Extiende Tu Mano - Juan Luis Guerra 4 40
English Translation: Extend your hand, Lord Anything is possible with your love Today I confess to you, my Lord, my God, my Saviour No longer is there darkness in me, only light Now extend your hand Jesus Extend your hand Lord Anything is possible with your love Today I confess to you, my Lord, my God, my Saviour No longer is there darkness in me, only light Now extend your hand Jesus Lord listen to my prayer! Today I give you my heart Erase my faults, God my Saviour Today I confess to you, my Lord Lord listen to my prayer Today I give you my heart Erase my faults, God my Saviour Today I confess to your my Lord Lord Listen to my prayer! Today I give you my heart Erase my faults, God my Saviour Today I confess to you my Lord Erase my faults, God my Saviour Today I confess to you my Lord. Father, give grace to repent and believe; for men and even Your own redeemed people have no real perception of what the lawbreaker deserves, and what the lawbreaker will inherit. Lord, may people in this gathering tonight flee from the wrath to come. Search hearts, even those who think they are saved, some of these young people - may they make their calling and election sure - some of the older folk ready to pass into eternity, Lord, grant that they are not resting on a life of morality and religiosity, but life that is resting on Christ alone and manifesting the fruit of the Spirit. Oh, hear our prayer, and may none be standing on any other ground than the solid ground of Christ. Amen.