medical team decided that he should receive heart physiotherapy and drug treatment, because open heart surgery at his age and in his condition is very dangerous and it will be a lot harder for him to be in prison post-surgery”.

“Since Saturday when, despite my efforts, Mansour was returned to prison, we have not heard any news from him because the prison phones are disconnected. I’m requesting his quick release. The doctors have determined that he needs a stress-free environment and continuous treatment. He also needs to see his physician regularly so his medications are controlled. Worst of all is that because the telephone is disconnected, the authorities should at least maintain contact with us, so that we can learn about our loved ones’ conditions,” added Parvaneh.

Mansour Osanloo was arrested by security forces near his house in March 2007. After his trial on charges of “acting against national security” and “propagating against the regime,” he was sentenced to five years in prison. He is currently in Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj. Due to clogged arteries, the Medical Examiner has voted three times for an end to Osanloo’s prison term, but the judicial authorities have not reacted to this observation. He has been hospitalized several times during his prison term, most recently at a private hospital in Tehran on 1 May, though he was returned to prison after 20 days. (International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – May 25, 2011)