Groen (political party) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:27 1 Party history
00:00:37 1.1 Before 1979
00:01:50 1.2 1979–1999
00:04:30 1.3 1999–now
00:10:37 1.3.1 2010 federal election
00:10:47 2 Party chairperson
00:10:57 3 Name
00:12:23 4 Ideology and issues
00:13:08 5 Representation
00:13:43 5.1 Members of the European Parliament
00:14:18 5.2 Municipal government
00:14:39 6 Electorate
00:15:18 7 Election results
00:15:29 7.1 Federal Parliament (iFederaal Parlement/i)
00:15:40 7.2 Regional parliaments
00:15:50 7.2.1 Brussels Parliament
00:15:59 7.2.2 Flemish Parliament
00:16:08 7.3 European Parliament
00:16:18 8 Elected politicians
00:16:28 8.1 Current
00:17:36 8.2 Past
00:23:18 9 Organization
00:23:27 9.1 Organizational structure...
published: 23 Jun 2019
GROEN | GREEN | Belgium, Federal Election 2019
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the main Belgian parties running for the May 26 Federal election.
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-'Belgium provinces.svg' by Min's is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
published: 24 May 2019
Netherlands | Parliament Election March 2021 | The Political Parties | Europe Elects
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parties created in 2020 that have had a significance in the electoral landscape of their countries.
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Pictures adapted from:
-Wikimedia Commons
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mark_Rutte,_2017.jpg by EU2017EE Estonian Presidency
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license
published: 17 Mar 2021
CHILI Publish :: Groen! & Kadanza
"Groen!", a political party talks about the implementation of CHILI Publisher. Kadanza, our customer, provided the platform to Groen!
published: 08 Jul 2011
Europese Groene Partij | NL
Hallo. Wij zijn de Europese Groene Partij en we engageren ons voor een Europa dat aan de verwachtingen van zijn burgers voldoet.
We zijn een overkoepelende partij van talloze groene partijen, zowel uit de EU als uit niet‑EU-landen.
Vertegenwoordigers van deze partijen vormen samen onze Raad. Ze komen twee keer per jaar bijeen om onze politieke krijtlijnen te trekken, die om de ontwikkeling van het Europese project en zijn waarden draaien.
De geboorte van de Europese Unie was een belangrijke historische verwezenlijking, waarbij een door oorlogen verscheurd continent gestabiliseerd en verzoend werd zodat we er nu in vrede kunnen leven. De Unie was bij oprichting hoofdzakelijk een economische groepering, maar evolueerde tot een politiek, cultureel en democratisch bondgenootschap.
Als é...
published: 08 Jun 2017
GL | GroenLinks - Green Left | Netherlands, Parliament Elections 2021
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parties created in 2020 that have had a significance in the electoral landscape of their countries.
Please consider a donation on our Patreon. Thank you.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EuropeElects
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Pictures adapted from:
-Wikimedia Commons
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jesse_Klaver_verkiezingsposterfoto.jpg by Merlijn Doomernik
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Maps used:
-Wikimedia Commons:
Utrecht in the Netherlands.svg
published: 17 Mar 2021
Dutch Political parties (part 1)
A look at Dutch political parties
Email: whydocountriesexist@gmail.com
Website: https://whydocountriesexist.libsyn.com/
Intro 0:00
Background and political structure 1:16
Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) 3:54
Democrats 66 5:57
Party for Freedom (PVV) 7:44
Christian Democratic appeal (CDA) 10:00
Socialist party (SP) 12:17
Labor party (PvdA) 14:21
Groenlinks 16:00
Party for the animals (PvdD) 17:55
Forum for Democracy (FvD) 19:47
Christian Union (CU) 22:05
Outro 24:07
published: 26 May 2021
published: 05 Jun 2017
[Wikipedia] Groen
Groen or de Groen is a surname of Dutch origin, meaning green. The name may refer to:
Alma De Groen (born 1941), Australian feminist playwright
Annemarie Groen (born 1955), Dutch Olympic swimmer
Arnoud van Groen (born 1983), Dutch cyclist
Bert Groen (born 1945), Dutch corporate director and politician
Dora van der Groen (1927–2015), Belgian actress and theatre director
Egbert B. Groen (1915–2012), American (Illinois) politician and lawyer
Els de Groen (born 1949), Dutch politician and Member of the European Parliament
Frédéric François Groen (1814–1882), Dutch shipbuilder
Geoffrey de Groen (born 1938), Australian artist known for his abstract works in oil and acrylics
Georgia Groen (fl. 2016), New Zealand barefoot water-skier
Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (1801–1876), Dutch politician and...
published: 17 Jun 2018
The Dutch Election Explained: How the Netherlands Can Shape Europes' Future - TLDR News
Support TLDR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tldrnews
Next week the Netherlands is heading to the polls. Their election for the countries second chamber will likely completely change the countries political maths, shifting the governing coalition and the countries leadership. In this video we explain who's in the running, what the result's likely to be and what all of this means for the future of Europe.
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Learn About Our Funding: ...
published: 14 Mar 2021
Cities for the Future - Oslo 2019 - Training: Campaigning & Apptivism
- Sybren Kooistra
Campaign Manager European Green Party, The Netherlands
In this session we will focus on tactics of modern campaigning. We will discuss how to craft an inspiring narrative, how to reach your electorate effectively on social media and how to activate your followers to become supporters in your campaign.
published: 15 Jun 2020
Wouter De Vriendt (Groen) - Energiegebruik in Oostendse openbare gebouwen moet omlaag
Gemeenteraad Oostende 23 oktober 2015
In het belang van onze kinderen en kleinkinderen moeten we zorg dragen voor het leefmilieu. “Een schoon leefmilieu is goed voor ons allemaal. Klimaatopwarming leidt tot een stijging van de zeespiegel en migratiestromen. Dat vermijden vereist een visie op lange termijn en daadkrachtige politiek. Ook van het bestuur in Oostende”, zeggen fractieleider Wouter De Vriendt en gemeenteraadslid Sofie Cloet (Groen).
Energiebesparing leidt tot minder CO2-uitstoot, maar is ook goed voor de portemonnee. “Dubbele winst, dus”, stelt Wouter De Vriendt. “De financiële situatie van Oostende is al niet rooskleurig. In plaats van elk jaar verspillende energie uitgaven te doen, zouden we beter één keer investeren in energiebesparende maatregelen. Op enkele jaren tijd...
published: 10 Nov 2015
All eyes on Antwerp when it comes to Flemish independence
http://www.euronews.com/ If Bart de Wever becomes mayor of Antwerp, it will push the agenda of Flemish independence in Belgium.
As well as losing 60 kilograms on a crash diet and releasing a book about it, the leader of the rightwing New Flemish Alliance is standing in local elections on October 14 in the country's largest municipality. Antwerp has 500,000 inhabitants and is the heart of the autonomous Flanders region.
Many people on the streets of Antwerp refused to tell us how they would be voting, but one man said: "Honestly I haven't decided yet but I think the New Flemish Alliance have a chance to win. It could be time for someone else after years of socialism."
There have been Socialist mayors for six decades and De Wever's NVA party is saying it is time for change.
NVA can...
published: 13 Oct 2012
Stem GroenLinks!
GroenLinks Limburg TV Spot provinciale staten verkiezingen 2007
published: 28 Feb 2007
Groen (political party) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:27 1 Party history
00:00:37 1.1 Before 1979...
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:27 1 Party history
00:00:37 1.1 Before 1979
00:01:50 1.2 1979–1999
00:04:30 1.3 1999–now
00:10:37 1.3.1 2010 federal election
00:10:47 2 Party chairperson
00:10:57 3 Name
00:12:23 4 Ideology and issues
00:13:08 5 Representation
00:13:43 5.1 Members of the European Parliament
00:14:18 5.2 Municipal government
00:14:39 6 Electorate
00:15:18 7 Election results
00:15:29 7.1 Federal Parliament (iFederaal Parlement/i)
00:15:40 7.2 Regional parliaments
00:15:50 7.2.1 Brussels Parliament
00:15:59 7.2.2 Flemish Parliament
00:16:08 7.3 European Parliament
00:16:18 8 Elected politicians
00:16:28 8.1 Current
00:17:36 8.2 Past
00:23:18 9 Organization
00:23:27 9.1 Organizational structure
00:25:19 9.2 International organisations
00:25:42 9.3 Relationships to social organisations
00:26:19 9.4 Relationships to other parties
00:26:53 10 International comparison
00:27:17 11 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8621832183286314
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-C
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
Groen (English: Green; Dutch: Groen, [ɣruːn] (listen)), founded as Agalev (see Name below), is a green political party in Belgium. Groen is often the smallest Flemish party represented in the federal, regional or European parliament. Its French-speaking equivalent is Ecolo; the two parties maintain close relations with each other.
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:27 1 Party history
00:00:37 1.1 Before 1979
00:01:50 1.2 1979–1999
00:04:30 1.3 1999–now
00:10:37 1.3.1 2010 federal election
00:10:47 2 Party chairperson
00:10:57 3 Name
00:12:23 4 Ideology and issues
00:13:08 5 Representation
00:13:43 5.1 Members of the European Parliament
00:14:18 5.2 Municipal government
00:14:39 6 Electorate
00:15:18 7 Election results
00:15:29 7.1 Federal Parliament (iFederaal Parlement/i)
00:15:40 7.2 Regional parliaments
00:15:50 7.2.1 Brussels Parliament
00:15:59 7.2.2 Flemish Parliament
00:16:08 7.3 European Parliament
00:16:18 8 Elected politicians
00:16:28 8.1 Current
00:17:36 8.2 Past
00:23:18 9 Organization
00:23:27 9.1 Organizational structure
00:25:19 9.2 International organisations
00:25:42 9.3 Relationships to social organisations
00:26:19 9.4 Relationships to other parties
00:26:53 10 International comparison
00:27:17 11 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8621832183286314
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-C
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
Groen (English: Green; Dutch: Groen, [ɣruːn] (listen)), founded as Agalev (see Name below), is a green political party in Belgium. Groen is often the smallest Flemish party represented in the federal, regional or European parliament. Its French-speaking equivalent is Ecolo; the two parties maintain close relations with each other.
- published: 23 Jun 2019
- views: 25
GROEN | GREEN | Belgium, Federal Election 2019
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the main Belg...
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the main Belgian parties running for the May 26 Federal election.
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-'Belgium provinces.svg' by Min's is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the main Belgian parties running for the May 26 Federal election.
Follow us on:
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Maps used:
-'Belgium provinces.svg' by Min's is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- published: 24 May 2019
- views: 277
Netherlands | Parliament Election March 2021 | The Political Parties | Europe Elects
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parti...
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parties created in 2020 that have had a significance in the electoral landscape of their countries.
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-Youtube Screenshots:
Thierry Baudet en Joost Eerdmans bij Jinek over alliantie
Maps used:
-Wikimedia Commons:
Utrecht in the Netherlands.svg
Icons used:
All Icons are found at flaticon.com and creators are credited on the video.
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parties created in 2020 that have had a significance in the electoral landscape of their countries.
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https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Geert_Wilders_tijdens_een_politieke_campagne_in_Spijkenisse.jpg by Peter van der Sluijs
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
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-Youtube Screenshots:
Thierry Baudet en Joost Eerdmans bij Jinek over alliantie
Maps used:
-Wikimedia Commons:
Utrecht in the Netherlands.svg
Icons used:
All Icons are found at flaticon.com and creators are credited on the video.
- published: 17 Mar 2021
- views: 5105
CHILI Publish :: Groen! & Kadanza
"Groen!", a political party talks about the implementation of CHILI Publisher. Kadanza, our customer, provided the platform to Groen!
"Groen!", a political party talks about the implementation of CHILI Publisher. Kadanza, our customer, provided the platform to Groen!
"Groen!", a political party talks about the implementation of CHILI Publisher. Kadanza, our customer, provided the platform to Groen!
- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 839
Europese Groene Partij | NL
Hallo. Wij zijn de Europese Groene Partij en we engageren ons voor een Europa dat aan de verwachtingen van zijn burgers voldoet.
We zijn een overkoepelende par...
Hallo. Wij zijn de Europese Groene Partij en we engageren ons voor een Europa dat aan de verwachtingen van zijn burgers voldoet.
We zijn een overkoepelende partij van talloze groene partijen, zowel uit de EU als uit niet‑EU-landen.
Vertegenwoordigers van deze partijen vormen samen onze Raad. Ze komen twee keer per jaar bijeen om onze politieke krijtlijnen te trekken, die om de ontwikkeling van het Europese project en zijn waarden draaien.
De geboorte van de Europese Unie was een belangrijke historische verwezenlijking, waarbij een door oorlogen verscheurd continent gestabiliseerd en verzoend werd zodat we er nu in vrede kunnen leven. De Unie was bij oprichting hoofdzakelijk een economische groepering, maar evolueerde tot een politiek, cultureel en democratisch bondgenootschap.
Als één van de Europese politieke partijen werken we samen met nationale groene partijen en de verkozen groene leden van het Europees Parlement in Brussel om de Europese democratie te versterken en de wil van de EU-burgers een stem te geven. We streven naar een groene transformatie van Europa en zijn economie, om een progressieve en duurzame toekomst voor al zijn burgers te bewerkstelligen.
We leggen hierbij de klemtoon op mensenrechten, de inperking van de klimaatverandering, het aanbod van goede banen, de zelfrealisatie van jonge mensen en de bouw van een sterk, democratisch Europa.
Wij zijn de Europese Groene Partij en we willen een Europa dat aan de verwachtingen van zijn burgers voldoet.
Hallo. Wij zijn de Europese Groene Partij en we engageren ons voor een Europa dat aan de verwachtingen van zijn burgers voldoet.
We zijn een overkoepelende partij van talloze groene partijen, zowel uit de EU als uit niet‑EU-landen.
Vertegenwoordigers van deze partijen vormen samen onze Raad. Ze komen twee keer per jaar bijeen om onze politieke krijtlijnen te trekken, die om de ontwikkeling van het Europese project en zijn waarden draaien.
De geboorte van de Europese Unie was een belangrijke historische verwezenlijking, waarbij een door oorlogen verscheurd continent gestabiliseerd en verzoend werd zodat we er nu in vrede kunnen leven. De Unie was bij oprichting hoofdzakelijk een economische groepering, maar evolueerde tot een politiek, cultureel en democratisch bondgenootschap.
Als één van de Europese politieke partijen werken we samen met nationale groene partijen en de verkozen groene leden van het Europees Parlement in Brussel om de Europese democratie te versterken en de wil van de EU-burgers een stem te geven. We streven naar een groene transformatie van Europa en zijn economie, om een progressieve en duurzame toekomst voor al zijn burgers te bewerkstelligen.
We leggen hierbij de klemtoon op mensenrechten, de inperking van de klimaatverandering, het aanbod van goede banen, de zelfrealisatie van jonge mensen en de bouw van een sterk, democratisch Europa.
Wij zijn de Europese Groene Partij en we willen een Europa dat aan de verwachtingen van zijn burgers voldoet.
- published: 08 Jun 2017
- views: 550
GL | GroenLinks - Green Left | Netherlands, Parliament Elections 2021
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parti...
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parties created in 2020 that have had a significance in the electoral landscape of their countries.
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Pictures adapted from:
-Wikimedia Commons
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jesse_Klaver_verkiezingsposterfoto.jpg by Merlijn Doomernik
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Maps used:
-Wikimedia Commons:
Utrecht in the Netherlands.svg
Icons used:
All Icons are found at flaticon.com and creators are credited on the video.
This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe Elects introduces the new parties created in 2020 that have had a significance in the electoral landscape of their countries.
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Pictures adapted from:
-Wikimedia Commons
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jesse_Klaver_verkiezingsposterfoto.jpg by Merlijn Doomernik
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Maps used:
-Wikimedia Commons:
Utrecht in the Netherlands.svg
Icons used:
All Icons are found at flaticon.com and creators are credited on the video.
- published: 17 Mar 2021
- views: 458
Dutch Political parties (part 1)
A look at Dutch political parties
Email: whydocountriesexist@gmail.com
Website: https://whydocountriesexist.libsyn.com/
Intro 0:00
Background and political str...
A look at Dutch political parties
Email: whydocountriesexist@gmail.com
Website: https://whydocountriesexist.libsyn.com/
Intro 0:00
Background and political structure 1:16
Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) 3:54
Democrats 66 5:57
Party for Freedom (PVV) 7:44
Christian Democratic appeal (CDA) 10:00
Socialist party (SP) 12:17
Labor party (PvdA) 14:21
Groenlinks 16:00
Party for the animals (PvdD) 17:55
Forum for Democracy (FvD) 19:47
Christian Union (CU) 22:05
Outro 24:07
A look at Dutch political parties
Email: whydocountriesexist@gmail.com
Website: https://whydocountriesexist.libsyn.com/
Intro 0:00
Background and political structure 1:16
Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) 3:54
Democrats 66 5:57
Party for Freedom (PVV) 7:44
Christian Democratic appeal (CDA) 10:00
Socialist party (SP) 12:17
Labor party (PvdA) 14:21
Groenlinks 16:00
Party for the animals (PvdD) 17:55
Forum for Democracy (FvD) 19:47
Christian Union (CU) 22:05
Outro 24:07
- published: 26 May 2021
- views: 189
[Wikipedia] Groen
Groen or de Groen is a surname of Dutch origin, meaning green. The name may refer to:
Alma De Groen (born 1941), Australian feminist playwright
Annemarie Groen ...
Groen or de Groen is a surname of Dutch origin, meaning green. The name may refer to:
Alma De Groen (born 1941), Australian feminist playwright
Annemarie Groen (born 1955), Dutch Olympic swimmer
Arnoud van Groen (born 1983), Dutch cyclist
Bert Groen (born 1945), Dutch corporate director and politician
Dora van der Groen (1927–2015), Belgian actress and theatre director
Egbert B. Groen (1915–2012), American (Illinois) politician and lawyer
Els de Groen (born 1949), Dutch politician and Member of the European Parliament
Frédéric François Groen (1814–1882), Dutch shipbuilder
Geoffrey de Groen (born 1938), Australian artist known for his abstract works in oil and acrylics
Georgia Groen (fl. 2016), New Zealand barefoot water-skier
Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (1801–1876), Dutch politician and historian
Ike Groen (born 1992), Dutch cyclist
Lou Groen (1917–2011), American restaurateur, inventor of the Filet-O-Fish sandwich
Marcel Groen (born 1945), Dutch-American Chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party
Pieter Groen (Anglicized: Peter Green; 1808–1902), Dutch fisherman, "uncrowned king of Tristan da Cunha"
Richard de Groen (born 1962), New Zealand cricketer
Rob Groen (born 1938), Dutch rower
Sander Groen (born 1968), Dutch tennis player
Sara Groen (born 1981), Australian actress and television presenter
Sven Groen (born 1995), Dutch darts player
Tiemen Groen (born 1946), Dutch cyclist
Please support this channel and help me upload more videos. Become one of my Patreons at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3823907
Groen or de Groen is a surname of Dutch origin, meaning green. The name may refer to:
Alma De Groen (born 1941), Australian feminist playwright
Annemarie Groen (born 1955), Dutch Olympic swimmer
Arnoud van Groen (born 1983), Dutch cyclist
Bert Groen (born 1945), Dutch corporate director and politician
Dora van der Groen (1927–2015), Belgian actress and theatre director
Egbert B. Groen (1915–2012), American (Illinois) politician and lawyer
Els de Groen (born 1949), Dutch politician and Member of the European Parliament
Frédéric François Groen (1814–1882), Dutch shipbuilder
Geoffrey de Groen (born 1938), Australian artist known for his abstract works in oil and acrylics
Georgia Groen (fl. 2016), New Zealand barefoot water-skier
Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (1801–1876), Dutch politician and historian
Ike Groen (born 1992), Dutch cyclist
Lou Groen (1917–2011), American restaurateur, inventor of the Filet-O-Fish sandwich
Marcel Groen (born 1945), Dutch-American Chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party
Pieter Groen (Anglicized: Peter Green; 1808–1902), Dutch fisherman, "uncrowned king of Tristan da Cunha"
Richard de Groen (born 1962), New Zealand cricketer
Rob Groen (born 1938), Dutch rower
Sander Groen (born 1968), Dutch tennis player
Sara Groen (born 1981), Australian actress and television presenter
Sven Groen (born 1995), Dutch darts player
Tiemen Groen (born 1946), Dutch cyclist
Please support this channel and help me upload more videos. Become one of my Patreons at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3823907
- published: 17 Jun 2018
- views: 10
The Dutch Election Explained: How the Netherlands Can Shape Europes' Future - TLDR News
Support TLDR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tldrnews
Next week the Netherlands is heading to the polls. Their election for the countries second chamber wil...
Support TLDR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tldrnews
Next week the Netherlands is heading to the polls. Their election for the countries second chamber will likely completely change the countries political maths, shifting the governing coalition and the countries leadership. In this video we explain who's in the running, what the result's likely to be and what all of this means for the future of Europe.
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TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision.
TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Help support us by subscribing, following and backing on Patreon. Thanks!
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Next week the Netherlands is heading to the polls. Their election for the countries second chamber will likely completely change the countries political maths, shifting the governing coalition and the countries leadership. In this video we explain who's in the running, what the result's likely to be and what all of this means for the future of Europe.
Follow TLDR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TLDR-News-EU-100757392009566
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TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision.
TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Help support us by subscribing, following and backing on Patreon. Thanks!
- published: 14 Mar 2021
- views: 440280
Cities for the Future - Oslo 2019 - Training: Campaigning & Apptivism
- Sybren Kooistra
Campaign Manager European Green Party, The Netherlands
In this session we will focus on tactics of modern campaigning. We will discuss how to...
- Sybren Kooistra
Campaign Manager European Green Party, The Netherlands
In this session we will focus on tactics of modern campaigning. We will discuss how to craft an inspiring narrative, how to reach your electorate effectively on social media and how to activate your followers to become supporters in your campaign.
- Sybren Kooistra
Campaign Manager European Green Party, The Netherlands
In this session we will focus on tactics of modern campaigning. We will discuss how to craft an inspiring narrative, how to reach your electorate effectively on social media and how to activate your followers to become supporters in your campaign.
- published: 15 Jun 2020
- views: 64
Wouter De Vriendt (Groen) - Energiegebruik in Oostendse openbare gebouwen moet omlaag
Gemeenteraad Oostende 23 oktober 2015
In het belang van onze kinderen en kleinkinderen moeten we zorg dragen voor het leefmilieu. “Een schoon leefmilieu is go...
Gemeenteraad Oostende 23 oktober 2015
In het belang van onze kinderen en kleinkinderen moeten we zorg dragen voor het leefmilieu. “Een schoon leefmilieu is goed voor ons allemaal. Klimaatopwarming leidt tot een stijging van de zeespiegel en migratiestromen. Dat vermijden vereist een visie op lange termijn en daadkrachtige politiek. Ook van het bestuur in Oostende”, zeggen fractieleider Wouter De Vriendt en gemeenteraadslid Sofie Cloet (Groen).
Energiebesparing leidt tot minder CO2-uitstoot, maar is ook goed voor de portemonnee. “Dubbele winst, dus”, stelt Wouter De Vriendt. “De financiële situatie van Oostende is al niet rooskleurig. In plaats van elk jaar verspillende energie uitgaven te doen, zouden we beter één keer investeren in energiebesparende maatregelen. Op enkele jaren tijd spaar je dat uit. Zonder comfortverlies, want de technologie is ver gevorderd. Het is de keuze tussen korte termijn beleid of toekomstgericht plannen. De huidige coalitie blinkt vooral uit in de korte termijn.”
Gemeenteraad Oostende 23 oktober 2015
In het belang van onze kinderen en kleinkinderen moeten we zorg dragen voor het leefmilieu. “Een schoon leefmilieu is goed voor ons allemaal. Klimaatopwarming leidt tot een stijging van de zeespiegel en migratiestromen. Dat vermijden vereist een visie op lange termijn en daadkrachtige politiek. Ook van het bestuur in Oostende”, zeggen fractieleider Wouter De Vriendt en gemeenteraadslid Sofie Cloet (Groen).
Energiebesparing leidt tot minder CO2-uitstoot, maar is ook goed voor de portemonnee. “Dubbele winst, dus”, stelt Wouter De Vriendt. “De financiële situatie van Oostende is al niet rooskleurig. In plaats van elk jaar verspillende energie uitgaven te doen, zouden we beter één keer investeren in energiebesparende maatregelen. Op enkele jaren tijd spaar je dat uit. Zonder comfortverlies, want de technologie is ver gevorderd. Het is de keuze tussen korte termijn beleid of toekomstgericht plannen. De huidige coalitie blinkt vooral uit in de korte termijn.”
- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 18
All eyes on Antwerp when it comes to Flemish independence
http://www.euronews.com/ If Bart de Wever becomes mayor of Antwerp, it will push the agenda of Flemish independence in Belgium.
As well as losing 60 kilograms...
http://www.euronews.com/ If Bart de Wever becomes mayor of Antwerp, it will push the agenda of Flemish independence in Belgium.
As well as losing 60 kilograms on a crash diet and releasing a book about it, the leader of the rightwing New Flemish Alliance is standing in local elections on October 14 in the country's largest municipality. Antwerp has 500,000 inhabitants and is the heart of the autonomous Flanders region.
Many people on the streets of Antwerp refused to tell us how they would be voting, but one man said: "Honestly I haven't decided yet but I think the New Flemish Alliance have a chance to win. It could be time for someone else after years of socialism."
There have been Socialist mayors for six decades and De Wever's NVA party is saying it is time for change.
NVA candidate Rob Van de Velde outlined one of the party's key aims: "We have to reduce insecurity and get young people back into work - these two things are linked. We are in the situation where a third of young people are unemployed."
If successful, De Wever could become President of Flanders in two years' time.
"The NVA and Bart de Wever have said that these elections are, for them, a step closer to the 2014 federal elections, where they can advance their ideas of Flemish independence," Flemish political analyst Dave Sinardet told euronews.
Some polls show NVA support in Antwerp at 40 percent.
However, the numbers for the Socialist party are also strong and the election may not produce an outright winner, according to political analyst Jean Faniel.
"The first question is whether the NVA leader will be able to win, or if the current mayor Patrick Janssens will manage to keep his hands on Antwerp. It's likely that neither of these two will win half of the seats, so a coalition will have to be formed," he said.
Incumbent Patrick Janssens is extremely popular and his party's campaign focuses on unity.
"Everyone in this city, with these 174 national, religious and other identities shares one thing - and that is the city itself," said Socialist candidate Güler Turan.
NVA winning 28 percent in the general election in 2010 put De Wever in a strong political position and was also part of the reason no national government was able to be formed for more than 500 days.
De Wever eventually agreed to let French-speaking Socialist Elio Di Rupo become prime minister, but De Wever said he considers the Belgium government to be "illegitimate".
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http://www.euronews.com/ If Bart de Wever becomes mayor of Antwerp, it will push the agenda of Flemish independence in Belgium.
As well as losing 60 kilograms on a crash diet and releasing a book about it, the leader of the rightwing New Flemish Alliance is standing in local elections on October 14 in the country's largest municipality. Antwerp has 500,000 inhabitants and is the heart of the autonomous Flanders region.
Many people on the streets of Antwerp refused to tell us how they would be voting, but one man said: "Honestly I haven't decided yet but I think the New Flemish Alliance have a chance to win. It could be time for someone else after years of socialism."
There have been Socialist mayors for six decades and De Wever's NVA party is saying it is time for change.
NVA candidate Rob Van de Velde outlined one of the party's key aims: "We have to reduce insecurity and get young people back into work - these two things are linked. We are in the situation where a third of young people are unemployed."
If successful, De Wever could become President of Flanders in two years' time.
"The NVA and Bart de Wever have said that these elections are, for them, a step closer to the 2014 federal elections, where they can advance their ideas of Flemish independence," Flemish political analyst Dave Sinardet told euronews.
Some polls show NVA support in Antwerp at 40 percent.
However, the numbers for the Socialist party are also strong and the election may not produce an outright winner, according to political analyst Jean Faniel.
"The first question is whether the NVA leader will be able to win, or if the current mayor Patrick Janssens will manage to keep his hands on Antwerp. It's likely that neither of these two will win half of the seats, so a coalition will have to be formed," he said.
Incumbent Patrick Janssens is extremely popular and his party's campaign focuses on unity.
"Everyone in this city, with these 174 national, religious and other identities shares one thing - and that is the city itself," said Socialist candidate Güler Turan.
NVA winning 28 percent in the general election in 2010 put De Wever in a strong political position and was also part of the reason no national government was able to be formed for more than 500 days.
De Wever eventually agreed to let French-speaking Socialist Elio Di Rupo become prime minister, but De Wever said he considers the Belgium government to be "illegitimate".
Find us on:
Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY
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- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 3944
Stem GroenLinks!
GroenLinks Limburg TV Spot provinciale staten verkiezingen 2007
GroenLinks Limburg TV Spot provinciale staten verkiezingen 2007
GroenLinks Limburg TV Spot provinciale staten verkiezingen 2007
- published: 28 Feb 2007
- views: 481
Green - Green 1969 (full album)
I do not own the copyright to this recording. This video is for historical and educational purposes only.
Line-up / Musicians
John Martin - keyboards, strings, vocals
Wilson Fisher - strings, harmonica, vocals
Gary Casebeer - percussion, keyboards, brass, vocals
Richard Gardzina - reeds, keyboards, brass, vocals
James Neel - brass, keyboards, reeds, vocals
Tracks Listing
01. To Be
02. Where Have I Been?
03. Sunrise # 7
04. Just Try
05. Sparkle
06. Green
07. Footprints In The Snow
08. At The Time
10. Don't
11. Have You Ever?
Bonus Tracks
12. Where Have I Been?
13. Have You Ever?
14. At The Time
15. Sunrise #7
United States ( Dallas, TX) ,Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock ,Garage Rock
published: 07 Mar 2020
The Best of Al Green - Greatest Hits (Full Album Stream) [30 Minutes]
Official full stream of Al Green's Greatest Hits (1975)
#AlGreen #GreatestHits #Music
Download: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsLP
Spotify: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsSpotify
Apple Music: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsApple
iTunes: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsiTunes
Amazon: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsAmazon
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2j8ulPs
1) Tired Of Being Alone 0:00:00
2) Call Me 0:02:43
3) I'm Still In Love With You 0:05:47
4) Here I Am 0:09:02
5) Love And Happiness 0:13:17
6) Let's Stay Together 0:18:21
7) I Can't Get Next To You 0:21:40
8) You Ought To Be With Me 0:25:34
9) Look What You Done For Me 0:28:54
10) Let's Get Married 0:32:00
Facebook: http://facebook.com/algreen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/algreen
Instagram: http://instagram.com/algreen
published: 03 Feb 2017
Grant Green - Grant's First Stand [Full Album]
Recorded January 28, 1961
Guitar - Grant Green
Organ - 'Baby Face' Willette
Drums - Ben Dixon
1) Miss Ann's Tempo - 0:00
2) Lullaby Of The Leaves - 5:40
3) Blues For Willarene - 13:22
4) Baby's Minor Lope - 20:31
5) Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do - 27:49
6) A Wee Bit O' Green - 32:16
published: 09 Jun 2018
Hiroshi Yoshimura - Green (Full Album Stream)
Pre-Order The Vinyl HERE: https://lita.fanlink.to/green
Animation: Felix von Líska https://www.instagram.com/12inchmotion
Barely known outside of his home country during his lifetime, the late Japanese ambient music pioneer Hiroshi Yoshimura has seen his global stature rise steadily in the past few years. The 2017 reissue of his lauded debut, Music For Nine Post Cards, along with algorithmically created playlists and recommendations has helped ignite a renaissance in his acclaimed body of work, much of which has never been released outside of Japan. Known for his sound design and environmental music, Yoshimura worked on a number of commissions following the 1982 release of Music For Nine Post Cards, including works for museums, galleries, public spaces, TV shows, video art, fashion shows...
published: 20 Mar 2020
Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne - Seeing Green (Audio)
Music video by Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne performing Seeing Green (Audio). © 2021 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
published: 14 May 2021
Grupo Green - Megamix Enganchados
Grupo Green - 24 canciones enganchadas en un megamix.
COMPRALO AHORA ► http://smarturl.it/grupogreenmegamix
01 - Convéncete De Mi Amor
02 - Fue Un Sueño
03 - Hstoria De Una Amiga
04 - Mi Amigo Y Yo
05 - Ya Será Tarde
06 - Fue Un Error
07 - Quiero Amarte
08 - Amor Pasajero
09 - Tú No Cambiarás
10 - Tengo Que Decirte
11 - Voy A Olvidarte
12 - Amigo Fiel
13 - Solo Estoy
14 - Vivirás En Mí
15 - Nadie Te Amará
16 - Quiero Verte
17 - Historia De Un Amigo
18 - Solitario
19 - Soñando, Soñando
20 - Mi Gran Pasión
21 - Te Voy A Extrañar
22 - Linda Muchachita
23 - Llora Corazón
24 - Fuiste Una Pena
Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/1cmLZW0
Twitter ► http://bit.ly/16gSK75
Google+ ► http://bit.ly/HroDzX
published: 30 Jan 2013
I'll Make You Cry
Provided to YouTube by SM Entertainment
I'll Make You Cry · aespa
Savage - The 1st Mini Album
℗ 2021 SM Entertainment
Released on: 2021-10-05
Producer: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Producer: Brandon Green
Producer: IMLAY
Composer: KENZIE
Lyricist: KENZIE
Composer: Kirsten Collins
Composer: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Arranger: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Arranger: Brandon Green
Composer: Brandon Green
Composer: Hautboi Rich
Arranger: IMLAY
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 05 Oct 2021
Little Green
Provided to YouTube by Rhino
Little Green · Joni Mitchell
℗ 1971 Warner Records Inc.
Unknown: Henry Lewy
Guitar, Vocals: Joni Mitchell
Producer: Joni Mitchell
Writer: Joni Mitchell
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 20 Jul 2017
W̲e̲ezer - W̲e̲ezer (Green Album) Full Album
like and subscribe
published: 05 Oct 2021
Cee Lo Green - Cry Baby (Official Video)
Watch the official video for Cry Baby by Cee Lo Green
New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic Moment' available now! http://smarturl.it/magicmoment
Watch Cee Lo's hottest music videos here:
Website: http://www.ceelogreen.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ceelogreen
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ceelogreen
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ceelogreen
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ceelogreen
published: 08 Aug 2011
Al Green - Let's Stay Together
"Let's Stay Together" performed by Al Green
I, I'm I'm so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is all right with me
Cause you make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you
Let me say that since, baby, since we've been together
Loving you forever
Is what I need
Let me, be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue
Oh baby
Let's, let's stay together (gether)
Lovin' you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad
Why, why some people break up
Then turn around and make up
I just can't see
You'd never do that to me (would you, baby)
Staying around you is all I see
(Here's what I want us do)
Let's, we oughta stay together (gether)
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy ...
published: 20 Sep 2009
Green Green Grass Of Home
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Green Green Grass Of Home · Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers
℗ A Capitol Records Nashville Release; ℗ 1976 Capitol Records LLC
Released on: 1976-09-03
Producer: Larry Butler
Composer Lyricist: Curly Putman
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 26 Apr 2018
Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) [Official Music Video]
Watch the official music video for Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day from the album Nimrod.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenDay/?sub_confirmation=1
Directed by Mark Kohr.
Stream/download Father Of All… here: https://greenday.lnk.to/fatherofall
Watch more Green Day music videos here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eXv00PJ9IQM&list;=PL5150F38E402FACE8&index;=1
Follow Green Day:
Website: https://greenday.com
Tour Dates: https://greenday.com/tour
Email List: https://greenday.com/sign-up
Facebook: https://facebook.com/greenday
Instagram: https://instagram.com/greenday
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greenday
Green Day is a rock band renowned for their hits “Boulevard Of Broken Dreams,” “21 Guns,” “Basket Case,” “American Idiot,” “Wake Me Up When September End...
published: 27 Oct 2009
Al Green - Tired of Being Alone
Al Green - I'm So Tired of Being Alone
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Just as soon as you can.
People say that I've found a way,
To make you say,
That you love me.
But baby,
You didn't go for that,
Ha, it's a natural fact,
That I want to come back,
Show me where it's at, baby.
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Soon as you can.
I guess you know that I, uh,
I love you so,
Even though,
You don't want me no more,
Hey, hey, hey, hey I'm cryin' tears,
Through the years,
I tell you like it is,
Honey, love me if you can.
Ya baby,
Tired of being alone here by myself, now
I tell ya, I'm tired baby,
I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night,
In my dreams, nobody but you, baby.
Sometimes I w...
published: 28 Jun 2009
Green - Green 1969 (full album)
I do not own the copyright to this recording. This video is for historical and educational purposes only.
Line-up / Musicians
John Martin - keyboards, string...
I do not own the copyright to this recording. This video is for historical and educational purposes only.
Line-up / Musicians
John Martin - keyboards, strings, vocals
Wilson Fisher - strings, harmonica, vocals
Gary Casebeer - percussion, keyboards, brass, vocals
Richard Gardzina - reeds, keyboards, brass, vocals
James Neel - brass, keyboards, reeds, vocals
Tracks Listing
01. To Be
02. Where Have I Been?
03. Sunrise # 7
04. Just Try
05. Sparkle
06. Green
07. Footprints In The Snow
08. At The Time
10. Don't
11. Have You Ever?
Bonus Tracks
12. Where Have I Been?
13. Have You Ever?
14. At The Time
15. Sunrise #7
United States ( Dallas, TX) ,Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock ,Garage Rock
I do not own the copyright to this recording. This video is for historical and educational purposes only.
Line-up / Musicians
John Martin - keyboards, strings, vocals
Wilson Fisher - strings, harmonica, vocals
Gary Casebeer - percussion, keyboards, brass, vocals
Richard Gardzina - reeds, keyboards, brass, vocals
James Neel - brass, keyboards, reeds, vocals
Tracks Listing
01. To Be
02. Where Have I Been?
03. Sunrise # 7
04. Just Try
05. Sparkle
06. Green
07. Footprints In The Snow
08. At The Time
10. Don't
11. Have You Ever?
Bonus Tracks
12. Where Have I Been?
13. Have You Ever?
14. At The Time
15. Sunrise #7
United States ( Dallas, TX) ,Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock ,Garage Rock
- published: 07 Mar 2020
- views: 30306
The Best of Al Green - Greatest Hits (Full Album Stream) [30 Minutes]
Official full stream of Al Green's Greatest Hits (1975)
#AlGreen #GreatestHits #Music
Download: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsLP
Spotify: http://flyt.it/Greatest...
Official full stream of Al Green's Greatest Hits (1975)
#AlGreen #GreatestHits #Music
Download: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsLP
Spotify: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsSpotify
Apple Music: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsApple
iTunes: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsiTunes
Amazon: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsAmazon
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2j8ulPs
1) Tired Of Being Alone 0:00:00
2) Call Me 0:02:43
3) I'm Still In Love With You 0:05:47
4) Here I Am 0:09:02
5) Love And Happiness 0:13:17
6) Let's Stay Together 0:18:21
7) I Can't Get Next To You 0:21:40
8) You Ought To Be With Me 0:25:34
9) Look What You Done For Me 0:28:54
10) Let's Get Married 0:32:00
Facebook: http://facebook.com/algreen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/algreen
Instagram: http://instagram.com/algreen
Official full stream of Al Green's Greatest Hits (1975)
#AlGreen #GreatestHits #Music
Download: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsLP
Spotify: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsSpotify
Apple Music: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsApple
iTunes: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsiTunes
Amazon: http://flyt.it/GreatestHitsAmazon
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2j8ulPs
1) Tired Of Being Alone 0:00:00
2) Call Me 0:02:43
3) I'm Still In Love With You 0:05:47
4) Here I Am 0:09:02
5) Love And Happiness 0:13:17
6) Let's Stay Together 0:18:21
7) I Can't Get Next To You 0:21:40
8) You Ought To Be With Me 0:25:34
9) Look What You Done For Me 0:28:54
10) Let's Get Married 0:32:00
Facebook: http://facebook.com/algreen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/algreen
Instagram: http://instagram.com/algreen
- published: 03 Feb 2017
- views: 12056430
Grant Green - Grant's First Stand [Full Album]
Recorded January 28, 1961
Guitar - Grant Green
Organ - 'Baby Face' Willette
Drums ...
Recorded January 28, 1961
Guitar - Grant Green
Organ - 'Baby Face' Willette
Drums - Ben Dixon
1) Miss Ann's Tempo - 0:00
2) Lullaby Of The Leaves - 5:40
3) Blues For Willarene - 13:22
4) Baby's Minor Lope - 20:31
5) Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do - 27:49
6) A Wee Bit O' Green - 32:16
Recorded January 28, 1961
Guitar - Grant Green
Organ - 'Baby Face' Willette
Drums - Ben Dixon
1) Miss Ann's Tempo - 0:00
2) Lullaby Of The Leaves - 5:40
3) Blues For Willarene - 13:22
4) Baby's Minor Lope - 20:31
5) Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do - 27:49
6) A Wee Bit O' Green - 32:16
- published: 09 Jun 2018
- views: 55043
Hiroshi Yoshimura - Green (Full Album Stream)
Pre-Order The Vinyl HERE: https://lita.fanlink.to/green
Animation: Felix von Líska https://www.instagram.com/12inchmotion
Barely known outside of his home cou...
Pre-Order The Vinyl HERE: https://lita.fanlink.to/green
Animation: Felix von Líska https://www.instagram.com/12inchmotion
Barely known outside of his home country during his lifetime, the late Japanese ambient music pioneer Hiroshi Yoshimura has seen his global stature rise steadily in the past few years. The 2017 reissue of his lauded debut, Music For Nine Post Cards, along with algorithmically created playlists and recommendations has helped ignite a renaissance in his acclaimed body of work, much of which has never been released outside of Japan. Known for his sound design and environmental music, Yoshimura worked on a number of commissions following the 1982 release of Music For Nine Post Cards, including works for museums, galleries, public spaces, TV shows, video art, fashion shows, and even a cosmetics company.
Originally released in 1986, GREEN is one of Hiroshi Yoshimura’s most well-loved recordings and a favorite of the artist himself. Recorded over the winter of 1985-86 at Yoshimura’s home studio, the compositions unfold at an unhurried pace, a stark contrast to the busy city life of Tokyo. As Yoshimura explained in the original liner notes, the album title in the context of this body of work is not meant to be seen as a color, but is rather used to convey “the comfortable scenery of the natural cycle known as GREEN”—which perfectly encapsulates the soothing and warm sounds contained on the album, although it was created utilizing Yamaha FM synthesizers, known for their crisp digital tones.
This edition marks the first reissue of the highly sought-after and impossible to find album. It features the original mix preferred by Yoshimura himself, previously available only on the initial Japanese vinyl release (a limited edition remixed version of the album, with added sound effects, was released on CD in the US). Additionally, this release is the first in our ongoing series, focusing on the works of Hiroshi Yoshimura.
Pre-Order The Vinyl HERE: https://lita.fanlink.to/green
Animation: Felix von Líska https://www.instagram.com/12inchmotion
Barely known outside of his home country during his lifetime, the late Japanese ambient music pioneer Hiroshi Yoshimura has seen his global stature rise steadily in the past few years. The 2017 reissue of his lauded debut, Music For Nine Post Cards, along with algorithmically created playlists and recommendations has helped ignite a renaissance in his acclaimed body of work, much of which has never been released outside of Japan. Known for his sound design and environmental music, Yoshimura worked on a number of commissions following the 1982 release of Music For Nine Post Cards, including works for museums, galleries, public spaces, TV shows, video art, fashion shows, and even a cosmetics company.
Originally released in 1986, GREEN is one of Hiroshi Yoshimura’s most well-loved recordings and a favorite of the artist himself. Recorded over the winter of 1985-86 at Yoshimura’s home studio, the compositions unfold at an unhurried pace, a stark contrast to the busy city life of Tokyo. As Yoshimura explained in the original liner notes, the album title in the context of this body of work is not meant to be seen as a color, but is rather used to convey “the comfortable scenery of the natural cycle known as GREEN”—which perfectly encapsulates the soothing and warm sounds contained on the album, although it was created utilizing Yamaha FM synthesizers, known for their crisp digital tones.
This edition marks the first reissue of the highly sought-after and impossible to find album. It features the original mix preferred by Yoshimura himself, previously available only on the initial Japanese vinyl release (a limited edition remixed version of the album, with added sound effects, was released on CD in the US). Additionally, this release is the first in our ongoing series, focusing on the works of Hiroshi Yoshimura.
- published: 20 Mar 2020
- views: 36607
Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne - Seeing Green (Audio)
Music video by Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne performing Seeing Green (Audio). © 2021 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne performing Seeing Green (Audio). © 2021 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne performing Seeing Green (Audio). © 2021 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
- published: 14 May 2021
- views: 19369016
Grupo Green - Megamix Enganchados
Grupo Green - 24 canciones enganchadas en un megamix.
COMPRALO AHORA ► http://smarturl.it/grupogreenmegamix
01 - Convéncete De Mi Amor
02 - Fue Un ...
Grupo Green - 24 canciones enganchadas en un megamix.
COMPRALO AHORA ► http://smarturl.it/grupogreenmegamix
01 - Convéncete De Mi Amor
02 - Fue Un Sueño
03 - Hstoria De Una Amiga
04 - Mi Amigo Y Yo
05 - Ya Será Tarde
06 - Fue Un Error
07 - Quiero Amarte
08 - Amor Pasajero
09 - Tú No Cambiarás
10 - Tengo Que Decirte
11 - Voy A Olvidarte
12 - Amigo Fiel
13 - Solo Estoy
14 - Vivirás En Mí
15 - Nadie Te Amará
16 - Quiero Verte
17 - Historia De Un Amigo
18 - Solitario
19 - Soñando, Soñando
20 - Mi Gran Pasión
21 - Te Voy A Extrañar
22 - Linda Muchachita
23 - Llora Corazón
24 - Fuiste Una Pena
Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/1cmLZW0
Twitter ► http://bit.ly/16gSK75
Google+ ► http://bit.ly/HroDzX
Grupo Green - 24 canciones enganchadas en un megamix.
COMPRALO AHORA ► http://smarturl.it/grupogreenmegamix
01 - Convéncete De Mi Amor
02 - Fue Un Sueño
03 - Hstoria De Una Amiga
04 - Mi Amigo Y Yo
05 - Ya Será Tarde
06 - Fue Un Error
07 - Quiero Amarte
08 - Amor Pasajero
09 - Tú No Cambiarás
10 - Tengo Que Decirte
11 - Voy A Olvidarte
12 - Amigo Fiel
13 - Solo Estoy
14 - Vivirás En Mí
15 - Nadie Te Amará
16 - Quiero Verte
17 - Historia De Un Amigo
18 - Solitario
19 - Soñando, Soñando
20 - Mi Gran Pasión
21 - Te Voy A Extrañar
22 - Linda Muchachita
23 - Llora Corazón
24 - Fuiste Una Pena
Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/1cmLZW0
Twitter ► http://bit.ly/16gSK75
Google+ ► http://bit.ly/HroDzX
- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 6349362
I'll Make You Cry
Provided to YouTube by SM Entertainment
I'll Make You Cry · aespa
Savage - The 1st Mini Album
℗ 2021 SM Entertainment
Released on: 2021-10-05
Producer: Tim...
Provided to YouTube by SM Entertainment
I'll Make You Cry · aespa
Savage - The 1st Mini Album
℗ 2021 SM Entertainment
Released on: 2021-10-05
Producer: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Producer: Brandon Green
Producer: IMLAY
Composer: KENZIE
Lyricist: KENZIE
Composer: Kirsten Collins
Composer: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Arranger: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Arranger: Brandon Green
Composer: Brandon Green
Composer: Hautboi Rich
Arranger: IMLAY
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by SM Entertainment
I'll Make You Cry · aespa
Savage - The 1st Mini Album
℗ 2021 SM Entertainment
Released on: 2021-10-05
Producer: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Producer: Brandon Green
Producer: IMLAY
Composer: KENZIE
Lyricist: KENZIE
Composer: Kirsten Collins
Composer: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Arranger: Timothy “Bos” Bullock
Arranger: Brandon Green
Composer: Brandon Green
Composer: Hautboi Rich
Arranger: IMLAY
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 05 Oct 2021
- views: 272697
Little Green
Provided to YouTube by Rhino
Little Green · Joni Mitchell
℗ 1971 Warner Records Inc.
Unknown: Henry Lewy
Guitar, Vocals: Joni Mitchell
Producer: Joni M...
Provided to YouTube by Rhino
Little Green · Joni Mitchell
℗ 1971 Warner Records Inc.
Unknown: Henry Lewy
Guitar, Vocals: Joni Mitchell
Producer: Joni Mitchell
Writer: Joni Mitchell
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Rhino
Little Green · Joni Mitchell
℗ 1971 Warner Records Inc.
Unknown: Henry Lewy
Guitar, Vocals: Joni Mitchell
Producer: Joni Mitchell
Writer: Joni Mitchell
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 20 Jul 2017
- views: 450555
Cee Lo Green - Cry Baby (Official Video)
Watch the official video for Cry Baby by Cee Lo Green
New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic Moment' available now! http://smarturl.it/magicmoment
Watch Cee Lo's...
Watch the official video for Cry Baby by Cee Lo Green
New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic Moment' available now! http://smarturl.it/magicmoment
Watch Cee Lo's hottest music videos here:
Website: http://www.ceelogreen.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ceelogreen
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ceelogreen
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ceelogreen
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ceelogreen
Watch the official video for Cry Baby by Cee Lo Green
New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic Moment' available now! http://smarturl.it/magicmoment
Watch Cee Lo's hottest music videos here:
Website: http://www.ceelogreen.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ceelogreen
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ceelogreen
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ceelogreen
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ceelogreen
- published: 08 Aug 2011
- views: 8779992
Al Green - Let's Stay Together
"Let's Stay Together" performed by Al Green
I, I'm I'm so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is all right with me
Cause you make me feel so brand...
"Let's Stay Together" performed by Al Green
I, I'm I'm so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is all right with me
Cause you make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you
Let me say that since, baby, since we've been together
Loving you forever
Is what I need
Let me, be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue
Oh baby
Let's, let's stay together (gether)
Lovin' you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad
Why, why some people break up
Then turn around and make up
I just can't see
You'd never do that to me (would you, baby)
Staying around you is all I see
(Here's what I want us do)
Let's, we oughta stay together (gether)
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Come on
Let's stay, (let's stay together) let's stay together
Loving you whether, whether times are good or bad
❤️ Stream more of Al Green's greatest hits: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpIsaqjrwxS08yBaoR8BvDMUnPSSIAcW3
© 1971 Hi Records / Fat Possum
#AlGreen #Oldies #Classics #LetsStayTogether
"Let's Stay Together" performed by Al Green
I, I'm I'm so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is all right with me
Cause you make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you
Let me say that since, baby, since we've been together
Loving you forever
Is what I need
Let me, be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue
Oh baby
Let's, let's stay together (gether)
Lovin' you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad
Why, why some people break up
Then turn around and make up
I just can't see
You'd never do that to me (would you, baby)
Staying around you is all I see
(Here's what I want us do)
Let's, we oughta stay together (gether)
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Come on
Let's stay, (let's stay together) let's stay together
Loving you whether, whether times are good or bad
❤️ Stream more of Al Green's greatest hits: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpIsaqjrwxS08yBaoR8BvDMUnPSSIAcW3
© 1971 Hi Records / Fat Possum
#AlGreen #Oldies #Classics #LetsStayTogether
- published: 20 Sep 2009
- views: 187120922
Green Green Grass Of Home
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Green Green Grass Of Home · Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers
℗ A Capitol Records Nashville Release; ℗ 1976 Capitol Reco...
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Green Green Grass Of Home · Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers
℗ A Capitol Records Nashville Release; ℗ 1976 Capitol Records LLC
Released on: 1976-09-03
Producer: Larry Butler
Composer Lyricist: Curly Putman
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Green Green Grass Of Home · Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers
℗ A Capitol Records Nashville Release; ℗ 1976 Capitol Records LLC
Released on: 1976-09-03
Producer: Larry Butler
Composer Lyricist: Curly Putman
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 26 Apr 2018
- views: 1056184
Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) [Official Music Video]
Watch the official music video for Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day from the album Nimrod.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/G...
Watch the official music video for Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day from the album Nimrod.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenDay/?sub_confirmation=1
Directed by Mark Kohr.
Stream/download Father Of All… here: https://greenday.lnk.to/fatherofall
Watch more Green Day music videos here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eXv00PJ9IQM&list;=PL5150F38E402FACE8&index;=1
Follow Green Day:
Website: https://greenday.com
Tour Dates: https://greenday.com/tour
Email List: https://greenday.com/sign-up
Facebook: https://facebook.com/greenday
Instagram: https://instagram.com/greenday
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greenday
Green Day is a rock band renowned for their hits “Boulevard Of Broken Dreams,” “21 Guns,” “Basket Case,” “American Idiot,” “Wake Me Up When September Ends,” “Holiday,” and “When I Come Around.” They worked with artists like U2, Ringo Starr, and Miranda Lambert — amassing billions of global streams and inducted into the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.”
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life...
#OfficialMusicVideo #GreenDay #GoodRiddanceTimeOfYourLife #WeAreWarnerRecords
Watch the official music video for Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day from the album Nimrod.
🔔 Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenDay/?sub_confirmation=1
Directed by Mark Kohr.
Stream/download Father Of All… here: https://greenday.lnk.to/fatherofall
Watch more Green Day music videos here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eXv00PJ9IQM&list;=PL5150F38E402FACE8&index;=1
Follow Green Day:
Website: https://greenday.com
Tour Dates: https://greenday.com/tour
Email List: https://greenday.com/sign-up
Facebook: https://facebook.com/greenday
Instagram: https://instagram.com/greenday
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greenday
Green Day is a rock band renowned for their hits “Boulevard Of Broken Dreams,” “21 Guns,” “Basket Case,” “American Idiot,” “Wake Me Up When September Ends,” “Holiday,” and “When I Come Around.” They worked with artists like U2, Ringo Starr, and Miranda Lambert — amassing billions of global streams and inducted into the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.”
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life...
#OfficialMusicVideo #GreenDay #GoodRiddanceTimeOfYourLife #WeAreWarnerRecords
- published: 27 Oct 2009
- views: 76317228
Al Green - Tired of Being Alone
Al Green - I'm So Tired of Being Alone
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Just as soon as you can.
Al Green - I'm So Tired of Being Alone
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Just as soon as you can.
People say that I've found a way,
To make you say,
That you love me.
But baby,
You didn't go for that,
Ha, it's a natural fact,
That I want to come back,
Show me where it's at, baby.
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Soon as you can.
I guess you know that I, uh,
I love you so,
Even though,
You don't want me no more,
Hey, hey, hey, hey I'm cryin' tears,
Through the years,
I tell you like it is,
Honey, love me if you can.
Ya baby,
Tired of being alone here by myself, now
I tell ya, I'm tired baby,
I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night,
In my dreams, nobody but you, baby.
Sometimes I wonder,
If you love me like you say you do,
You see baby, I, I, I, I've been thinking about you,
I've been wanting to get next to you, baby,
Sometimes I hold my arms and I say,
Oh baby, yeah, needing you has proven to me,
To be my greatest dream, yeah
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Sometimes late at night I get to wonderin' about you baby,
Baby, baby, ya ya, baby you're my heart's desire
Stream Al Green's greatest hits: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJHhuu0vGMO3SDnv0kuLRjRUjJNs_jE_4
© 1971 Hi Records
#AlGreen #Soul #Classics #ClassicMusic
Al Green - I'm So Tired of Being Alone
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Just as soon as you can.
People say that I've found a way,
To make you say,
That you love me.
But baby,
You didn't go for that,
Ha, it's a natural fact,
That I want to come back,
Show me where it's at, baby.
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Won't you help me, girl,
Soon as you can.
I guess you know that I, uh,
I love you so,
Even though,
You don't want me no more,
Hey, hey, hey, hey I'm cryin' tears,
Through the years,
I tell you like it is,
Honey, love me if you can.
Ya baby,
Tired of being alone here by myself, now
I tell ya, I'm tired baby,
I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night,
In my dreams, nobody but you, baby.
Sometimes I wonder,
If you love me like you say you do,
You see baby, I, I, I, I've been thinking about you,
I've been wanting to get next to you, baby,
Sometimes I hold my arms and I say,
Oh baby, yeah, needing you has proven to me,
To be my greatest dream, yeah
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on my own,
Sometimes late at night I get to wonderin' about you baby,
Baby, baby, ya ya, baby you're my heart's desire
Stream Al Green's greatest hits: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJHhuu0vGMO3SDnv0kuLRjRUjJNs_jE_4
© 1971 Hi Records
#AlGreen #Soul #Classics #ClassicMusic
- published: 28 Jun 2009
- views: 32013754