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Police say they will be out in force at an anti-refugee rally in Eltham on November 5. Picture: Alex Coppel.
media_cameraPolice say they will be out in force at an anti-refugee rally in Eltham on November 5. Picture: Alex Coppel.

Police pledge zero tolerance of violence ahead of anti-refugee rally at Eltham aged-care home

POLICE have promised a strong presence at Eltham’s Andrew Park next month as protesters rally against the placement of Syrian refugees in an aged-care facility.

Victoria Police spokeswoman Sophie Jennings said officers were aware of a planned rally on November 5 and community safety would be paramount.

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“Victoria Police respects people’s right to protest peacefully, but will not tolerate those who break the law,” Ms Jennings said.

“Any attempt to intimidate or harass, or in the case of any form of violence occurring, police will intervene immediately.”

The police warning follows the creation of a Facebook event called “Battle for Eltham” by the Party for Freedom.

media_cameraNick Folkes of the Party for Freedom predicts the Eltham rally will “get out of hand”.

Party for Freedom chairman Nick Folkes, who lives in Sydney, said he would travel to Melbourne for the event, which he said he believed would “get out of hand”.

“Unfortunately I think it will get violent but we don’t go there causing disruptions or promoting violence,” Mr Folkes said.

“For us it’s about the message — opposing this government’s plan to resettle asylum seekers in Eltham.”

Mr Folkes said about eight speakers were expected on the day and the group planned to be equipped with signs saying “No refugees in aged care” and “No ISIS refugees in aged care in Eltham”.

Other posters Mr Folkes said will be on display say: “The Battle of Eltham: guardians of the aged vs. the refo invaders” on them.

St Vincent’s Health Australia spokesman Paul Andrews said no one from SVHA would participate or attend the rally and he had “full confidence” in Victoria Police monitoring the event.