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Youth worker Les Twentyman said the woman’s situation was indicative of the worsening homeless crisis.
media_cameraYouth worker Les Twentyman said the woman’s situation was indicative of the worsening homeless crisis.

Homeless woman camping at Newells Paddock told to pay $440 to get things back

MARIBYRNONG Council has backed down on making a homeless woman pay $440 to reclaim her belongings after they were seized from an illegal camp site in Footscray.

The 30-year-old woman had been camping at Newells Paddock for the past month until council officers intervened and told her to move on.

Maribyrnong planning services director Nigel Higgins said the camper was given two weeks to stop camping in the parklands and remove all personal items and rubbish.

“Advice, pamphlets and support contacts were given to the camper including advice that after a number of warnings that property would be impounded,” Mr Higgins said.

“In this instance we believe the isolated location did not provide a safe site and was not in their best interests.

“Officers attended with police and removed all camping property found at the site. A large amount of rubbish left in the area was also cleaned up.”

A $440 fee was placed on the seized items’ return.

But following intervention from youth worker Les Twentyman the impound collection fee was withdrawn and the woman could collect her belongings.

Mr Twentyman said he was relieved common sense had prevailed given the woman had no capacity to pay.

“It was just outrageous and cold hearted in the first place to ask someone who is homeless to pay such a steep amount to get back what belongs to them,” he said.

It follows the Maribyrnong Leader in partnership with Mr Twentyman’s 20th Man Fund launching a Hope For Home campaign, calling for a youth emergency centre to be built in the municipality.


Mr Twentyman said the woman, who is back living on the streets, was indicative of the worsening homeless crisis.

“We have so many people sleeping around the Footscray CBD and in parks because we have shortage of shelters,” he said.

“The rooming houses are just sleazy and violent places and people would prefer to live on the street.”