• Campaigns

18 months on: Where is Itai Dzamara?

Itai Dzamara, Zimbabwean journalist, peaceful pro-democracy activist and leader of the protest group Occupy Africa Unity Square, disappeared on 9 March 2015 in Harare.

Itai Dzamara had previously been targeted by state security agents, beaten, abducted and unlawfully detained. Following his disappearance, Itai Dzamara’s family made a report to the Glen Norah Police Station. Since then no meaningful investigation has taken place, as evidenced by the absence of any comprehensive reports submitted by the authorities to the courts. His whereabouts remain unknown.

His family deserves answers. Sign the petition calling on the Zimbabwean government to launch an investigation into Itai Dzamara’s disappearance.

His Excellency, President Robert Gabriel Mugabe
President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

We join Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch in calling on you as the Head of State and Government of Zimbabwe to direct the government to take all measures necessary to establish the fate and whereabouts of Itai Dzamara. We call on you to promptly establish a commission of inquiry into the enforced disappearance of Itai Dzamara and ensure that those suspected of criminal responsibility are brought to justice in fair trials. The pro-democracy activist has not been accounted for since his disappearance on 9 March 2015.

  • We urge you to take all measures necessary to establish the fate and whereabouts of Itai Dzamara
  • We urge your High Office to intervene and set up an independent judge led Commission of Inquiry into the disappearance of Itai Dzamara with powers to subpoena witnesses. The findings of the Commission of Inquiry must be made public and those suspected of being implicated brought to justice in fair trials.