- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 3350
Zong Qinghou (Chinese: 宗庆后; born 1945) is a Chinese entrepreneur, founder, Chairman and CEO of the Hangzhou Wahaha Group, the leading beverage company in China. He was ranked as China's richest man of 2012 and second-richest man of 2013, according to the China Rich List, published by Hurun Report. On the Global Rich List, he is 35th richest man in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$20 billion., Zong is a delegate to the Chinese National People's Congress.
Zong is a native of Zhejiang, and has had little formal education. After graduating from secondary school, Zong worked at the Zhoushan salt farm. He returned home in 1979 on the retirement of his mother, who was a teacher. He eventually returned to Hangzhou, and only found menial work at a local school due to the low level of his education. In 1987, he targeted a minigrocery in a school in Shangcheng District,Hangzhou, selling milk. Zong headed the embryonic Wahaha business, which distributed fizzy soft drinks, ice and stationery. Together with two retired schoolteachers, he borrowed the sum of CNY 140,000, to start producing milk drinks for distribution.
【改变世界】中国杰出企业家管理思想访谈录 专访宗庆后
宗庆后:世界经济危机远没过去 还在继续恶化
专访中国前首富宗庆后 杨澜访谈录 20131215
宗慶後:製造業永遠不會衰退 20130313
马云回呛董明珠宗庆后 落后思想让你淘汰 | 大佬来啦
宗庆后炮轰马云“五新”:除了新技术 全是胡说八道
《改变世界—中国杰出企业家管理思想访谈录》呈现中国改革开放30多年来,最具代表性的企业家的管理智慧、创新实践,从而激发更多的企业家精神,成就更伟大的商业文明,造福更美好的商业世界。 2015年12月推出首季,一对一专访柳传志、张瑞敏、宗庆后、雷军、刘永好、茅理翔、王正华等7位有代表性的企业家。 上线时间:每周四17:00前 (GMT+8) CHANGING THE WORLD:INTERVIEWS ON CHINA’S OUTSTANDING ENTREPRENEURS This program presents you with stories of quintessential Chinese entrepreneurs with their management philosophy and innovation practices since the Reform and Opening up started more than 30 years ago. CHANGING THE WORLD aims to inspire more entrepreneurship to create a more prosperous business world. The first edition starts from December 2015, featuring one-on-one interviews with 7 unique entrepreneurs: LIUChuanzhi, ZHANGRuimin, ZONGQinghou, LEIJun, LIU Yonghao, MAO Lixiang, WANG Zhenghua. Update Time: Before 17:00 (GMT+8), every Thursday 第一财经是上海广播...
杨澜访谈录《2013年视频合集》全集【官方版高清全集完整】视频播放地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0FAi3EH4T4&list;=PLUMs52cTf1u205kMxcDsnIrVIrEaK3i8p 【杨澜访谈录-本期精彩】2010年和2012年,宗庆后 成为了胡润全球富豪榜和福布斯富豪榜的中国内地"双料首富"。很多人会觉得,如今宗庆后家大业大,已经拥有享受生活的足够资本,然而,他仍平均每天工作16个小时,并提出要"第三次创业"! 虽然近些年来,宗庆后 对外界关心的娃哈哈"接班人"问题,一直不予明确表态,并且也坦言自己还会一直干下去,但同时他也说,自己已经将三分之一的企业交给女儿宗馥莉在管。 宗庆后说"现在创业的话,确实要创新,同时要脚踏实地,年轻人应该先从打工开始,你慢慢才能有机会,今后如果有职业经理人,你也是有机会的。我认为不缺钱,我上市干什么呢?我觉得现在上市企业,光是在圈钱,没有给股东回报。而且上市之前拼命包装,等到一上市就垮了,我觉得这不太好。" 【欢迎订阅杨澜访谈录官方YouTube频道】 ★杨澜访谈录官方频道 https://www.youtube.com/user/yanglanoneonone ★杨澜访谈录《精彩预告》官方版高清全集 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64QqlwpWBaM&list;=PLUMs52cTf1u30Rop66oMMd9YozQko4djW ★杨澜访谈录《CEO创始人的艰辛路程》官方版高清全集 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0FAi3EH4T4&list;=PLUMs52cTf1u2vk8GjyEGOpd35p6YGVEBn ★杨澜访谈录《男人心中的梦中情人》官方版高清全集 https://www.youtube.com...
哇哈哈集团老总,宗庆后,中国改革,放弃绿卡,共同富裕,2013 娃哈哈董事长宗庆后 宗庆后,中共党员,高级经济师,浙江大学MBA特聘导师。1987-1991年,任杭州娃哈哈营养食品厂厂长;1991年至今,任杭州娃哈哈集团公司董事长兼总经理。2013胡润富豪榜上宗庆后820亿蝉联内地首富。 1. 城镇化首要是控制大城市规模 农村劳动力到大城市来打工,但是不能实现真正的转移,因为他在大城市不可能长期生活下去,所以他打几年工赚够能够建房子的钱就回去了 2. 自称从未贿赂政府 应该说我跟政府关系也都不错,但是我也从来没有去贿赂他们,也没有跟他们走的很近。作为我企业履行责任帮它做政绩,它认为我也很好。 3. 白酒行业有机会我也不进 因为我也不喝酒,我认为酒喝多了也是伤害身体,少量喝酒还好,喝的太多对身体健康也有影响。 4. 收入翻番要免工薪阶层个人所得税 你收入增加以后成本增加了,你给他多付了一点钱,又把税收回去了,我认为不可能实际得到收入翻一番,毕竟只有七年时间。 5. 大家共同富裕才不会仇富 我认为我们财富拥有者也要想通,让大家共同富裕以后,人家就不会仇富,你的财产也会安全了,而且还受到人家的尊重。 6.民企第二代多半不会接班 因为二代基本上都是出国留学回来的,接受了高等教育,事业想法和老一辈也不一样,所以他可能不一定会接上一代的班。
前中国首富、娃哈哈董事长宗庆后近日被拍到在高铁上坐二等座,还有小朋友讨要AD钙奶,成了网红。宗庆后接受采访说,有钱人坐二等座也没什么问题。他还说,小平同志说先富带动后富,现在就是这个时候了。 【宗庆后帮腔曹德旺:税负确实高】 宗庆后近日接受浙江电视台专访时回应了曹德旺的中国高税负之说:“乱七八糟的税太多了…财政部门,始终没有算好这笔账。” 他说,涉及食品安全的互联网谣言对娃哈哈造成了比较大的损失。
马云回呛董明珠宗庆后 落后思想让你淘汰 | 大佬来啦 视频来源和原始版权来自并归属 "大佬来啦" 视频来源网络! 如有侵权,请联系删除 论点和本频道无关 更多视频 请登录: http://www.wuwushow.com
Zong Qinghou is the founder and chairman of Hangzhou Wahaha Group which is the leading beverage company in China. Zong was listed as China’s richest man in 2012. As an NPC deputy, Zong has submitted one motion and 12 suggestions this year. He said deputies have the responsibility to represent the ordinary people. CCTVNEWS reporter Su Yuting spoke with Zong to hear his opinion on China’s economic development. Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVNEWSbeijing Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls;=1&mt;=8 Download for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvnewschina Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTVNEWS Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CCTVNEW...
NPC Deputy Zong Qinghou—founder and chairman of China’s leading beverage company, Hangzhou Wahaha Group, and China’s richest man of 2012—has submitted one motion and 12 suggestions at this year’s two sessions. In a CCTV interview, he said deputies have the responsibility to represent ordinary people. Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVcomInternational Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/cctv-news/id878031632?mt=8 Download for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cn.cctvnews Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/cctv_english Instagram: http://instagram.com/cctvenglish Weibo: http://weibo.com/cntvenglish
In today's special series of Faces of the NPC & CPPCC, we sit down with Zong Qinghou, one of the richest men in China. CCTV spoke to Mr.Zong about how he's contributing to China's push for reforms as an deputy.
China's richest businessman, Zong has a net worth of $12.6 billion. He explains here how he made it, says why he is against philanthropy and explains the history of the recent period known as "The Opening Up."
China has seen a remarkable economic transformation over the last 30 years, with hundreds of millions of people lifted out of poverty. But with the global economic slowdown, there are real fears that this miracle may not last. China's richest man, Zong Qing Hou, who grew up in poverty and now sits on a fortune of up to $20bn, told the BBC's George Alagiah that the gap between rich and poor had become a "huge problem" and was something that would have to be tackled by the country's new leader.
China's Second Richest Man Zong Qinghou Knifed after Refusing Job Seeker TJ Walker is the #1 rated Daily Internet-only liberal news video pundit. Walker is also a regular contributor to Forbes.com, Daily Kos, and the Reuters Insider Network. Walker is also a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Business Week best-selling author. A frequent network news analyst, Walker has made more than 1000 national TV and radio guest appearances on CBS, ABC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, Al Jazeera, NBC, Fox Business, Russia Today, HLN, TrueTV, Comedy Central, Sirius and NPR. In 2009, Walker entered the Guinness Book Of World Records for most talk show appearances ever in a 24 hour period. (
Go to http://bon.tv/china-take to watch the full episode
China has lost its soul in the frantic chase for wealth, the daughter of its second-richest man has declared. Kelly Zong, the only child and heir apparent of Zong Qinghou -- whose assets are estimated by Forbes at £6.9bn -- also said the country's first generation of tycoons had over-indulged their children, who lacked character. Though her family have ridden China's economic tide to immense wealth, Zong, 31, said development had come at a cost. "I think we lost our soul. In the US, they have beliefs: Christianity, Catholicism. China has Buddhism but I don't think people really believe it in their heart." Sitting at a vast conference table in Wahaha's headquarters in Hangzhou, Zong said a country should be judged not just by its economy, but by broader social standards, such as the clean...
The video showcases the list of Top 100 Billionaires of 2014 as per Forbes.com March 2014. Bill Gates, Carlos Slim Helu & family, Amancio Ortega, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Charles Koch, David Koch, Sheldon Adelson, Christy Walton & family, Jim Walton, Liliane Bettencourt & family, Stefan Persson, Alice Walton, S. Robson Walton, Bernard Arnault & family, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin, Li Ka-shing, Mark Zuckerberg, Michele Ferrero & family, Aliko Dangote, Karl Albrecht, Carl Icahn, George Soros, David Thomson & family, Lui Che Woo, Dieter Schwarz, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, Forrest Mars Jr, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Lee Shau Kee, Steve Ballmer, Theo Albrecht Jr & family, Leonardo Del Vecchio, Len Blavatnik, Mukesh Ambani, Ali...