
Roy collaborates with Rwandan refugee to write award-winning book

It was at an Australia Day barbecue in Hazelbrook almost four years ago that writer James Roy came across one man's extraordinary story of violence, displacement, rescue and resettlement.

"I'm a sticky beak," Roy says. "I'll ask anyone about anything. I've learnt over the years not to say, 'Where are you from', because that's just, you know ... I always word it slightly differently and ask 'Where's your family from?' Just a little distinction I try and make, and Noel said, 'Rwanda', and I guess I made the Rwanda face. 'Oh'.''

Noel Zihabamwe was a survivor of one of the most brutal and bloodiest episodes of history in recent memory.

Roy was not long in his company when he began wondering if this very charming and decent man's life story might one day make a book but it was not until publisher Dyan Blacklock came looking for refugee stories for a children's book series that he raised the idea with Zihabamwe. In the intervening year Roy had watched this busy refugee advocate and chairman of the Rwandan Community of NSW present at schools. Kids had hung off his every word.

"He had a resilience and dignity about this stuff," Roy said. "I know it's been difficult for him having to dig back and even though the story of Pascal is not precisely Noel's – it's a kid of the same age, pretty much going through the same experiences with family like his own – the ability to put that aside and take on the bigger picture, I'm not sure I could."

One Thousand Hills, their collaboration, won the Young People's History Prize at the NSW Premier's History Awards in September.


Dedicated by Roy to "every child hiding or running in fear because of conflicts that have nothing to do with them", the book is set in Rwanda in April 1994 and follows a ten-year-old boy in the days leading up to the downing of the plane carrying the Rwandan president, an ethnic Hutu.

One hundred days later 800,000 Rwandans were dead, mainly Tutsis but also Hutu moderates. That's almost the size of a Sydney New Year's Eve fireworks crowd, Roy points out.

Across several winding conversations Zihabamwe fed Roy his childhood experiences growing up in Rwanda's picturesque southern province at a time when his country was known internationally only for Dian Fossey and the mountain gorillas.

His parents were Catholics who preached love and tolerance. His father used to tell his son: "Love one another as God loves everyone without distinction."

Emmanuel and Judith Zihabamwe were murdered along with Noel's older brother. With two sisters, Zihabamwe spent three years in a refugee camp and another nine years in a Kigali orphanage before coming to Australia aged 22 where he went on to gain university degrees in social welfare and policy and development and became a classic Australian refugee success story.

"Once you start talking about this tragedy it brings many memories ... I did not want to revisit it. [But] I had my deep reflection and [thought] by telling those stories that somehow we may be working for a better future. Talking is not enough. If something is written it's going to stay there, teaching our children and future generations. To forgive is not to forget."

One Thousand Hills follows on from the best-selling Holocaust novels for children, Morris Gleitzman's award-winning Felix series and John Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, realistic and compelling fables on schools' reading lists everywhere.

Writing for young adults, Roy strove to make the character of Pascal relatable and painstakingly builds tensions to show the extent to which ethnic resentments grew. It's not such a huge step away from the rhetoric of politicians in Australia and the US who accuse migrants of taking jobs and inflating property prices.

"What's to be achieved by jumping straight into machetes and bloodshed?" Roy asks. "That achieves nothing, that's just genocide porn and that's what we were not trying to achieve.

"The Holocaust occurred 70 years ago and that whole generation involved is now dying out, if not gone. Kids study so much of it but it was in black and white and it's so easy to believe that couldn't happen again. More recent events such as Rwanda should serve to remind us to remain vigilant against the insidious nature of intolerance and hatred."

Roy and Zihabamwe are now good friends and were it not for his grandson's birthday Roy would be attending the upcoming Rwandan cultural day celebrations in Granville which Zihabamwe enthusiastically organises. They are now talking of writing not one sequel but two.