Income inequality means choosing between heating or eating

21 Oct 2016

"It's unfortunate, now that the Liberals have their own artificial majority with only 39.5 per cent of the vote, they seem to be backtracking on their commitment to electoral reform." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

21 Oct 2016

"This isn't the first trade agreement, nor will it be the last, but we've stood fast in our opposition to a deal that would compromise our public services, workers' rights, our environment, and ultimately, our democracy." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

21 Oct 2016

The labour ministries in Ontario and Alberta have received a total of 155 complaints from workers owed money by Addiction Canada, or its predecessor company, Vita Novus. Workers in Ontario are owed $516,821, while workers in Alberta are owed $75,873.

20 Oct 2016

"This kind of wage discrimination is not an accident, it is firmly rooted in society. The only way we can stop the growing income inequality is to ensure that women's work is fairly paid, equal and valued." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

20 Oct 2016

Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE) helps family start a new life in Canada. 

20 Oct 2016

"Repealing these bills shows that this government understands that strong unions matter. It understands that giving workers the freedom to join together and speak our minds freely is vital to the health and prosperity of our communities and our country." Larry Brown, NUPGE President

19 Oct 2016

"The negotiators cannot ignore and devalue the reasonable and legitimate criticisms that have been continually raised by citizens throughout Canada and Europe.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

19 Oct 2016

“Given that the province has not agreed to cover these costs, there is only one place this money can come from: massive cuts to the front-line staff that provide hands-on patient care." — Sara Labelle, Chair of OPSEU's Hospital Professionals Division

18 Oct 2016

"Because when you improve your working conditions, you will be improving the services that you provide to children and families...and we all know that's what this rally is all about." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

18 Oct 2016

“Currently the PCH workers in Nelson House are making significantly less than PCH workers in the rest of Manitoba, including in Thompson, only 100 km away. These are dedicated workers that care for the elders in the community and deserve to be treated fairly.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

17 Oct 2016

Add your voice to ChewOnThis! and support a the creation of a federal anti-poverty plan.

17 Oct 2016

“This supper is to express our appreciation to seniors for all they have done to make our community, province, and country what they are today.” — Barry Nowoselsky, SGEU Vice-President

14 Oct 2016

"If the Liberals believe pay equity is a human right, then it needs to be addressed today not in 2 years.If they believe that it is in the best interests of Canada to have women participating fully in our economic, social and democratic life then they need to make it happen now." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

14 Oct 2016

"It’s entirely appropriate that [the workers at HopeGreyBruce Mental Health and Addictions Services] themselves be more properly appreciated for their contributions to the agency and the communities they serve." — Ed Arvelin, Chair of OPSEU's Mental Health Division

13 Oct 2016

The Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU/NUPGE) is calling on members to use this opportunity to talk about supporting public services rather than cutting them, and tovoice their opinions on what investments must be made do this.

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