- published: 03 Apr 2014
- views: 22052
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the United States Government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid. Responding to President Barack Obama's pledge in his 2013 State of the Union Address to "join with our allies to eradicate extreme poverty in the next two decades," USAID has adopted as its mission statement "to partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing the security and prosperity of the United States." USAID operates in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe.
President John F. Kennedy created USAID from its predecessor agencies in 1961 by executive order. USAID's programs are authorized by the Congress in the Foreign Assistance Act, which the Congress supplements through directions in annual funding appropriation acts and other legislation. Although technically an independent federal agency, USAID operates subject to the foreign policy guidance of the President, Secretary of State, and the National Security Council.
This video provides insight into USAID's reinvigorated Program Cycle. The Program Cycle draws on foundational tools that many development veterans will recognize, like strategic planning and project design.
A recent PhD grad seeks job advice
Over the course of three days, USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah testified in front of four Congressional Committees. There, he received an earful from lawmakers about his agency's role in creating a social media platform in Cuba known as ZunZuneo. The platform was used to collect data on private citizens and reportedly undermine the Cuban government. In light of these revelations, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez (D-NJ), put USAID on notice Thursday saying his committee will conduct a review of all of USAID's democracy programs. So is the agency headed for a redesign? RT's Sam Sacks reports. Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/ Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTAm...
USAID began with President John F. Kennedy's vision for foreign assistance. Today USAID continues to save lives and advance opportunity around the world.
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Every day, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is on the frontlines of extreme poverty and global conflict, seeking to encourage resilient, democratic societies. Its signature initiatives — including the US Global Development Lab, Feed the Future, and Power Africa — strive to serve as investments in America’s economic and national security. As his five years of service as USAID administrator come to a close, Dr. Rajiv Shah will join AEI and the Center for American Progress to reflect on the lessons he has learned, the transformation of USAID, and US leadership in global development. Subscribe to AEI's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/AEIVideos?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AEIonline Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/A...
USAID La Invasión Silenciosa... Un documental de FEDERICO RANDAZZO ( Septiembre 2015) ¿Causalidad ? El derrocamiento de presidentes constitucionales , en países donde la embajadora Liliana Ayalde de Estados Unidos desempeñaba sus funciones? ,su próximo destino .... Brasil ,obliga a una asociación de ideas sin ser para nada mal pensados ,porque además de ser muy evidentes, son incorregibles!!! El cambio en la estrategia golpista en el siglo XXI comprende ciudadanos en lugar de tanques( para ataques estudiados y programados contra gobiernos progresistas en Latinoamérica), Tras la fachada de ciertas ONG , está la verdaderta intención desestabilizadora y golpista,financiada desde el mismo lugar de siempre y que puede resumirse en una sola palabra (USAID, por sus siglas en inglés)...
Your love shows many colours
Roses will show their thorns
You showed me signs of silence
Showed me my way back home
I break my back, bent over
I dance on broken glass
I hold my breath half to death
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
My love shows it's horns
Could you lead us home?
Break your,
Break your back on broken glass
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
My love shows many colours
Devils will show their horns
I lead you into darkness
Hoped it would lead us home
You break your back, bent over
You dance on broken glass
I know you'll always love me
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it good