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Extreme vetting: Apply it to police

October 21, 2016

I’ve been following the U.S. presidential debates very closely. As a Black man who also happens to be a Muslim with a mother who was originally from the Middle East, I am intrigued by this term “extreme vetting,” which is frequently used by presidential candidate Donald Trump. Maybe extreme vetting needs to be applied to the internal threat posed from rogue police.

Formerly incarcerated people rally for the 1,400 county jobs promised by Alameda County last June. Over the past eight years, since the county banned the box, 751 formerly incarcerated employees have been hired. – Photo: Justice Reinvestment Coalition

Alameda County, deliver on your promise of jobs for people returning from prison!

October 20, 2016

On Oct. 11, the Justice Reinvestment Coalition of Alameda County held a march and rally calling on Alameda County to fulfill its promise to provide jobs for formerly incarcerated people. In June 2016, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors had voted unanimously (5-0) in favor of a new Re-Entry Hiring Program that aims to provide 1,400 county jobs for people impacted by the criminal justice system and youth in the school-to-prison pipeline in Alameda County.

Colin Kaepernick arrived at the Bills game in Buffalo, where he was starting quarterback for the 49ers, wearing a Muhammad Ali T-shirt.

The ‘woke tailgate’: The brave of Buffalo kneel in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick

October 20, 2016

Sunday, Oct. 16, was the 48th anniversary of that indelible moment in 1968 when John Carlos and Tommie Smith put their heads down and fists up on the Olympic medal stand as the anthem played, their friend the Australian silver-medalist Peter Norman standing in solidarity with their protest. Forty-eight years later to the day, in Buffalo, New York, Colin Kaepernick made his first start of the 2016 season as his 49ers took on the Bills.

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.

Six years since Ingabire arrest, 20 since DRC invasion

October 19, 2016

Oct. 14 marked the sixth anniversary of Rwandan political prisoner Victoire Ingabire’s arrest, and Oct. 24 will mark the 20th anniversary of Rwanda and Uganda’s invasion and occupation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. KPFA’s Ann Garrison filed this report on these intertwined anniversaries.

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Filed Under: Africa and the World
Members of the Texas youth football team, the Beaumont Bulls, take a knee to “protest violence against Black youth” during the national anthem before their Sept. 10 game. – Photo: April Parkerson

Bold, brave & bullied: Meet the Beaumont Bulls

October 19, 2016

Something amazingly powerful is happening all over the country with America’s youth. In 34 states, with at least 44 high schools, 21 colleges, and two youth sports leagues, brilliant, bold, courageous young student athletes – ranging from football players to cheerleaders to volleyball players and marching bands – have all taken a knee during the Star Spangled Banner to protest police brutality and racial injustice in America.

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.
Juvenile Justice Center Director Luis Recinos walks into the Merit Center – ready but as yet unopened – at the Juvenile Justice Center's Woodside Learning Center on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. Recinos is reportedly eager to open the center. – Photo: Lea Suzuki, SF Chronicle

Bizarre SF Juvenile Hall dog and pony show

October 17, 2016

The “Merit Center” at the San Francisco Juvenile Justice Center is a new room at the detention facility designed to reward kids for good behavior. According to staff, it was “100 percent complete” eight months ago. According to Juvenile Justice Center Chief of Probation Allen Nance, it is “95 percent complete” as of Oct. 6, 2016, and will be ready in “a few weeks.” No kid will be able to enjoy or play one game in this new room, until Allen Nance is finished playing the bizarre “Dog and Pony” game.

At a forum Sept. 24 in San Francisco’s Main Library, the scathing report on the SFPD by District Attorney George Gascón’s Blue Ribbon Panel was discussed by panel members, SFPD and other City officials, family members of police victims and activists who have fought all year for police accountability so fervently that they pushed the highest paid police chief in the nation out of office. – Photo: Adilifu Fundi

SF Blue Ribbon Panel: Brutal cop culture gives itself impunity

October 17, 2016

The news was expected to be bad. San Franciscans for Police Accountability (SFPA), a civilian watch group, held a public forum in the Koret Auditorium of San Francisco’s Public Library. It was Saturday, Sept. 24, and featured D.A. George Gascón’s specially appointed Blue Ribbon Panel – the forum appropriately titled, “Making SFPD Accountable: A Community Conversation.” And what a conversation this was – one I could not miss!

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Filed Under: SF Bay Area
Friends of a pregnant woman killed by Hurricane Matthew carry her coffin through the rubble that remains of their homes in Jeremie, Haiti, on Oct. 7. – Photo: Dieu Nalio Chery, AP

Haiti needs us now! Donating to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund (HERF) puts every dime in Haitian hands

October 15, 2016

On Oct. 4, Hurricane Matthew slammed into Haiti, killing at least 1,000 people and leaving thousands without shelter or food. The hurricane has devastated the city of Les Cayes and many villages in the Southwestern part of the country. The torrential rains and winds have also hit the capital, Port-au-Prince. With massive flooding comes the increased danger of water-borne diseases, particularly cholera, which has already reached epidemic proportions. We ask that all friends of Haiti donate as much as you can to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund.

Black Panther Party Deputy Minister of Defense Bunchy Carter

Alprentice ‘Bunchy’ Carter ‘would have rode with Nat Turner’

October 12, 2016

Oct. 12 is the birthday of one of the most talented and promising young men martyred in the massive state repression against the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Alprentice “Bunchy” Carter. Unlike Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver and George Jackson, Carter has almost been forgotten from the history of Africans in America except for diehards. Carter, then 26 (born Oct. 12, 1942), was assassinated on Jan. 17, 1969 in a Campbell Hall classroom at UCLA in Los Angeles.

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.

Bay View Voters Guide

October 10, 2016

For the Nov. 8 election, the last day to register to vote is Oct. 24, weekend voting at City Hall begins Oct. 29, and on Election Day, polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can take this guide into the voting booth. To learn more, visit or call 415- 554-4375. The Bay View welcomes your comments; email or call 415-671-0789. Any additions or alterations will appear here on and in the November Bay View paper.

Having been ejected, Ann and Jeremy had to resort to a broadcast to watch the Rwanda Day speeches. This is Rwanda President Paul Kagame.

Rwanda Day San Francisco: Bay View journalists get the boot

October 6, 2016

Rwanda Day-San Francisco was a bad day for identity politics. Rwandan President Paul Kagame stepped to the podium and said that he was happy to be in San Francisco because it’s so diverse, seeming not to understand that his guest speaker, Rev. Rick Warren, champion of the 2008 Prop 8 ballot measure banning same sex marriage, wouldn’t appeal to San Francisco’s diverse population.

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Filed Under: Africa and the World, SF Bay Area
Alfred Olango

Alfred Olango, from US-backed persecution in Uganda to police execution in US

October 2, 2016

The El Cajon police shooting of Alfred Olango is one of the most recent police shootings of an unarmed Black man to make national and international headlines and inspire Black Lives Matter protests. Olango and his family fled war and persecution by the government of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who has ruled Uganda with an iron fist since 1986. KPFA’s Ann Garrison filed this report.

Alfred Olango

Alfred Olango, killed by California cop, dreamt of opening family restaurant

October 1, 2016

He overcame a childhood of hunger in war-torn parts of Africa and came to America with the dream of opening a restaurant with his family. That dream ended with the death of Alfred Olango, 38, who was killed on Tuesday in El Cajon, California, when two officers responding to a report of a mentally ill man shot Olango after they said he pulled an unidentified object from his pants pocket and appeared to move into a “shooting stance.”

“He ain’t free cuz we ain’t free” – Art: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, 1859887, Clements Unit, 9601 Spur 591, Amarillo TX 79107

Let’s re-ignite the movement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal!

October 1, 2016

Could Mumia Abu-Jamal, one of the 20th century’s most high profile political prisoners, a powerful and renowned author and a former Black Panther, have hope of being released after 34 years in prison, 30 of those years on death row? Could Mumia, unlike the anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti or the Communists Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed by the state, finally see the light of day after decades in prison like former Black Panthers Geronimo Pratt, the Angola 3 and Eddie Conway?

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.
On Runoko Rashidi’s second visit to India, in April 1998, he was welcomed royally in Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala, India, by the Kerala Dalit Panthers, whose leader, a great man named K. Ambu Jakshan, is seated at the left. The poem is a tribute to him. Rashidi is in the center, and on the right is Raju Thomas. The Dalits are also known as the Black Untouchables of India.

A salute to the Black Panthers – at home and abroad!

September 30, 2016

As we salute and celebrate the noble legacy of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, it is worth noting the influence of the Black Panthers on Black peoples and organizations around the world in places many of us might not be aware of. For example, in my early days of research and exploration, I found out about the Dalit Panthers of India and the Aboriginal Australian Black Panther Party.


Treasure Island residents choking on toxic dust released into high winds as Navy excavations fast-track island redevelopment

September 30, 2016

The Navy is withholding from San Francisco taxpayers that, to jump-start billions for FivePoint Holdings, a branch of the Lennar corporation, it is fast-tracking Treasure Island redevelopment. San Franciscans remain uninformed that because the Navy is conducting 20 simultaneous building demolitions and site excavations, 39 chemical digs, and 820 radiation, arsenic and petroleum removal actions, islanders are currently hard-hit by wind-borne toxins.

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Filed Under: SF Bay Area
In a break with the tradition of impunity for police who commit crimes, Oakland police officer Brian Bunton stands alone outside the courtroom before his arraignment on the felony charge of obstruction of justice. – Photo: David DeBolt

First Oakland cop arraigned in underage sex scandal

September 29, 2016

On Friday, Sept. 23, 2016, the first Oakland police officer in our “crisis of corruption” went to court. Brian J. Bunton, who allegedly abused his power as an officer of the law was arraigned on several charges, including felony obstruction of justice and misdemeanor engaging in an act of prostitution. As we finally move forward in the continuing saga of abuse of power by police officials, the question looms, does obstruction of justice really matter? Is obstruction of justice a “victimless crime?”

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Filed Under: SF Bay Area

London Breed: San Francisco victorious in the fight for landmark affordable housing policies

September 28, 2016

After weeks of negotiations between the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and San Francisco officials, HUD announced Sept. 21 that it will authorize neighborhood preference policies for federally-funded affordable housing in the City – upholding landmark legislation by Board of Supervisors President London Breed. President Breed joined Supervisor Cohen and housing advocates to celebrate the monumental victory in San Francisco’s fight against neighborhood displacement.

Some of the women who will be aboard the Women’s Boat to Gaza are Ann Wright, LisaGay Hamilton, Norsham Binti Abubakra, Dr. Fauziah Hasan

Why I am on the Women’s Boat to Gaza

September 28, 2016

Sunday night, Sept. 18, 2016. As my “industry” colleagues attend Emmy parties and dress for the red carpet, I stand on the chilly docks of Ajaccio, Corsica, in the wee hours of the morning awaiting the arrival of a small sailboat called the Zaytouna-Oliva. What possessed me to travel 6,000 miles from L.A. and my family in order to brave the Mediterranean Sea in what is now beginning to look like the smallest vessel on the docks? Why join yet another effort to break the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza?

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Filed Under: Africa and the World
Shanell and a fellow supporter urge everyone to vote and to vote YES on Prop W to make City College free again.

Shanell Williams: Make City College free again! Vote YES on Prop W

September 27, 2016

City College is the heart of San Francisco. Proposition W will allow us to re-grow our school to its full capacity and empower those who are most in need. In times like these, when the cost of living continues to rise, students shouldn’t be forced to choose between textbooks and food, or between tuition and rent. Join me this Nov. 8 in voting for Proposition W. Let’s make City College free again, and empower our school, our city and our community.

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