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Posts Tagged with "Cynthia McKinney"

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‘A Muslim Trapped in Donald Trump’s America’: an interview with author Professor A.L.I.

April 14, 2016

Longtime MC and current author Professor A.L.I. has created a book of essays that describes the politics and feelings of a Sri Lankan Muslim convert in the U.S. who has to cope with the Islamaphobia that is created by the international corporate media and the government sponsoring Islamic extremist groups to covertly carry out foreign policy objectives worldwide. His newest album “Tamilmatic” was released today, April 14, to honor Tamil New Year.

Filed Under: Culture Stories
On Jan. 22, 2016, CBC News reported: “Scientists investigating the disease in the U.S. and Canada met in Seattle [and] agreed on the scale of the problem, said Dr. Martin Haulena, the veterinarian for the Vancouver Aquarium … ‘This is, if not the, certainly one of the biggest wildlife die-offs that have ever been recorded, and we’re not just talking marine die-offs.’ … [It] has decimated the creatures from Alaska to Mexico.” Pictured are common murres washed up on the beach of the Juneau, Alaska, boat harbor. Thousands of them cover beaches along the Alaska coast. – Photo: AP

Fukushima fallout: Throwing radioactive caution to the wind – and sea

March 12, 2016

In the aftermath of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power meltdown following the tsunami of March 11, 2011, the international community has totally failed in keeping the public properly informed and protected from the fallout. Scientists and environmental officials express concern at the unusual events and wonder about the causes. The media present the facts but fail to make any connection to the ongoing state of affairs stemming from the tragic 2011 events at Fukushima.

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Filed Under: Africa and the World
Republican presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz, left, and Sen. Marco Rubio both gesture at businessman Donald Trump during the Republican debate in Greenville, South Carolina, Feb. 13. – Photo: © Jonathan Ernst, Reuters

Scourge of US elections: Electoral College, hackable voting machines and obscure rules

February 19, 2016

The Electoral College was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution to ensure that the votes of the plebes did not supersede the interests of the landed gentry. That’s not just my opinion. For example, according to FairVote, an organization with which I worked in the 2000 presidential election, a whopping 78 percent of the votes cast were rendered unimportant due to the arcane rules of the Electoral College.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.

Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

December 21, 2015

The U.S. brought democracy to Yugoslavia, and Yugoslavia no longer exists. The U.S. has spent $5 billion bringing democracy to Ukraine, and today Ukraine is in turmoil. In the end, neither the people of Yugoslavia, nor the people of Ukraine have benefited from U.S. democracy. And so it goes with the people of Haiti. But the list of non-Haitians who benefit from U.S. “democracy” is long, indeed. And the Clinton Foundation family and donors top this list.

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Filed Under: Haiti and Latin America
Dr. Chris Zamani explores the gracefully curving stone walls of the ancient city known as Great Zimbabwe, the capital of a booming trading empire that flourished in gold-rich Southern Africa between the 11th and 15th centuries.

Bay Area Black doctor plans to repatriate to South Africa

October 19, 2015

I talked to a future repatriate, my comrade Dr. Chris Zamani, about his recent trip to South Africa in search of a homeland and a place for him to stick his flag. I talked to him about some of the factors that he has to consider in order to prepare to make that move. He has a very interesting outlook on history and life that is driving his decision to want to leave the U.S., and I wanted to share this ongoing conversation that we have been having with each other for the last few years. Check out Dr. Zamani in his own words …

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Filed Under: Africa and the World
Photo: Gary Cameron, Reuters

Don’t be fooled by ‘Inclusive Capitalism’ – it’s still a disaster!

September 26, 2015

One possible explanation that makes the notion of “Inclusive Capitalism” so au courant could be that a critical mass of people are now “on to” the robber barons and the governments purchased by them; these “democratic” governments specialize in representing the robber barons and not the people who “elect” them. Could it be that there are finally enough among the masses of people who are acutely aware and so refuse to fall for the old divide and conquer trick?

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.
As host of Freedom Now, Dedon Kamathi used the KPFK airwaves to build Pan-Africanism.

A-APRP comrade speaks on the work of the late Dedon Kamathi

September 25, 2015

When the African world revolution lost Dedon Kamathi, we lost an organizer’s organizer, a void that will definitely be very hard to fill. I talked to one of Dedon’s close comrades in the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, Munyiga Lumumba, so that he could give the people who didn’t know Dedon like we did a glimpse into the politics and the spirit that made Dedon Dedon.

Filed Under: Culture Stories
Dedon Kamathi, Cynthia McKinney and friends enjoy a day in the park.

‘My Dedon, my Dedon, my Dedon: Dedon Kamathi still ready for the revolution!’

August 26, 2015

In a time when true friendship is a lost art, I can truly say that Dedon Kamathi was my friend. How difficult it is for me to use the past tense. Dedon would say that he was my most loyal follower. But the truth of it was that he was my leader. His favorite saying was “Ready for the Revolution.” Dedon was ready for the revolution, but the community that he gave so much to continues in its state of unreadiness.

Cynthia McKinney speaks at the graduation ceremony.

Former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney completes PhD at Antioch University, despite having to scrub WikiLeaks from her dissertation

August 9, 2015

Graduating from Antioch University’s PhD program in Leadership and Change on Aug. 1, 2015, Cynthia McKinney fulfilled a lifelong dream to complete her education with a terminal degree. In keeping with her interests in U.S. policy, Dr. McKinney wrote her dissertation on the leadership challenges faced by President Hugo Chavez as he asserted the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s right to sovereignty.

Filed Under: Culture Stories
Cynthia McKinney smiles as she prepares to speak at Laney College in Oakland April 24, 2013, on a tour organized by the Bay View and the Block Report. – Photo: Darnisha Wright

Stars and Bars and Stripes: Are you ready for this conversation on race?

July 12, 2015

Are we ready, finally, to have the conversation on race that President Bill Clinton suggested the United States needed? The Saint Andrew’s Cross, which is the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, now known as the Confederate Flag, symbolizes a fact of history that most White Southerners choose to deny: enslavement of Africans forcibly trafficked to this country and their systematic dehumanization while here – sentiments and aspects of which continue to this day.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
During her Bay View-Block Report-sponsored book tour in April 2013, Cynthia McKinney spoke to a full house at Laney College. “Ain’t Nothing Like Freedom,” her second book, is an autobiography about her years as a six-term Congress member from Georgia. Cynthia, like Paul Robeson, has been largely silenced by the powers that be. Though she is invited to speak all over the world, here in the U.S., her truth telling is considered too dangerous and she is rarely quoted or heard in the mainstream media. – Photo: Darnisha Wright

Cynthia McKinney on autism and Ferguson

October 13, 2014

While people were righteously rebelling in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, against police terrorism, a Center for Disease Control whistleblower confirmed something that has been on the lips of conscious ghetto dwellers for decades. International peace activist Cynthia McKinney speaks on the U.S. government spreading autism through vaccinations in the Black community, on Ferguson and much more.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
Malcolm Shabazz 1014, web

Still no resolution: an interview wit’ Sheikh Hashim Ali Alauddeen, the Imam of Malcolm Shabazz

October 7, 2014

Oct. 8 will mark the 30th birthday of Young Malcolm Shabazz. It’s been over a year since his murder in Mexico City. As time goes by, it becomes clearer and clearer, even to the most skeptical of people, that this was a straight up assassination, like what was done to Malcolm’s grandfather and great grandfather. It is a must that we regularly commemorate the people who mean something to us, especially those who have fought for our human rights.

Block Report Radio: Revolutionary radio station empowers the people

January 4, 2014

Word reached The Liberator Magazine that revolutionary Black independent media is about to expand with the impending launch of Block Report Radio Station on the internet. So they sought out its founder, Oakland journalist JR Valrey, to ask him why he devotes his life to independent media and what we can expect from the new Block Report Radio Station.

Filed Under: Culture Stories

Cynthia McKinney: The world needs peace – but not a Pax Americana

September 25, 2013

Former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who last week completed a peace mission to Syria along with former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and others, delivered the following address to the IBON Conference on Democracy, Self-Determination and Liberation of Peoples. The conference was held Sept. 23 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.

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Filed Under: Africa and the World

Getting the ‘System Out of our System’: an interview wit’ AshEl Seasunz

August 24, 2013

Looking good, feeling good and making good decisions has a lot to do with what you put into your body. Health and green activist and musician AshEl Seasunz has been on the frontline of educating Black, Brown and low income neighborhoods in the Bay Area about the benefits of healthy eating, with SOS non-profit, which sells freshly squeezed organic juices and offers presentations from leading experts nationally.

Filed Under: Culture Stories
MalcolmGÇÖs 26th bGÇÖday at Trump Towers mother Qubilah, MalcolmGÇÖs smile 100910 by JR, web

A tribute to my brotha, Young Malcolm!

May 30, 2013

In the spirit of young freedom fighters like Lil’ Bobby Hutton, Young Malcolm will live forever in the hearts and minds of oppressed people who want to be free, especially those incarcerated in jail cells and in Amerikkkan ghettos. We love you and we will never forget you. We will make sure that the young people of today and tomorrow use your life as an example to keep up the fight that so many have given their lives for over time. Long live Hajj Malcolm Latif Shabazz! May you rest in peace with the other warriors from our movement.

Filed Under: Culture Stories
Malcolm Shabazz with Malcolm X portrait at LA Sentinel 0710 by LA Sentinel, web

Remembering young Malcolm – with love

May 11, 2013

Malcolm Shabazz, 28, died tragically in Mexico on Thursday. His funeral will be held in Oakland later this coming week. The Bay Area has much love for young Malcolm, as this is where he began to become an outstanding speaker, known as El Hajj Malcolm El Shabazz for his stirring accounts of his pilgrimage to Mecca. The Bay View was honored to sponsor him on speaking tours arranged by Bay View associate editor and the People’s Minister of Information JR, his close comrade over the past several years.

Cynthia McKinney wins hearts and minds on California tour

May 9, 2013

Cynthia McKinney’s fundraiser tour for the SF Bay View was a huge success up and down California, hitting San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland and Santa Rosa. The tour, which was titled “Latin America, Africa, and Obama,” coincided with the release of McKinney’s second book, “Ain’t Nothing Like Freedom,” an autobiography about her years as a six-term Congress member from Georgia.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.

Speaking to UN Meeting on Palestine, Cynthia McKinney calls for public debate on pro-Israel lobby

April 29, 2013

Pro-Israel forces inside the U.S. are willing to use their money to buy political influence and protection for Israel across the political spectrum. I do believe that much of the suffering could be alleviated if we would put sufficient energy and resources behind putting out in public view how the pro-Israel lobby misdirects U.S. and European policies and prevents pro-peace and justice politicians from ever having the opportunity to put those values, along with our basic human dignity, permanently on the table for public debate. – Cynthia McKinney

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.

Cynthia McKinney on Obama, Africa and fake change

April 21, 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry made headlines this week when he suggested, at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, that President Obama might soon be visiting Africa. Kerry gave no details about when or which countries. KPFA’s Ann Garrison spoke to former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney about the president’s relationship to the continent of his father’s birth.

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