- published: 02 Jul 2016
- views: 483
Liberal Party is the name for dozens of political parties around the world. Liberal parties can be centre-left, centrist, or centre-right depending on their location. They can further be divided based on their adherence to social liberalism or classical liberalism, although all liberal parties and individuals share basic similarities, including the support for civil rights and democratic institutions.
This is a list of currently existing and active liberal parties worldwide.
The Liberal Party of Australia (Lib, colloquially Libs or, rarely, "LPA") is a centre-right political party in Australia. Founded in 1945 to replace the United Australia Party (UAP), the Liberal Party of Australia is one of the two major parties in Australian politics, along with the centre-left Australian Labor Party (ALP).
The Liberal Party is the largest and dominant party in the Coalition with the National Party of Australia, the Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory, and the Liberal National Party of Queensland. Except for a few short periods, the Liberal Party and its predecessors have operated in similar coalitions since the 1920s. Internationally, the Liberal Party is affiliated to the International Democrat Union.
The party's leader and deputy leader are Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop, respectively. The pair were elected to their positions at a leadership spill in September 2015, Bishop as the incumbent deputy leader and Turnbull as a replacement for Tony Abbott, who he consequently succeeded as Prime Minister of Australia. The party had been elected to government in the 2013 federal election, with the Abbott Government taking office on 18 September 2013. At state and territory level, the Liberal Party is in office in three states: Colin Barnett has been Premier of Western Australia since 2008, Will Hodgman Premier of Tasmania since 2014, and Mike Baird Premier of New South Wales since 2014. Adam Giles is also the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, leading a Country Liberal minority government since 2015. The party is in opposition in Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory.
Liberal may refer to:
Labour Party or Labor Party may refer to:
A party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, recreation, or as part of a festival or other commemoration of a special occasion. A party will typically feature food and beverages, and often music and dancing or other forms of entertainment. In many Western countries, parties for teens and adults are associated with drinking alcohol such as beer, wine or distilled spirits.
Some parties are held in honor of a specific person, day, or event, such as a birthday party, a Super Bowl party, or a St. Patrick’s Day party. Parties of this kind are often called celebrations. A party is not necessarily a private occasion. Public parties are sometimes held in restaurants, pubs, beer gardens, nightclubs or bars, and people attending such parties may be charged an admission fee by the host. Large parties in public streets may celebrate events such as Mardi Gras or the signing of a peace treaty ending a long war.
Difference Between Liberal and Labor Party Policy (Quiz)
People who vote Liberal
#PartyBranding: How The Liberal Party of Australia's Brand Has Changed Since 1970
Liberal Party of Australia Advertisements for the 2016 Federal Election
The Liberals Episode 1 (1 of 3)
Difference Between Australian Labor Party and Australian Liberal Party
Stand Up Australia 2010 Liberal Party Ad
Australian TV ad - 1982 - Liberal Party
Australia - Liberal party YouTube ad 2007
Liberal Party Leadership Challenge (14-09-2015), Part 1
Do you know the different policies of the Liberal Party of Australia and the Australian Labor Party? Here's a quick quiz.
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A Short History Of Political Party Branding. Part 2: The Liberal Party of Australia. In the second of our occasional party branding series, Cannings Purple's Director of Design and Digital, Jamie Wilkinson examines how Australian political branding has changed over the last five decades, this time from the perspective of the Liberals.
A selection of advertisements produced for the Liberal Party of Australia during the 2016 federal election campaign.
1994 documentary The Liberals narrated by Pru Goward Episode 1 Bob's Your Uncle
Difference between labor and liberal party . , . . . . The labour party tend to focus on spending the money that liberal has is why it is said there is not a big difference between the parties here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this. The real difference between liberal and labor if they want money, they can come to australia and work for it actually, no they can't. To the centre (and thus the cries of there being no real differences between the parties) political australia compares the policies and positions of labor, liberal and greens. Increased student exchange between australian and asian universities the labor party formed...
(1-3/4 mins) Tony Abbott keeps saying he's doing what he said he'd do. Take a look at this gloating election ad from 2010. {Bad Skunk} has helped out with a few text supers - okay, rather a lot of supers. The history of lies and deceit is not new. This is from the 2010 election, which he didn't quite win. Compare what he said he'd do then with what he has actually inflicted on us now he's in government. Source: http://ww.facebook.com/1termtony
My parents taped Star Wars off the TV in 1982, and I recently found the tape - here's the ads from that broadcast. Either this was coming up to the 1982 State Election, or perhaps it was recorded in late 1982 for the 1983 election - an interesting piece of party advertising, and all of the imagery used seems to suggest Labor rather than Liberal... in any case, if it was for the 1983 election, the Liberals got shafted.
YouTube election campaign advertisement from the 2007 Australian Federal election campaign
A motion seeking a leadership spill of the federal parliamentary leader of the Liberal Party of Australia and Prime Minister was proposed by Malcolm Turnbull, who requested the ballot on the 14th of September 2015. The incumbent Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, announced that a meeting of Liberal members of parliament and senators would take place at 9:15 pm for the purpose of a spill motion. During the meeting a vote was held for the leadership and deputy leadership. Malcolm Turnbull defeated Tony Abbott, 54 votes to 44, becoming the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia and Prime Minister-nominee. Julie Bishop retained her position of deputy leader defeating Kevin Andrews 70 votes to 30.
Short song on the shenanigans within the Australian Liberal Party.
Tony Abbott from the Australian Liberal Party are true Champion of the Australian People.
New Leader of the Australian Liberal Party
Common man John. 12 October 1992
This is a 1991 election ad campaign for the Australian Liberal Party of NSW. There was also an ad for the Australian Labor Party, but I WILL NOT BE UPLOADING IT!
Welcome to Australians against the Liberal party TV. Please subscribe and come back soon
In response to a deal between the Australian Liberal party and the Australian green party, David Leyonhjelm says what needed to be said. why did this happen?
Malcolm Turnbull Australian Prime Minister Champion of the Australian People.
Alan Jones is a big part of the Australian Liberal Party
Jorge Tsipos and Tom Heath (Adam was too busy "visiting family" to appear this week) take another adventure into the absurd with another weekly episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast. Every seven (or so, the details are extremely sketchy) days the Unnatural Selection boys take it upon themselves to churn up a warm slew of news and current affairs goodness and they pour it into a blender for a solid forty-five minutes and then regurgitate the comedy, infotainment goodness into your warm, keen ears for your brain-joyment. On today's episode we discuss our round up for 2015 news! Most of it is all awful... -All the mass shootings -Criminals being at large -White cops being terrible -The Australian Liberal Party leadership spill -Star Wars being a thing And much more! Visit the Unnatur...
This week, we talk about Australians of the Year, and the conservative fightback in the Liberal Party.
Monday, 29 February 2016 Panellists: Bruce Billson, Liberal Party MP; Anna Burke, Former Speaker of the House; Lyle Shelton, Managing Director, Australian Christian Lobby; Michele Levine, CEO, Roy Morgan Research; and Kerryn Phelps, Former President of the Australian Medical Association. Our panel discussed the Safe Schools Program, Gender Diversity, Marriage Equality, Free Speech, The Christian Lobby, Tony Abbott & Senate Voting Reforms.
Monday, 13 July 2015 Panellists: John Hewson, Former leader of the Liberal Party; Amanda Rishworth, South Australian Labor MP; John Stackhouse, Visiting Christian Scholar; Michael Ware, War correspondent and filmmaker; and Alex Oliver, Director, Polling Program, Lowy Institute. Our panel discussed: peace & religion, the Bible, origins of ISIS, terrorism in perspective, freedom of speech, Shorten at TURC and the Pope, capitalism & communism
Just Call Me Bob in FULL. Bob and those closest to him shed new light on Bob the man and the era. Story introduced by Caroline Jones. As seen on Australian Story, ABC TV. Production credits and acknowledgements at 01:02:06. Comments by Bob Hawke the 23rd Prime Minister of Australia and the Leader of the Labor Party from 1983 to 1991. Louis Pratt, Blanche d'Alpuget, wife and biographer, Sue Pieters-Hawke, Peter Coleman former MP, Bill Kelty former ACTU Secretary, Ralph Willis, Rosslyn Dillon, Stephen Hawke, Col Cunningham, Paul Kelly Journalist, Ross Garnaut economics advisor, Gareth Evans, Craig Emerson former adviser, Kim Beazley, Geoff Walsh former press secretary, David Dillon grandson. ALP. Australian politics. Malcolm Frazer liberal party, Hazel Hawke, Paul Keating,Kevin Rudd, Julia ...
Ray Hadley speaks with former Australian PM Tony Abbott in his first interview since losing the Liberal Party Leadership to Malcolm Turnbull two weeks ago.
The play was adapted to a 1976 film by the playwright and directed by Bruce Beresford. John Hargreaves plays Don Henderson with Jeanie Drynan as Don's wife Kath. Ray Barrett plays Mal, Don's mentor, and Pat Bishop is his wife. Graham Kennedy plays Mack, Graeme Blundell is the repressed Australian Liberal Party supporter and Veronica Lang his obedient wife. Kerry (Candy Raymond) is the attractive and assertive artist and Evan (Kit Taylor) is her uptight and possessive partner. Cooley (Harold Hopkins) comes with his young girlfriend Susan (Clare Binney). In the film the setting is relocated to the suburb of Westleigh in the northern suburbs of Sydney. The film also deviates from the stage version by increasing the level of profanity and contains full frontal nudity and sex scenes. Pat Bish...
Held at the Old Mill in Hanhdorf the following candidates made themselves available to take questions from the audience. Wanda Marsh - Australian Liberty Alliance John Hahn - Shooters and Fishers and Farmers Party Nick Carter - Shooters and Fishers and Farmers Party Steven Burgess - Pauline Hanson's One Nation Judith Kuerschner - Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party Michael Noack - Liberal Democrats Lyn Grosser - Justice Party Mark Aldridge - Independent for Wakefield Alex Kozlow - Citizens Electoral Council
The Politics of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll discussed at the 2016 Australian Libertarian Society Friedman Conference with Gabe Buckley, National President, Liberal Democratic Party; Fiona Patten MP, Sex Party; Dr Will Tregoning, Unharm Australia, & Tyson Koh, Keep Sydney Open!