This is my surprised face.
Trump’s refusal to admit the obvious about Russia and hacking is very worrying.
The US is back in Iraq, and neither Trump or Clinton knows what to say about it.
Trump supported the war before it started.
"We didn’t sneak up on Berlin in World War II, and we’re not going to do a surprise attack on Mosul either."
It’s grotesque. Period.
Mosul is ISIS’s last stronghold in Iraq. Now the Iraqi government is taking it back.
Iceland: so hot right now.
How Russia manipulates the American press to undermine US democracy — and gets away with it.
I wrote about a baby who died crossing the Mediterranean. Then I forgot all about it — until I was face to face with its grave.
How the last week of election news looks through foreign eyes.
Trump’s talk of secret cabals plotting to destroy America reeks of anti-Semitism.
A clear explanation of a deeply problematic policy.