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Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele

Queer: A Graphic History
Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele
Icon, $23.95

As our marriage equality debate treads a worn path down to grisly attack ads and circular episodes of Q&A;, it can often seem as though engaging nuanced conversations around fraught questions of gender and sexuality is an impossible dream.

But Queer: A Graphic History holds out a bit more hope. An earnest and accessible graphic primer on the history of queer thought, it aims to bring readers back to a humbler question underneath all the political froth and bubble: to deeply consider how we can think beyond old persistent – and punishing – sexual binaries in order to accept others and ourselves for who we are.

Once a dab term for anything off-kilter, the word queer became a hateful slur via the pen of the Marquess of Queensberry as he began the campaign that saw his son's lover, the playwright Oscar Wilde, sent to prison for the love that could not (yet) speak its name.

In the decades since, the word has been reclaimed by those minds who have grappled with the complexities of sexuality and prejudice across and within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum to describe a way of seeing the world that seeks to understand difference, not classify it, and Queer documents these contributions.

On the face of it, it's a hard ask to draw on theory when those who would maintain the status quo merrily demonise the ivory tower of academia. But Barker, aided by Julia Scheele's delightful comic art, yanks the jargon of Foucault, Butler and a who's who of philosophers down from the clouds and into simple, clear messages: that sexuality is fluid, it's not found in a gene or a haircut, and that overcoming all forms of prejudice is a life's work.


The way queer theory has also fought for equality between the sexes, races and classes is well-covered, as are the rights of trans and bisexual people.

The answers here aren't easy, but reading Queer is. Scheele's art – part Marvel, part Mazzuchelli – hits just the right note in making these big topics talk. Wherever Barker's text veers towards the humourless, she furnishes a visual gag (look out for the gender-questioning fish). She also deftly humanises those distant academic figures: Foucault, for one, gets a dashing leather jacket.

As neither book nor comic but in between, graphic art is perhaps a form uniquely suited to addressing queer theory. Works by Neil Gaiman (The Sandman) and Alan Moore (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) have explored the nuances of queer existence in more fantastic realms, while Alison Bechdel's Fun House (she of the famous Bechdel test) traced the suicide of her closeted father through her own struggles with identity.

Queer also zings with accessible references to pop culture, from Daniel Craig emerging from the shore in Casino Royale, the bisexuality of Ruby Rose and Miley Cyrus, and even Dude Where's My Car?, showing us how we live in a world of endless readings and desires every time we visit the cinema.

As suitable for older generations who are lost among newfangled languages of equality, well-meaning parents grappling with a child they don't understand, or high schoolers beginning to find themselves, Queer: A Graphic History is a handbook to seeing the world from someone else's point of view. Send it to your MP.