Life Under Rwanda’s Terrifying Dictatorship

An interview with Anjan Sundaram, author of ‘Bad news: Last journalists in a dictatorship’ By Zahra Moloo Journalist Anjan Sundaram’s book on Rwanda exposes a terrifying dictatorship at the heart of Africa that few people get to hear about. Paul Kagame has tremendously succeeded – with the eager help of his western backers – to…

Zapatistas Demand Indigenous Unity to Defeat Capitalist Slavery

The Zapatistas argued at the 20th anniversary National Indigenous Congress that resource exploitation will ultimately destroy the people. As the iconic Subcomandante Marcos – also known as Subcomandante Galeano – made a rare appearance, the Zapatistas renewed their call Tuesday for Indigenous unity across Mexico in the face of what the movement criticizes as runaway…

Haiti: Facts About Hurricane Matthew vs Media Poetic Truth

By Dady Chery Via Tortilla Con Sal Matthew barreled through the Caribbean Sea between Haiti and Cuba and slammed into Haiti as a Category 4 Hurricane during the night of Monday to Tuesday, October 3-4, 2016. The hurricane made its first landfall on the westernmost tip of Haiti, near the town of Tiburon, in the…

Yes to Peace! Colombians Occupy Bogota for an End to War

Protesters have pledged to keep occupying the square in front of Colombia’s Congress until a political solution to the stalemate on peace is confirmed. Colombians marked one week of occupying the main square in Bogota’s historic center Tuesday, where they installed an “Encampment for Peace” in the wake of the shocking vote rejecting the landmark…

World Wide Support for Colombia’s Peace Agreement

FARC-EP It’s not just Colombia to have taken to the streets to say Yes to Peace and ask the Final Peace Agreement reached in Havana between the FARC-EP and the Colombian government being implemented. A demonstration took place in Paris a few days after the results of the plebiscite in Colombia which gave a narrow…

The Surveillance State Descends on the Dakota Access Pipeline Spirit Camp

In an effort to intimidate indigenous people protesting an oil pipeline, North Dakota has militarized its response. An MRAP and police vehicles block a road in Morton County, North Dakota. By Sabrina King and Will Munger Warrior Publications For the past six months, at the confluence of the Cannonball and Missouri Rivers, history has been…

White Power Responsible for Devastation in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

By Elikya Ngoma African People’s Socialist Party AYITI––Over 850 (and counting) Africans lost their lives to Hurricane Matthew—a category four hurricane with sustained winds of 145 mph—on Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Thousands are left homeless. The hurricane hit Southern Haiti––“Le Sud”––one of Haiti’s ten departments. Cities in the South include Leogane, Petit-Goave, Jeremie and Les…

Will US-AFRICOM Become Ethiopia’s New Army?

Ethiopia’s authoritarian regime, dominated by elites of the Tigrayan ethnic group, faces growing protest by the Oromo and Amhara people, who together make up the majority of the population. Even the U.S. admits that the regime is a serious violator of human rights, yet the U.S. is Ethiopia’s main military ally. Given the glaring contradictions,…

Hurricane Matthew Devastates Haiti’s Southern Peninsula

By Kim Ives Haiti Liberté, Vol 10 # 13 Hurricane Matthew, a Category 4 storm with sustained winds of 140 mph, slammed into Haiti’s southern peninsula in the early morning hours of Tue., Oct. 4, leaving a swath of ripped off roofs, stripped trees, raging rivers, and flooded streets. The storm dumped over two feet…