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October 24, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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How Power Works

Historian Heather Ann Thompson’s book on the 1971 Attica prison uprising details the government’s brutality, lies and propaganda, demonization of the poor, obstruction of justice and silencing of those who tried to tell the truth. She exposes the American blueprint for social control.


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Metropolitan Books

Robert Scheer and Thomas Frank on Democrats’ Shift Away From Addressing Inequality (Audio)

In this repost, Truthdig Editor in Chief Scheer interviews the author to discuss his new book, "Listen, Liberal," about how the Democrat Party abandoned the American working class. (Frank will join Scheer in Los Angeles on Oct. 30 for a public discussion about the upcoming presidential election and Frank’s book. See the jump for more information.)

Tom Hayden: How I Became an Activist

In a 20-minute interview, left-wing activist Tom Hayden, who died Sunday at age 76, tells of his reluctant transformation from journalist to activist following an encounter with Martin Luther King Jr.
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In this week’s episode of “Scheer Intelligence,” the Truthdig editor in chief speaks with the author of the book “Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street’s Great Foreclosure Fraud.” Transcript added.

Truthdig journalists met with Green Party vice presidential nominee Ajamu Baraka on Thursday to discuss the election and the party’s future.

Hillary Clinton Ready to Flip the Script for Women

Not enough has been made of two obvious facts: Hillary Clinton, if she wins the presidency, would be the first woman elected to the White House. And it will have been the votes of women who put her there.

Former Death Row Inmate Gary Tyler Backing California Anti-Death Penalty Measure

After serving 41 years in Louisiana State Penitentiary for a crime he didn’t commit, Tyler is supporting Proposition 62 on the November ballot.

Ajamu Baraka Discusses the Green Party’s Future

The vice presidential nominee recently met with the Truthdig team for a conversation on the current election, in which he discussed the struggles and successes of his party—as well as how it will move forward after Nov. 8.

How Did Tom Hayden Affect You?

The politician, peace activist, author and Truthdig contributor died Sunday at the age of 76. Share your thoughts on his legacy in our comments section.                             



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127 Arrested at Dakota Access Pipeline Site

Tensions continued to escalate over the weekend as police shot down a drone used by protesters to film police activity at the North Dakota site. Since demonstrations began over the summer, at least 260 people have been arrested.

Tom Hayden’s New Port Huron Statement

From the archives: The veteran social activist wrote a new preface to the manifesto that helped shape a generation’s views on racial equality, participatory democracy and the military-industrial complex.

‘On Contact’: Chris Hedges and Hamza Yusuf Explore the Islamic World

The Truthdig columnist and the Islamic scholar review how Western interests have shaped Muslim societies and how terror groups have perverted Islam.

The Worst Place on Earth: Death and Life in a Lost South Sudanese Town

This is no longer a town, but a killing field—a place where human remains lie unburied, whose residents have long since fled. Its few remaining inhabitants mostly are refugees from similarly ravaged villages.

Three Massive Mergers—Millions for One Bank and a Disaster for Food, Water and Climate

In addition to advising on all three mega-mergers, Credit Suisse is playing a big role behind the scenes of the Dakota Access pipeline.



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Rising Carbon Emissions Usher in New Era of Temperature Increases

Global CO2 concentrations have produced a new climate reality, with emissions levels unlikely to fall for centuries ahead.

John Oliver on How Opioid Addiction Is Creating a Massive Public Health Crisis (Video)

The “Last Week Tonight” host delves into the painful truths behind the painkiller dependence that is ruining—and taking—many American lives.

Islamic State Diversionary Attack Fails in Kirkuk, but Hundreds of Civilians Die in Mosul Battle

The fundamentalist group launches fighting in two cities, amid the slow, steady advances being made by the Iraqi army and its allies.

The Incalculable Damage of Doing Whatever It Takes to Win

By stretching the boundaries of what’s acceptable, Donald Trump, John McCain and others like them have undermined prevailing norms and weakened the tacit rules of the game—trapping us in a vicious cycle of public distrust.

As Stakes Rise, 83 Dakota Pipeline Protesters Are Maced and Arrested

Saturday’s events follow reports of escalating police abuse at protest sites, including beatings and unnecessary strip searches of those detained.

As Election Day Nears, Military Hawks Circle to Promote New Wave of War

A slew of bipartisan reports are hoping to push the former secretary of state to increased military action in the Middle East, particularly Syria.

Chris Hedges, Eddie Glaude’s Democracy Now! Debate: Which Candidate Should Win Progressives’ Votes?

Should progressive voters adopt different strategies in swing states versus, say, blue states? Princeton University’s Eddie Glaude makes room for that possibility in this Democracy Now! debate with Chris Hedges, while Hedges decisively does not.

Photo of the Week: Will Islamic State Pour Into Syria After Suffering Defeat in Iraq?

Iraqi and Kurdish soldiers celebrated in the town of Bartella, which Iraqi forces recently retook. Not pictured are U.S. officials, who may be cheering the prospect of Islamic State fighters, driven from Iraq, causing problems for Syrian President Bashar Assad and Iran.

Truthdigger of the Week: Julian Assange, Publisher of the Clinton Campaign Emails

For illuminating what the Democratic presidential nominee’s camp does in the dark, the long-confined hacker-turned-journalist is under fresh attack from familiar adversaries and taking hard, if necessary, criticism from erstwhile allies.

Cast Your Vote: Did the Presidential Debates Make an Impact?

This week marked the third—and final—bout between the nominees before Americans head to the polls. We want to hear from you: Did these faceoffs influence how citizens will mark their ballots?

Why Overturning Citizens United Isn’t Enough

If Hillary Clinton is serious about reducing the role of money in politics, she should appoint Supreme Court justices willing to revisit two cases from the 1970s that formed the basis of our inability to regulate money in politics.