Excellence in research


European Union flag

Following the EU Referendum, Essex academics are available to give expert comment and analysis on the result.

We're one of the leading research-intensive universities in the UK. Our researchers are daring, visionary thinkers; people who are constantly asking difficult questions. Our research is shaping thinking, and influencing policy.

Our research success in 2014-15

First-class facilities

Image of lights at night

The Essex Research Facilities website is a useful guide to all our excellent research facilities and the many other services and support that external organisations may want to use or hire.

Funding and training


Our Doctoral Training Centres offer PhD funding and skills training in a wide range of subject areas. You'll gain the skills and knowledge to tackle important issues facing the world today.

US Election 2016

USA flag

The race to the White House in the 58th US Presidential Election has begun. Essex academics will be on-hand to provide stellar comment and analysis on subjects ranging from politics to economics and linguistics.