White House screens Finding Dory as thousands protest right outside. by Captain_Assler in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum [score hidden]  (0 children)

The GodEmperor is having fun while the pheasants are in uproar. Reminds me of a story.

The very short list of Republican congressmen who are publicly condemning Trump’s “Muslim ban” by wurstfinga in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum [score hidden]  (0 children)

nine Republican senators and representatives who have openly criticized President Trump’s executive order so far—just 3% of the total of 302 Republican congressmen.

That figure is exactly where the other Rs' approval rating needs to be now.

Trump banned refugees on Holocaust Remembrance Day. That says everything by articundo1 in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Don't forget who originally connected the Germans to the Nordic myths and denounced the Jews, Richard Wagner, Hitler's idol.

fun fact: Wagner added horns to Vikinghelmets

New York Taxi workers refuse to pick up customers from JFK for detaining refugees by skcmizz in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum 38 points39 points  (0 children)

His D.C. Hotel's yelp rating is already in the shitter, because of people complaining about the noise of protests.

Trump Has Suspended Due Process for Muslims in America. This Is a Constitutional Crisis. by MartialBob in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum 641 points642 points  (0 children)

Here's what I'm most afraid of what this will lead to, ISIS loves this guy.

...jihadists are rooting for a Trump presidency because they believe that he will lead the United States on a path to self-destruction.

Last week, an ISIS spokesman wrote on the ISIS-affiliated Telegram channel, Nashir, “I ask Allah to deliver America to Trump.”

Meanwhile, an ISIS supporter posted on one of the numerous jihadist “channels” hosted by the Telegram messaging application, “The ‘facilitation’ of Trump’s arrival in the White House must be a priority for jihadists at any cost!!!”

[for] several reason...

First, Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric plays into ISIS’ narrative of a bipolar world in which the West is at war with Islam.

Second, ISIS hopes that Trump will radicalize Muslims in the United States and Europe and inspire them to commit lone-wolf attacks in their home countries.

Third, ISIS supporters believe that Trump would be an unstable and irrational leader whose impulsive decision-making would weaken the United States.

https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2016-08-24/why-isis-rooting-trump-0 , August, 2016

All the times Republicans expressed moral outrage at Donald Trump’s threats to bar Muslims from the US by loremipsumchecksum in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum[S] 19 points20 points  (0 children)

"Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional."

  • Mike Pence @GovPenceIN Dec 2015

“Freedom of religion is a fundamental constitutional principle. It’s a founding principle of this country… This is not conservatism. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for.”

– Speaker of the House Paul Ryan

“[A Muslim ban is] completely and totally inconsistent with American values”

– Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

“Well, I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in. I mean, religious freedom has been a very important part of our history and where we came from.”

– Former US vice president Dick Cheney

“You do not need to be banning Muslims from the country. That’s, in my view, that’s a ridiculous position and one that won’t even be productive.”

– New Jersey governor Chris Christie

“We need to aggressively take on radical Islamic terrorism but not at the expense of our American values.”

– White House chief of staff Reince Priebus

"I disagree with Donald Trump's latest proposal. His habit of making offensive and outlandish statements will not bring Americans together."

  • Marco Rubio @marcorubio Dec 2015




Group of animals

Invertebrates are animals that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column (commonly known as a backbone or spine)


'He's doing enough damage without them': Why the Islamic State has been oddly quiet about Trump by wurstfinga in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum 11 points12 points  (0 children)

ISIS loves this guy.

...jihadists are rooting for a Trump presidency because they believe that he will lead the United States on a path to self-destruction.

Last week, an ISIS spokesman wrote on the ISIS-affiliated Telegram channel, Nashir, “I ask Allah to deliver America to Trump.”

Meanwhile, an ISIS supporter posted on one of the numerous jihadist “channels” hosted by the Telegram messaging application, “The ‘facilitation’ of Trump’s arrival in the White House must be a priority for jihadists at any cost!!!”

[for] several reason...

First, Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric plays into ISIS’ narrative of a bipolar world in which the West is at war with Islam.

Second, ISIS hopes that Trump will radicalize Muslims in the United States and Europe and inspire them to commit lone-wolf attacks in their home countries.

Third, ISIS supporters believe that Trump would be an unstable and irrational leader whose impulsive decision-making would weaken the United States.

https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2016-08-24/why-isis-rooting-trump-0 , August, 2016

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval by MrCleanDrawers in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Inauguration is usually the high water mark of potus' approval rating. Sad! from the get go.

Russians Suspected Of Aiding Foreign Investigations Into Trump And Hacking Are Being Arrested And Possibly Murdered by toekknow in politics

[–]loremipsumchecksum 100 points101 points  (0 children)

Why are so many russian intelligence officers so suicidal all of a sudden? Must be that heavy Russian literature.