
What's the benefit of rolling on a new realm? by samurailovin in wotlk

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I might be wrong, but aren't they opening for server transfers for the new realms like 90 days in? Won't that mean gold sellers will move their stashes to these realms as well and ultimately ruin the economy there too?

First impression of FATED raids: I hope we have these continue in the future, I really really hope. by Siggythenomad in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Am I taking wow too seriously because I dislike paying for literal duplicate content? Why even have 4 difficulties if they are all gonna be somewhat easy?

First impression of FATED raids: I hope we have these continue in the future, I really really hope. by Siggythenomad in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm dumbfounded by how many enjoy this. To me it feels like a huge insult to my intelligence to simply re-release raids 99% identical to the way they worked 2 years ago. The minor added affix of "stand in this circle or kill these mobs every 30-60 seconds" doesn't affect the fight in any major way. This also seems far too easy, considering mythic was cleared day 1. What's the point of gear upgrades, when the hardest difficulty can be cleared in previous content gear. I get the appeal for casual players, but isn't the point of varying difficulties to target ALL players; from the casual to the elitists. Why are you all okay with paying a subscription just to have them release "new" old content with barely any rework? This idea for an end of expansion season is actually pretty good, but in the future there need to go more work into altering the fights and playing with new mechanics, so there is at least a sense of something new - because as fun as it was to re-visit CN, this is gonna get old and boring real fast.

warlock macros by evgjk in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They changed felhunter dispel to only be offensive a while ago, moving defensive dispel onto Imp. I highly doubt you want to weave Fel Dom > summon imp > self dispel into your macro, and then be stuck with imp for a while. It may be handy in very few niche situations, but usually it's not worth losing your felhunter's interrupt/dispel for it.

Monetization in Warcraft Arclight Rumble: No Loot Boxes or NFTs by DerSlap in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I feel like this is a US thing. As a Danish citizen who recently visited the US, I was appaled at the amount of unnecessary signs and labels they have everywhere; stuff that to me seems like common sense, and doesn't need a warning such as "No guns inside this airport", "walk left, stand right (every 10 meter on an escalator)", "Careful when wet (at a pool area)", "sidewalk ends (litterly at the end of the sidewalk)".

So many of the most recent complaints about WoW are the result of one singular mindset and "The Copper Paradox" by Xenton in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 61 points62 points  (0 children)

It's hardly a fix to say that people need to change their mentality. It's pandoras box, once it's open you can't close it again. This mentality of rushing to endgame and minmaxing the shit out of everything is not isolated to WoW. It has happened to pretty much any game by now - it's just new gaming culture. Look at Lost Ark, a perfect example of everyone rushing to the endgame asap, just to discover there wasn't much else to do once there.

I can't help but think of us veterans as old people trying to cling to the past, constantly complaining about things changing around us; "music is getting worse", "bars are overcrowded", "young people are too loud", and now "gaming was better, the way we did it".

I completely sympathize with you wanting to return to a time where you could actually explore the game and be allowed to do stuff at your own pace, without being punished by the community. But gaming mentality won't move backwards. My concrete suggestion is to request small incremental changes to the game that somehow promote the mentality you are looking for.

Dumbest reason you've seen someone leave a key early? by Pussiliquor69 in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 77 points78 points  (0 children)

A tank didn't like my name. He waited until the key started and wrote "fuck steve aoki" and left. My boomkins name is Steveconvoki

Hello, today I get this weird lags... I can play normally for some time, but after that I got this... what should I do? (my game normaly runs around 100fps) by rbfboycze in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A while back blizzard disabled lua errors being shown by default. So just run:

/console scriptErrors 1

This will give you an indication of which addon is failing and how severely

When you've identified/fixed the culprit just run

/console scriptErrors 0

to disable it, if you don't want further LUA popups

Let me tell you just how SMART the Jailer is by ComicalyLame in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or Olaf from Frozen, similar to how he describes other disney movie plots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ4XrbmLsho

Six easy steps by reanima in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yeah, assuming they seriously limit the number of accepted applicants, and do proper screening and not just let anyone in, cause then it will essentially just be "forums 2.0". Besides, famous content creators will probably be on the private council that they mentioned.

Six easy steps by reanima in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

How is this any different from the current forums they have, apart from an application process? I mean, they already have a platform to receive feedback and engage with the community...

Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council by Plorkyeran in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Am I the only one that can't help but picture the south park episode where everyone becomes a Yelp food critic? They don't mention anything about members being qualified/limited number of people on the council. I fear that virtually anyone who applies will be accepted on the council and thus consider themselves an elitist with a valid opinion.

And when debates get hectic and people disagree? It is no longer blizzards fault, it is now the other players'.

Sidenote: how long before someone writes "World of Warcraft external consultant" on their resume?

Boomers of reddit : by Jeffthepleb666 in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

wotlk no contest. PvE wise it was great, but you'll always get tired of PvE content, so my answer is based on the PvP aspect. WOTLK had the most enjoyable pvp scene imo. Both in terms of balancing, pacing, fun-to-play for almost all classes. I thought it was just nostalgia, but during the pandemic I started on a wotlk private server with some friends, and it was the most fun I've had with wow in years. Looking forward to wotlk classic

What class has the most enjoyable burst by Klency in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

indeed it it stressful for those 12 seconds, but when you do get it right, it feels so rewarding to just sit back, take a coffee sip, and watch your tyrant dish out 25k bolts on its own

Dying in painsmith safe spots? by Rhynocerousrex in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

As ProjeCtSoLO said, it's super sensitive. I had times where I swore I was safe, and then by rewatching shadowplay, I could see that I would be slightly too much to the left/right. Even though I would categorize it as safe, knowing how sensitive it is, I could see that I simply wasn't. You really have to be dead center in the safe gaps, and never try to cut corners. Always move along the tiles (left/right/up/down) when near gaps. If you have shadowplay use it, it will ease your mind. Sometimes weird lag do happen and you'll just die, but 9/10 times it really is your positioning

So, uh…have they even started on 10.0 yet? by [deleted] in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon -1 points0 points  (0 children)

considering that their income strategy since activision took over is based on earning big on releases, it's quite possible they have a team working on 10.0 and kinda letting SL rot in its current state, hoping they can do a proper comeback in the new expansion

The time I got Ashes of Alar for my dad by Cryptix666 in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 9 points10 points  (0 children)

This is the correct usage of your children

The only way to save WoW is to stop making it a time sink by Srze in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Can't say I agree. When was wow not a time sink, even in its prime? I don't mind spending a lot of time on something as long as it feels worth doing. In other words, if I spend hours grinding for certain gear I want it to not feel temporary and be invalidated by the next storyline patch. As others mentioned, a feeling of progression is key

What is the most embarrassing thing you've done or said as a new player? by MageFood in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I leveled my first 10 levels with the camera staring 90% into the ground, I could just barely see where I was going at the top of the screen. I called my friend to ask him how he was able to see stuff, and he taught me how the camera could be moved around holding left click

An idea to fight toxcicity... A mark. by Tnecniw in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

In league they have an honor system, based on this. No rewards other than a marker that the player generally receives "honors" for being non-toxic. When I get teamed with someone who is marked as "an honerable player" I tend to get a little bit happier, as I know there's a greater chance he won't leave the game or flame people. So I also think it would be better with positive reinforcements but without it affecting actual gameplay. If I had to choose between two equally geared and equally m+ scored people but one of them had an honerable mark, then the choice is easy, and would obviously motivate myself to gain such a mark.

In other words, giving people a reason to behave better rather than to avoid a toxicity asterisk has proven a way better system for encouraging good behavior.

Blizzard needs to understand that they need to reward people for subbing and playing, not wait until people leave then fix the game. by ShadowCrimson in wow

[–]EmmaWatzon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's always been like that though, vanilla was irrelevant when TBC was out and TBC was irrelevant when wotlk, ect. My issue is with this new paradigme that all patches/raids within an expansion makes the previous one irrelevant. It makes me not give a crap about anything. I recently wondered how come I never bothered to learn the new legendary craftings in order to actually make use of my korthia crystals, whereas in tbc classic I spent loads of time farming/learning various recipes. In conclusion, I felt that the tbc recipes would stay relevant for the entirety of tbc due to new alts needing crafts and such, so everything I had accumulated felt somewhat valuable and only attributed to a feeling of being rewarded for time invested rather than just time wasted

F#$% THE META, LEAVE ROGUES ALONE! by Maihem84 in classicwowtbc

[–]EmmaWatzon 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I don't mind going imp exp, but I mind all the hunters acting like they are better players cause they picked the fotm class. I was in a Gruul pug which had 4 rogues and some hunter kept saying "just kick the rogues, they are useless".. Of course there is always an optimized comp, but we are not going for world first here. What a fun game if we all just rerolled to hunter/lock amirite?