- published: 11 Dec 2014
- views: 7553
The Shebelle River (Somali: Webi Shabeelle, Italian: Uebi Scebeli) begins in the highlands of Ethiopia, and then flows southeast into Somalia towards Mogadishu. Near Mogadishu, it turns sharply southwest, where it follows the coast. Below Mogadishu, the river becomes seasonal. During most years, the river dries up near the mouth of the Jubba River, while in seasons of heavy rainfall, the river actually reaches the Jubba and thus the Indian Ocean.
The Shebelle river's name is derived from the Somali term Wabi Shabeelle, meaning "Leopard/Tiger River". The Somali administrative regions consisting of Shabeellaha Dhexe and Shabeellaha Hoose are also named after the river.
The Shebelle has a number of tributaries, both seasonal and permanent rivers. They include:
The Fafen only reaches the Shebelle in times of heavy rainfall; its stream usually ends before reaching the main river.
The source of the Shebelle River is venerated by both the Arsi Oromo and the Sidamo people. It is surrounded by a sacred enclosure wooded with juniper trees, which as of 1951 was under the protection of a Muslim member of the Arsi.
Mohamed Abdi Nahar Radio Shabelle 25.03.2012
Barnaamij Gaar ah marxaladihii ay Soo martay idaacadda shabelle ee muqdisho by kaahiye
Radio Shabelle Vs Taageerayaasha Dahir Alasow
Liberation of Kurtunwarey in the lower shabelle region of Somalia-HD
Malez Zanawi Oo ahaa Maskaxdii ka danbeysay Qorshaha Wabiga Shabelle
Hiiraan Madaxweynaha Hir shabelle oo Beledweyne gaaray
Wareysigii loo xiray Idaacadaha Sky iyo Shabelle
Doorashada Madaxweynaha iyo Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Hir-Shabelle
Daawo Wabiga Shabeelle oo biya Keenay Jowhar Shabelle river Somalia
Dhageyso Radio Shabelle oo ceebeeyay Geesey iyo Ururkiisa Simha
Liberation of Kurtunwarey in the lower shabelle region of Somalia-HD Jowhar.com
This video is about Wareysigii loo xiray Idaacadaha Sky iyo Shabelle
Daawo Wabiga Shabelle oo biya Keenay, Wabiga Shabeelle oo hore dowla uga xirtay Soomaaliya wabiga ayaa ka xiran dhanka Magaalada Godey. Wabi Shabelle Shabelle Wabi Wabiga Shabeelle Shabeelle Shabaale Wabiga Shabeelle Shabeelle River
Dhageyso War ay baahiyay Radio Shabelle iyo ceebta ka dhalatay sheegashadii Xasan Cali Geesey sheegtay in Urur uu kaligiis sameeystay hoos tagaan Warbaahinta Somalia sida Shabelle iyo Sky Fm kkkkkkk Bal haddii qof kaa ficil tan yar tahay kaalay oo qori ku qabo dadka kkkkkkkkkkkkk Millitant Journalist can't do nothing nor
Explore Ethiopia With The Divergent Travelers Country #20 in 2015 was ETHIOPIA! What a country. There are so many wonders in Ethiopia, both natural and cultural, that it is easy to max your visa. We spent 3 weeks and it was not enough time to get it all in. We had some of our biggest highs and biggest lows of our overland trip in this country. Here is one of the highs, David sitting amongst a large group of Gelado Baboons in the Simien Mountains. Explore our Ethiopia section of our travel blog at http://www.divergenttravelers.com/destinations/ethiopia/
Outing with Savage Wilderness in November, 2015.
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Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah despeinada
Tú tienes una carita deliciosa y tienes una figura celestial
Tú tienes unos ojitos soñadores
Pero tu pelo es un desastre universal
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Se paran de puntas como un puerco espin
Parecen estatua de san peluquÃn
Ni tres peluqueros te alcanzan a ti
Con peine de acero y sierra sin fin
Tú tienes una sonrisa contagiosa
Pero tu pelo hay que cosa tan fatal
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah ah despeinada
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah despeinada
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah despeinada
Despeinada ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah