
7,363 results

  • Press Release
  • United States of America
  • Justice Systems

Pompeo announcement on Israeli Settlements Places Occupied Palestinians At Increased Risk

Responding to an announcement by the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, that the U. S. will not consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank as illegal under international law, Amnesty International USA’s advocacy director for the Middle East and North Africa, Philippe Nassif, said: “Today, the United States government announced to the rest of the world that it believes the U. S. and Israel are above the law: that Israel can continue to violate international law and Palestinians’ human rights and the U.

  • Press Release
  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Spain's conviction for sedition of Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart threatens rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly

The conviction of Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart for sedition violates their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and they must be immediately released, said Amnesty International today, following the publication of its analysis of the judgement handed down by Spain’s Supreme Court last month. The jail terms handed down to the two civil society leaders and to seven other senior Catalan officials resulted from the vague definition of the crime of sedition in the Spain’s Criminal Code, and an overly broad and dangerous interpretation of this definition by the Supreme Court.

  • Press Release
  • Mozambique
  • Detention

Mozambique: Fears grow for election monitors secretly transferred to new prison

Amnesty International has learned that 18 Mozambican election monitors who have spent a month in incommunicado detention were last night secretly transferred to a different prison, raising serious concerns for their safety. The 18 individuals were arrested while monitoring the 15 October elections. Authorities have moved them from a prison in Guijá district to Xai-Xai district without informing their lawyers or family members.

  • Press Release
  • Myanmar
  • Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Myanmar: Satire performers convicted of more “ludicrous” charges

Responding to the conviction and one-year prison sentence handed down to six members of the Peacock Generation, a satirical poetry troupe, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Director for East and Southeast Asia said: “These new convictions against the Peacock Generation are signs of a relentless assault on freedom of expression in Myanmar. The military are going after these brave, talented satirists to make an example of them.

  • Press Release
  • Malaysia
  • Discrimination

Malaysia: Caning of four men is a terrible warning to LGBTI people, while more await trial

Four men were caned today after being convicted of ‘attempt of sexual intercourse against the order of nature’, said Amnesty International Malaysia, in signs of an increasing crackdown on LGBTI people in the country. Another six individuals are due to face trial on the same charges tomorrow. Amnesty International calls on authorities to drop the charges immediately. "These vicious punishments against LGBTI people are the actual crimes being committed here,” said Executive Director of Amnesty International Malaysia, Shamini Darshni Kaliemuthu.

  • Press Release
  • South Sudan
  • Death Penalty

South Sudan: Join millions to save 17-year-old Magai by writing a letter to President Kiir

Amnesty International has today launched its global human rights campaign, Write for Rights, whereby millions of its supporters worldwide write letters for people whose rights are under threat, or are being violated. Among other young people, this year Amnesty International is campaigning to save 17-year old Magai Matiop Ngong from being executed. Magai was sentenced to death in November 2017 while still a child, in contravention of both South Sudanese law and international law.

  • Press Release
  • China

Hong Kong: Police must defuse campus standoff to avoid more tragedy

Following the most violent confrontations of the Hong Kong protests so far during a police siege at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong Man-Kei Tam said: “By laying siege to Polytechnic University and firing tear gas and rubber bullets at people trying to flee, the Hong Kong Police are yet again fanning the flames of violence when they should be trying to defuse it.

  • Press Release
  • Belarus
  • Climate Change

Write for Rights: Amnesty International launches global campaign championing youth activists

Amnesty International has today launched Write for Rights, the world’s biggest human rights campaign, which this year champions children’s rights and youth activists. “This year Write for Rights, Amnesty’s flagship human rights campaign, champions youth activists who are taking on the world’s biggest crises,” said Kumi Naidoo, Secretary General of Amnesty International. “From those campaigning for climate and environmental justice, to those challenging inequality, poverty, discrimination and political repression, young people have emerged as a powerful force for change who deserve the world’s support.

  • Press Release
  • Viet Nam
  • Detention

Viet Nam: Activist detained on her return to country

Responding to reports that prominent activist Dinh Thao was taken into custody upon her arrival at Hanoi Noi Bai airport this morning, Joanne Mariner, Amnesty International’s Research Director for Southeast Asia & the Pacific, said: “Viet Nam’s repressive government is again showing its brazen hostility to those who want a better future for the country – including respect for human rights. “Dinh Thao hasn’t set foot in Viet Nam for more than three years.

  • Press Release
  • Lebanon
  • Unlawful Killings

Lebanon: Only a civilian court can bring justice for the death of Alaa Abou Fakhr

The killing of peaceful protester Alaa Abou Fakhr is a human rights violation that should be investigated by civilian and not military prosecutors, Amnesty International said today. Abou Fakhr’s death was mourned by Lebanese protesters in vigils held across the country on 13 November. “Alaa’s family has the right to know the full truth of what happened to him and to see those responsible for his killing brought to justice.

  • Press Release
  • Australia
  • Refugees

Behrouz Boochani welcomed to New Zealand by Amnesty International for literary festival

An award-winning journalist previously trapped on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, has touched down at Auckland Airport and has been granted a visitor visa for New Zealand to appear at a special WORD Christchurch event on November 29th. Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish journalist from Iran, is known the world over for his work reporting on human rights abuses from within the Australian government’s refugee detention centres.

  • Press Release
  • Myanmar

Myanmar: ICC decision to investigate Rohingya atrocities an important step towards justice

Following the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s decision on Thursday to authorize an investigation into alleged crimes committed against Myanmar’s Rohingya population, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Director for East and Southeast Asia said: “This decision marks an important step in the fight for justice and accountability in Myanmar. It sends a strong message to the orchestrators of atrocities against Rohingya that their days of impunity are numbered.

  • Press Release
  • Cambodia
  • Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Cambodia: Drop bogus “espionage” charges against former Radio Free Asia journalists

Ahead of the two-year anniversary of the arrest of former Radio Free Asia (RFA) journalists Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southeast Asia, said: “Two years on, it is outrageous that these brave journalists remain under investigation despite the complete lack of credible evidence against them. Beyond the clear injustice to these two journalists, this is a blatant attempt to stifle free expression and a clear warning to all remaining independent journalists in Cambodia.

  • Press Release
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Morocco: Rapper facing possible prison sentence for insulting police

The arrest and prosecution of Moroccan rapper Mohamed Mounir – widely known as Gnawi - is a flagrant assault on the right to freedom of expression, said Amnesty International ahead of the musician’s first trial session on 14 November. Gnawi was arrested on 1 November and later charged with “offending” public officials and public bodies over a video in which he insults the police. If convicted, he faces up to two years in prison and a fine of 5000 Moroccan Dirhams (around $500 USD).

  • Press Release
  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Turkey: Decision to re-arrest writer Ahmet Altan a scandalous injustice

Following a court decision to re-arrest writer Ahmet Altan just a week after he was released from jail following more than three years in pre-trial detention, Amnesty International’s Europe Director, Marie Struthers said: “It is shocking to hear that Ahmet Altan will once again be re-arrested following the prosecutor’s appeal against his release. “He was prosecuted, jailed and convicted without a shred of evidence, purely because of his opinions.

  • Press Release
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Discrimination

Saudi Arabia: Categorizing feminism, atheism, homosexuality as crimes exposes the Kingdom’s dangerous intolerance

Responding to an official announcement and a promotional video published by Saudi Arabia’s state security agency which categorizes feminism, homosexuality and atheism as ‘extremist ideas’, Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director, said: “The Saudi state security agency’s announcement which labels feminism, atheism and homosexuality as extremist ideas punishable by jail and flogging is outrageous - clearly contradicting the Kingdom’s bogus reformist image which Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman continues to flaunt internationally.