Archive for December, 2007

Videos from launch conference

Saturday, December 8th, 2007

Hopi launch conference – videos

Yassamine Mather
welcomes participants
to the conference

Torab Saleth (Workers
Left Unity Iran) leads a
commemoration for the
Iranian victims of imperialism
and the theocratic regime

Mark Fischer (Communist
Party of Great Britain) explains
why democrats and socialists

must fight on two fronts

Does Iran have the right to
have nucelar weapons?
Israeli socialist Moshe Machover

David Mather (Hopi
Glasgow) talks about
‘workers’ struggles in Iran’

Mike Macnair (Communist
Party of Great Britain)
discusses imperialism’s
interest in the Middle East

Andrew Coates (TGWU/ Unite  the Union, Ipswich) speaks in  the general debate

Mike Martin (Hopi Sheffield)
speaks in the general debate

Kath McMahon (Hopi Edinburgh)
speaks in the general debate

Stuart King (Permanent
Revolution) speaks in the
general debate

Steven Monaghan (Hopi North
West) speaks in the general debate

Anne Mac Shane (Hopi Ireland)
speaks in the general debate

Tami Peterson (Labour
Representation  Committe and  Labour Briefing) speaks in the
general debate

Charlie Pottins (Jewish
Socialists  Group) speaks
in the general debate

Tony Greenstein (Brighton
Unemployed Centre) speaks
in the general debate

Stuart King argues that the
founding statement of
Hands Off the People of
Iran should not contain
opposition  to nuclear weapons. Israeli socialist Moshe
Machover disagrees.

Ben Lewis (Communist Students)
urges the founding conference of Hands Off the People of Iran to support the students’ protests in Iran.

Nick Jones (Communist Students)
moves a motion on the ban of Hands Off the People of Iran to affiliate to the Stop the War Coalition.

Mark Fischer (Communist
Party of Great Britain) defends amendment to the founding
statement of Hands Off the
People of Iran that declares
‘Imperialism is the main enemy‘.