Hanson swings on Trump wrecking ball

Hanson swings on Trump wrecking ball
THE controversial Senator stands by Trump and the Republicans not because they represent great values. In fact it’s the opposite.

Plan to whack CEO pay packets

Plan to whack CEO pay packets
CEOs are increasingly earning massive bonuses based on “softball” non-financial metrics like diversity — and activist investors are sick of it.

Perfect question owns debate

Perfect question owns debate
AFTER an hour of sparring on war and taxes, Trump and Clinton were caught off guard by a question from the audience.

Will Turnbull stay silent on Trump?

Will Turnbull stay silent on Trump?
MALCOLM Turnbull has been biting his tongue in public on Donald Trump for months, but he must be close to running out of restraint.

Disgraced CEO’s ridiculous new plan

Disgraced CEO’s ridiculous new plan
THE disgraced founder of sham blood testing company Theranos has revealed her comeback plan. Let’s just say people aren’t convinced.

Second debate is Clinton’s to lose

Second debate is Clinton’s to lose
WITH 31 days to go before the election, Donald Trump is ceding critical territory to Hillary Clinton. Can he fight back in Monday’s second debate.

Dark side of farm exploitation

Dark side of farm exploitation
SEXUAL advances, out of date food, cleaning the owner’s dirty underwear, and injuries. This is what really goes in the backpacker farming industry.

Judgement day for Donald Trump

Judgement day for Donald Trump
AS the US prepares to dial into the second presidential debate, you have to wonder if Trump learnt anything from the campaign so far.

Why it's too late to dump Trump

This picture probably captures how Donald Trump is feeling right now. Photo: AAP
DONALD Trump's latest scandal has sparked calls to dump him from the presidential race. Sorry, but that won't work.

'That's absurd': TV guest explodes

Ana Navarro lost her temper discussing Trump's latest candal.
AMID the explosive fallout from Donald Trump's biggest scandal yet, one TV guest stood out, as she completely lost her temper.

Hurricane’s surprise side effect?

Hurricane’s surprise side effect?
IT HAS already claimed lives and caused a trail of destruction. But Hurricane Matthew could have another unintended outcome.

‘It’s like you’re a piece of sh*t’

‘It’s like you’re a piece of sh*t’
THEY’RE abused and sworn at or ignored altogether. Next time these people get on your nerves, spare some sympathy.

Giant Putin banner baffles New York

Giant Putin banner baffles New York
SOMEONE has hung an enormous banner bearing Vladimir Putin’s face on the Manhattan Bridge in New York City. No one knows what to make of it.

Malcolm Turnbull’s awkward encounter

Malcolm Turnbull’s awkward encounter
THE PM copped some unexpected policy advice from an angry rail commuter today as he was harangued while trying to board a train.

Abbott’s comeback makes no sense

Abbott’s comeback makes no sense
THE timing of Tony Abbott’s quest to return as Prime Minister is so perfect it is difficult to believe. But it just doesn’t make sense.

‘Trainwreck’: Clinton’s VP blows it

‘Trainwreck’: Clinton’s VP blows it
TODAY’S debate between the two boring dad types Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump chose as running mates turned into a mess.

Awkward gaffe: Bill Clinton goes rogue

Awkward gaffe: Bill Clinton goes rogue
FORMER president Bill Clinton has committed two awkward gaffes in as many days, throwing his wife’s political allies under the bus.

Schoolgirl’s powerful question to Clinton

Schoolgirl’s powerful question to Clinton
A 15-YEAR-OLD girl became the unexpected star of the day when she stood in front of a packed crowd and put Hillary Clinton on the spot.

‘Can I get you a pillow, Gen Y?’

‘Can I get you a pillow, Gen Y?’
THESE days it’s all about Gen Y and attracting young people to workplaces, but there’s one group we should all feel sorry for.

Trump insulted the wrong people

Trump insulted the wrong people
HE’S done it again. This time, Donald Trump has attacked the very heart of America, and the backlash could be severe.

Aussies should get freedom over savings

Aussies should get freedom over savings
MOST of us have thousands tied up super and soon we’ll be forced to put in more. Now some are questioning whether our savings should be freed up.

All it took was measly 4 per cent

All it took was measly 4 per cent
FEW thought Donald Trump would become a serious presidential candidate. It turns out not that many people actually voted for him.

‘Billion-dollar loser’: Trump’s bombshell

‘Billion-dollar loser’: Trump’s bombshell
THESE are taxing times for Donald Trump. He just endured a week from hell, and it’s been capped off by a bombshell report about his tax returns.

‘Billion-dollar loser’: Trump’s bombshell

‘Billion-dollar loser’: Trump’s bombshell
THESE are taxing times for Donald Trump. He just endured a week from hell, and it’s been capped off by a bombshell report about his tax returns.

Candyman out to bankrupt ex-nanny

Candyman out to bankrupt ex-nanny
TOBACCO mogul Travers Beynon, aka The Candyman, is pulling out the big guns in his legal fight against the ex-nanny who defamed him on ACA.

Did Trump just troll everyone?

Did Trump just troll everyone?
LEAKED documents have revealed the huge scale of Trump’s losses. But according to a new theory, the joke is on everyone else.

Radio star ‘sacked for being white’

Radio star ‘sacked for being white’
A BBC radio performer and writer says he was axed from a show he has appeared on for 18 years to make way for “more women and diversity”.

Turnbull’s big fail on SA disaster

Turnbull’s big fail on SA disaster
SOUTH Australia has copped a battering from gale-force winds over the past week. The last thing they needed from Malcolm Turnbull was a load of hot air.

Where Turnbull is losing votes fast

Where Turnbull is losing votes fast
MALCOLM Turnbull’s standing with voters is lower than where it was when Tony Abbott was dumped. And he’s bleeding votes fast with a key demographic.

Clinton mocks Trump’s Twitter meltdown

Clinton mocks Trump’s Twitter meltdown
HILLARY Clinton has mocked Donald Trump’s early-morning Twitter tirade with a pre-dawn tweet storm of her own.