KRip Hop

POOR's Mission

POOR Magazine is a poor people led/indigenous people led, grassroots non-profit,arts organization dedicated to providing revolutionary media access, art, education and advocacy to silenced youth, adults and elders in poverty across the globe.

All of POOR's programs are focused on providing non-colonizing, community-based and community-led media, art and education with the goals of creating access for silenced voices, preserving and degentrifying rooted communities of color and re-framing the debate on poverty, landlessness, indigenous resistance, disability and race locally and globally.

POOR Magazine

POOR Magazine Revolutionary Journalism, poetry, & prose on issues of poverty, racism, disability, in/migration, border fascism, incarceration, welfare (de)form, profiling, indigenous resistance, art, media, and more by the folks who experience these struggles first-hand.

(POOR Magazine -The print edition- Is currently out of print due to lack of funding. Some copies of Volume #4: MOTHERS still available by mail order. Contact

Blogs and Journalizm by Poverty Skolaz locally and globally linked below:


In November, for the second time in a decade, California voters will once again be presented with the opportunity to go to the ballots and vote on the legal recreational use of marijuana for adults. The first ballot initiative was only marginally defeated.The current one, proposition 64 - also known as AUMA -is all bad.It would potentially be harmful for poor youth under 21, particularly youth of color. For this demographic, being arrested with an ounce and/or not having money to pay a fine would immediately land them in jail.

The Poor Pay More (But Don't Have To)

Early last month at Foods Co., I was both happy and surprised to see that they had a variety of slightly damaged produce mixed and matched in nylon net bags for 99¢ each. Most of it was slightly bruised, some had very prominent sugar spots, but all of it was usable. The really mushy spots on the fruit went into smoothies with the rest of the fruit, except for avocados, tomatoes, and cactus pears (tuna).

Reactions From Ugandans on The Police Murder of Alfred Olango

Krip-Hop Member/Journalist,  Ronald Muwanga of Uganda shares what Ugandans feel about the police killing of Alfred Olango in El Cajon, CA. USA.


10, (11, 12 or 13) things You Can Do Instead of the Calling the Kkkops

10, (11 or 12) Things you can do to Not ever call the PoLice , CPS and APS - (the beginning of a life-long list created by POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE/Homefulness family.

Kkkapitalism Killed Everything- Even Our Courage-Lessons from the 1st how to NOT call the kkkops EVER workshop

"Due to the multitude of lies and stereotypes that permeate our capitalist society about poor people and people of color we all have collectively bought into the idea that we need to call 911 to be safe," said Jeremy Miller, organizer and revolutionary family member of POOR Magazine, and Idriss Stelley Foundation and co-organizer of the first How to Not Call the PoLice EVER workshop in September 2016.


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