- published: 17 Jan 2015
- views: 105049
VAST is an American alternative rock band based in Seattle, Washington. The acronym VAST stands for Visual Audio Sensory Theater and is the main creation of singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jon Crosby. The band is signed to 2blossoms, an independent record company created by Crosby himself.
VAST's sound is identifiable as ambient electro-rock with considerable industrial and acoustic influences, usually made with Crosby's traditional acoustic guitar, electronic instruments and processing, drum-driven tracks, and heavy bass. Vocally similarities range from classic rock to post-grunge. In recent years, however, VAST's sound has been more identifiable with acoustic rock in releases such as April and Me and You.
Crosby's musical endeavors began at a young age of 13, where he was noted in Guitar Player Magazine as a promising guitarist of the future. He often recorded home demos with nothing more than a guitar and a drum machine, sometimes a bass player with him as well. He nearly signed onto a guitar-based label Shrapnel, but turned it down to work on his budding songwriting skills. Crosby eventually left Rancho Cotate high school in Rohnert Park, California, to do home study and begin his own band, which he dubbed VAST. Much like fellow alternative rock/industrial band Nine Inch Nails, Crosby was the only member but found a touring band who knew the songs well enough to play with him live.
VAST - Visual Audio Sensory Theater (Full Album) 1998
VAST Touched
PPAP (ล้อเลียน) by VAST
VAST - Pretty When You Cry
V.A.S.T. - Touched Official Video
VAST - Music For People (Full Album) 2000
Flames, Vast
มาม่าเกาหลีเผ็ดมากก!!! by VAST
Vast "Free"
Vast - Winter in my Heart
Visual Audio Sensory Theater is the debut album by the band VAST, released on April 28, 1998 by Elektra Records. VAST is the brainchild of Jon Crosby. Track list 1. Here 2. Touched 3. Dirty hole 4. Pretty when you cry 5. I'm dying 6. Flames 7. Temptation 8. Three doors 9. The niles edge 10. Somewhere else to be 11. [untitled] 12. You
VAST's "Pretty When You Cry" video - uncut version.
The Official music video for Touched by V.A.S.T. Lyrics: Touched You say that I am too So much of what you say is true I'll never find someone quite like you Again I'll never find someone quite like you Like you The razors and the dying roses plead I don't leave you alone The demi-gods and hungry ghosts of God God knows I'm not at home I'll never find someone quite like you Again I'll never find someone quite like you Again I, I looked into your eyes and saw A world that does not exist I looked into your eyes and saw A world I wish I was in I'll never find someone quite as touched As you I'll never love someone quite the way that I Loved you ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User 'NinjaRafter' brought to my a...
All songs written by Jon Crosby. Tracklist 01. "The Last One Alive" 02. "Free" 03. "I Don't Have Anything" 04. "The Gates Of Rock 'N Roll" 05. "What Else Do I Need" 06. "Blue" 07. "Land Of Shame" 08. "A Better Place" 09. "Song Without A Name" 10. "We Will Meet Again" 11. "My TV And You" 12. "Lady Of Dreams"
มาม่าเกาหลีเผ็ดมากก!!! by VAST คลิปนี้!! สร้างขึ้นเพื่อความบันเทิง ติดตามพวกเราได้ที่ https://www.facebook.com/VASTchannel/
From the 8x10 club Baltimore MD 5-4-09. www.realvast.com
This is the "I dont have anything" video by VAST(Jon Crosby) from when he played on the late late show with craig kilborn.
VAST playing Touched off their first album. This was recorded following Deadbeat Darling at the Highline Ballroom in NY on 2008.02.13. BoFiS
Don't Take Your Love Away VAST May 29, 2009 Key Club West Hollywood, CA
Tijdens de Dutch YouTube Gathering 2016 riep ik als verrassing Thomas het podium op en zong 'Hou me vast' voor hem. Dit is wat er gebeurde! Mis geen één video door je te abonneren: http://www.bit.ly/AbonneerOpFurtjuh ▻ Furchandise kleding: http://www.furchandise.nl ▻ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/rutgervink ▻ Snapchat: Furtjuh http://www.snapchat.com/add/furtjuh ▻ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/rutgervink ▻ Furtjuh's Furvorites Spotify-lijst: http://www.furtjuh.com/spotify Tweede kanaal met vlogs: ▻ http://www.youtube.com/Rutger Wil je me post sturen? Leuk! Dat kan naar dit adres: Rutger / Furtjuh Passeerdersgracht 18 1016 XH Amsterdam E-mail voor (zakelijke) vragen: rutger@furtjuh.com Bedankt voor het kijken en tot volgende week! Ik maak namelijk elke donderdag een nieuwe vid...
Vast performing I'm Dying, live at the Highline Ballroom. Feb 13, 2008 Lyrics property of Jon Crosby Jesus Christ Are you the son of God? I want to know you ask that I believe Not one day goes by that I don't compromise your love for the cold love of the world It's killing me through my own evil pride not one day goes by that I don't know that I'm dying Jesus Christ Are you the savior of the world? I want to see but I still believe Not one day goes by that I don't realize I know that no one will ever know where the flowers go when they are gone Not one day goes by that I don't know that I'm dying I want to say you all are too I want to say you all are too
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Here is my Vast: The Crystal Caverns full board game playthrough. Support me on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/JonGetsGames Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/JonGetsGames Subscribe to my GeekList! http://bit.ly/JGG-Geeklist Like my Facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/JonGetsGames
CONTEST - WIN A FREE COPY OF VAST Simply post your comment on the YouTube comments section below to be entered into a contest to win a copy of Vast through Man Vs Meeple. CONTEST ENDS SUNDAY AUGUST 7TH, 2016 @ 11:00 PM EST Man Vs Meeple is committed to giving back to the community through the wonderful Publishers that we will be working with throughout the upcoming year. For that effort, we will be giving away a FREE COPY of every game that we Review. Yes, spread the word about Man Vs Meeple ! 1-5 Player Asymmetric Dungeon Crawler Game Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/manvsmeeple Follow us on Twitter: @manvsmeeple Email us: manvsmeeple@gmail.com Vast Review by Man Vs Meeple Hosted by Jeremy Salinas (Drakkenstrike) Co-Hosted by David Waybright
Ionate Films está de volta com seu segundo filme mountainbike freeride e leva você a uma viagem através da poeira, sujeira, asfalto e neve. Incline-se para trás para apreciar a paisagem retumbante abrangendo desde o coração dos Alpes suíços sobre montanhas e geleiras até a costa da Ligúria, os espaços amplos da Provence e nas ruas de Berlim. Veja o que pilotos como René Wildhaber, Ross Schnell, Samuel Zbinden e Carlo Dieckmann fazem quando vão andando, não correndo. Riders: René Wildhaber, Ross Schnell, Samuel Zbinden, Carlo Dieckmann, Romeo Volken, Pascal Breitenstein, Mischa Breitenstein, Adrian Fischer, Sacha Robert, Katja Rupf, Marco Bugnone, Vinzenz Guntern, Roman Roschi, Mathé Hüsler Filmado em locações na Suíça, Itália, Alemanha, Áustria e França
X-Fusion - Vast Abysm Released 2008-07-04 on Scanner Download on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/id288589076?uo=6&app;=itunes&at;=10ldAw&ct;=YTAT4250137294513 Download on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=X-Fusion+Vast+Abysm&c;=music&PAffiliateID;=100l3VM 1. 00:00:00 X-Fusion Godless 2. 00:04:37 X-Fusion Bouncer Of The Pearly Gate -Alternative End 3. 00:10:38 X-Fusion I Saw You 4. 00:15:40 X-Fusion Parasites 5. 00:21:07 X-Fusion Flesh And Blood 6. 00:25:06 X-Fusion Bringer Of Light 7. 00:30:32 X-Fusion Commercial Whore 8. 00:34:30 X-Fusion Valediction 9. 00:38:43 X-Fusion Bloody Revenge 10. 00:43:47 X-Fusion Last Breath 11. 00:48:30 X-Fusion When The Curtain Falls 12. 00:53:16 X-Fusion Stuprum Violentum 13. 00:59:36 X-Fusion Good Gloomy Night 14. 01:02:53 X-Fusion ...
Jon Crosby (VAST) - interview circa 1998-99
Jon Crosby, lead singer of the band VAST, sits down for an interview. We talk major vs. indie labels, sci-fi novels and guitar hero, Rock it Out! Blog website http://rockitoutblog.com VAST website http://realvast.com Rock it Out! Band of the Week Echosuite http://myspace.com/echosuite SUBSCRIBE to the blog! Rock it Out!
Download the "Nomad" Single on iTunes:http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/nomad/id431189804?i=431189813&ign-mpt;=uo%3D4 Man Bites Dog and Fat Beats Records are proud to present Vast Aire OX 2010: A Street Odyssey on May 31st 2011. Journalist Rob Markman sits down with Vast Aire to discuss the upcomming release. Please support underground music and repost this video. May 31st The Odyssey begins !
Access A3C - "Vast Aire (Cannibal Ox) & Double Ab" (Interview) Vast Aire gives an update on Cannibal Ox & coming up during the 90's NY indie scene, and Double AB & Vast Aire share their opinions on race in hip hop, plus more! http://a3cfestival.com - For the 9th Annual return of one of the largest HIPHOP festivals in the United States, A3C introduced something new. Access A3C: a daily LIVE look into the A3C with news, reviews and exclusive interviews. So even if you couldn't make it, you still get a little taste of the amazing experience A3C provides every year and motivation to make it out next year. Look forward to footage dropping starting Monday November 4th. New episodes dropping every Monday & Thursday in November & December. Access A3C is brought to you by: Kevin Nottingham: http...
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldenicons On Instagram: http://instagram.com/goldenicons On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goldeniconsmagazine Visit Our Website: http://www.goldenicons.com Join us on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldenicons
How to find my Inner Essence? Interview with the enlightened spiritual Master Guruji Sri Vast http://www.srivast.org/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Guruji-Sri-Vast/244527805565318 Guruji Sri Vast is an enlightened Mystic and spiritual Master teaching a universal language of love and compassion, a joyful wisdom towards Total Liberation. Guruji reveals the mystery and interplay between God, Human and Nature, awakening mankind to a deeper understanding of our life and purpose on this planet, so that we can live in our full potential and explore the wholeness of our Existence. In these series of interviews Guruji Sri Vast brings clarity into these profound topics: Spiritual life, Education, Society, Gender, Family, Living in harmony with Nature, Authenticity, the Natural human, Community ...
=========Subscribe or DIE!========= DividableHalo If you Enjoyed this video don't forget to Sub, Like and Comment it helps me out thank you :D INFO►Interview with Z4BROS or Vast Contagion ============================= My Main Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/DividableHalo ============================= Follow me on my social media today! ►My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DividableHalo ►My Twitter: https://twitter.com/DividableHalo ►My Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/dividablehalo ►My Instagram: http://instagram.com/josephsylvestre ============================= Halo © Microsoft Corporation. Halo was created under Microsoft’s “Game Content Usage Rules” using assets from Halo, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft.
Justin Hunte (The Company Man, Writer for Hiphop DX and Managing Editor at Brooklyn Bodega) sits down with Legendary recording artist Vast Aire for a one on one about Vast Aire's new release OX 2010: A Street Odyssey on Man Bites Dog Records http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=432355189
Interview with Ed & Alex Van Halen for dutch radioshow called "Los Vast" 1984 See more here: http://www.youtube.com/user/kurpe003
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton defended her husband, Bill Clinton, on the TODAY show, with Matt Lauer asking the questions, in January of 1998. At the time he was being investigated for various things, but hot on the plate was the accusation that he had had an "improper" relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
😀😎😎 mijn poes pepper zit vast in de kleren hoe komt hij der uit?
So I go exploring and i don't find anything so we end up working on a enchantment room! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Il Social Links lI ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Il My Facebook lI https://www.facebook.com/anthony.ward.1428921 Il My Twitter lI https://twitter.com/aj_ward20 Il My Instagram lI https://www.instagram.com/cod_funny81/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/anthonyw20/?hl=en Il My Google+ lI https://plus.google.com/getstarted/getstarted?fww=1&continue;=https://plus.google.com/me Il My Twitch lI https://www.twitch.tv/bossmanmega/profile ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Il Outro Song lI ProleteR - It Don't Mean A Thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHFPWb1DaoA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Il Intro Song lI Caravan Palace - Je M'amuse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IrphBjH72s ▬▬▬▬...
Leave a like if you enjoyed! #VIS2 Vast Hiitz: https://twitter.com/OhHiitz https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnoOpar2mnL_lP3XLsf_SCg Want to help your sight while gaming? Check us out below! https://bit.ly/VastNoScope Want to play like us? Use code 'VAST15' at check-out for amazing controllers, check them out below! https://www.cinchgaming.com Stay Connected! https://www.twitter.com/VastSanction Follow our leaders! https://www.twitter.com/Rehrii https://www.twitter.com/ItsAventicz https://www.twitter.com/LVNGboi Check out our official Roster + PSD here! https://bit.ly/VastRoster
HD & Headphones Recommended for better sound quality. Pasha Aeon (https://vk.com/pasha.aeon) Eric Zenkov (https://vk.com/ericzenkov) Rav Vast Drum made by Andrey Remyannikov. Video by Polina Shadrina. RAV Vast2 Celtic Minor B2 F#3 A3 B3 C#4 D4 E4 F#4 A4 https://vk.com/ravclub #RavVastDrum #RAV_Vast #RavVast
Looking out my window staring
at the things that i can't see
if i listen closely
i can hear, i can hear
i can hear a dying dream
i'm wrapped up in the warmth
of an unforgiving mind
i'm on vacation in another time
and we can thank the tv
we can thank the men of old for this legacy of hate
somehow, somehow they have sold
i'm wrapped up in the warmth
of an unforgiving game
i'm on vacation in the land of shame
when the pigs are flying
and it's freezing cold in hell
maybe we'll forgive the children, baby
only time will tell
yeah yeah
if i listen closely
i can hear, i can hear
i can hear a dying dream
i'm on vacation in the land of shame
we'll be alone together
in a world we call our own
we'll be alone together
in a place that doesn't feel like home
yeah yeah
i can hear, i can hear
i can hear a dying dream
dying dream
dying dream
dying dream
we'll be alone together
in a world we call our own
we'll be alone together
in a place that doesn't feel like home
we'll be alone together
in a world we call our own
in a place that doesn't feel like home
we'll be alone together