DETROIT - A total of 40 people were arrested Tuesday morning as workers protested outside a McDonald’s restaurant in Detroit to demand wage increases. av go_ask_your_father i news

[–]PikachuSquarepants 126 poäng127 poäng  (0 underordnade)

I think the issue they were trying to explain was that increasing the minimum wage is going to alienate and disenfranchise the people making at or around $15 currently. There isn't going to be a law demanding those people get a pay increase as well, so all the time and effort they put into school or work to get where they are feels all for naught. That's not saying a rising tide doesn't raise all ships, but everyone is focusing on getting a raise for people making $12 an hour, and not for people making $17.

20 Million Muslims March Against ISIS and The Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It av Hypatia_Alexandria_ i worldevents

[–]PikachuSquarepants 52 poäng53 poäng  (0 underordnade)

Because it's way more nuanced than it sounds. When you tell people this headline, they imagine an American style protest march through a major city. This was a regularly scheduled pilgrimage for religious reasons. They are being brave enough to walk through ISIS territory, but that is not the motivation for the pilgrimage. Not to mention that most people couldn't tell you that ISIS is a Sunni group and this is a march by Shias who don't get along anyway. It'd way more meaningful to see a mixed group of Shia and Sunni Muslims to protest ISIS in a major city like Baghdad or Mosul.

Senator launches plan to block Donald Trump from White House until he settles assets and complies with US constitution av PikachuSquarepants i politics

[–]PikachuSquarepants[S] 2037 poäng2038 poäng  (0 underordnade)

The Democrats don't really fight for things. They never fought for gay marriage nearly as much as the GOP fought against it.

Active shooter reported at OSU campus av phazon_pronk i news

[–]PikachuSquarepants 374 poäng375 poäng  (0 underordnade)

San Bernardino was one of the few times where it actually turned out to be multiple attackers. Almost every single instance starts with reports of more than one person though before they realize it was just one.

I don't think Rap was around back then av _mlgwill i BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]PikachuSquarepants 161 poäng162 poäng  (0 underordnade)

Am I allowed to say it when I rap Gold Digger though? That shit is integral to the rhyme scheme.

November 28th, 2016 - /r/WhereIsAssange: Have you seen him? av SROTDroid i subredditoftheday

[–]PikachuSquarepants 19 poäng20 poäng  (0 underordnade)

They won't be happy with anything. Like pizzagate, most of the people in that sub are playing a game. It's like Larping on the internet. They can't solve real life mysteries so they find conspiracy theories online to follow, hype, and make memes about.

Stein defends recount push after Trump criticism av kah0922 i politics

[–]PikachuSquarepants 0 poäng1 poäng  (0 underordnade)

It's because people were told it was undemocratic for Trump to even suggest the results of the election might be prone to errors when they thought he was going to lose. Now it just comes off hypocritical. And Jill Stein is mainly using it for publicity, it's the first time I heard her on the radio since that one other time I heard an interview with her on NPR.

Of course everyone wants the vote to be %100$ accurate, but this all just feels like another game where people string it along.

Tat2deep4u av trevordunt39 i im14andthisisdeep

[–]PikachuSquarepants 43 poäng44 poäng  (0 underordnade)

You should watch Momento then.

Make that, Memento.

I voted for HRC and all my friends are liberals av delete_if_u_r_sure i AdviceAnimals

[–]PikachuSquarepants 461 poäng462 poäng  (0 underordnade)

No, that's how we end up with echo chambers. I sympathize with OP though, I also voted for Hillary but people are acting ridiculous. I even think the people who booed Pence at Hamilton are ridiculous. I'm a huge Hamilton fan, not a Pence fan. But if you want someone to be accepting of your viewpoints, how about not harassing them when they're just going to see a Musical?

Charges of racism...BTFO av nor2030 i The_Donald

[–]PikachuSquarepants 9 poäng10 poäng  (0 underordnade)

Fair enough, I was just curious as to peoples' thoughts on this around here.

Steve Bannon: 'Darkness is good' av skoalbrother i politics

[–]PikachuSquarepants 17 poäng18 poäng  (0 underordnade)

Bannon also said he wanted to scrap the establishment Republican Party and start anew with Trump's movement.

"Like (Andrew) Jackson's populism, we're going to build an entirely new political movement," he said. "It's everything related to jobs. The conservatives are going to go crazy. I'm the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan. With negative interest rates throughout the world, it's the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Shipyards, iron works, get them all jacked up. We're just going to throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks. It will be as exciting as the 1930s, greater than the Reagan revolution -- conservatives, plus populists, in an economic nationalist movement."

Remind me again what happened in the 1930's