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In the days following her daughter's death, Natalie Handsjuk is distraught Phoebe's fall is being treated as a suicide. Desperate to speak to Phoebe's partner, Ant Hampel, the pair meet at his apartment. On the advice of her father, Natalie makes a secret recording of their conversation.

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Episode three of Phoebe's Fall looks at a secret tape plus the state of Phoebe's Handsjuk's mind at the time of her death. Listen now:

A podcast series on the short life and brutal death of Phoebe Handsjuk.
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Same-sex marriage: the facts
Q&A: Free speech vs hate speech
Barack Obama's final UN address
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'Today's editorial cartoon from Cathy Wilcox.'
'The Great Sydney Swim. January 26, 2016. Photo by SMH photographer Dallas Kilponen.'
The Sydney Morning Herald's photo.

Episode three of Phoebe's Fall looks at a secret tape plus the state of Phoebe's Handsjuk's mind at the time of her death. Listen now:

A podcast series on the short life and brutal death of Phoebe Handsjuk.

A national service veteran and retired teacher was allegedly stabbed to death after he caught a couple breaking into his home.

Police went to check on Mr Whiteley's welfare after his relatives had failed to hear from him. Officers found his body inside his home and believe he had been dead for some time.|By Ava Benny-Morrison

The nine Australians arrested after stripping down to budgie smugglers emblazoned with the Malaysian national flag during the Grand Prix have escaped conviction in Malaysia.


Comment: After NSW's near-decade of scandal, sex, torpor and then a touch more scandal, Mike Baird came bursting through the door like the ideal new suitor for our perennially jilted offspring.

Once the nation's most popular politician, Baird is now in a jam over, of all things, the racing of greyhounds.|By James Robertson

"Today the world meets the moment. And if we follow through on the commitments that this Paris Agreement embodies, history may well judge it as a turning point for our planet": The Paris climate accord has been ratified by enough countries for it to go into force.


"I don't think it's good for anybody to have two votes that incite some people in the community to spew hate - and that's certainly what is going to happen if the government pursues both," says Indigenous academic Marcia Langton.

Aboriginal leaders are urging Malcolm Turnbull to abandon the plebiscite on same-sex marriage, convinced an ugly campaign by opponents of equality will damage their prospects for constitutional recognition.|By Michael Gordon

Hazard reduction burning is thought to have caused a bushfire at Jervis Bay on the NSW South Coast, leading to holidaymakers being evacuated.

Holidaymakers have been evacuated after a fire spread at Jervis Bay on the NSW south coast.|By Georgina Mitchell

Footage of the crash shows witnesses watching as both trucks are engulfed in flames. One person is heard asking: "Did anyone see him get out?"

"Two people, believed to be the drivers, were located deceased at the scene," NSW Police said.

"They haven't been formally identified and their ages aren't yet known."|By Nick Ralston

One of nine Australian men who were arrested after stripping down to budgie smugglers emblazoned with the Malaysian national flag during the Malaysia Grand Prix has read out a letter of apology in court saying it was a "moment of folly".

One of the men fainted in court and was helped up by court attendants.

They have spent four nights in custody at the nearby police station.|By Haylena Krishnamoorthy

"The cost of justice in this country is incredibly high": Hotel owners, bakers and florists who object to same-sex marriage would have their legal cases bankrolled by a new fighting fund set up by the Australian Christian Lobby.

The Human Rights Law Alliance, partly modelled on the notorious US-based Alliance Defending Freedom, would provide financial backing for businesses caught up in anti-discrimination cases.|By Michael Koziol

An overheating, smoking Samsung smartphone has forced the evacuation of a plane that was preparing to take off in the US, with reports indicating the phone was a new Galaxy Note7 issued as a replacement following a global recall.

The owner of the phone, Brian Green, said he had just powered the phone down when "thick grey-green angry smoke" begun to pour out of it.

A rescue operation is under way to help a woman in her 20s who has fallen 100 metres from a lookout in the NSW Central Tablelands.

The woman is conscious but police say the extent of her injuries is not clear.|By Ava Benny-Morrison

"It seems highly likely we have reached our ceiling."

The shift toward growth in ever-older populations started slowing in the 1980s; about a decade ago, it stalled.|By Carl Zimmer

Stillbirth Foundation Australia CEO Victoria Bowring said stillbirth was a "national crisis" still being dealt with in silence.

The Stillbirth Foundation engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers to find the economic cost of stillbirth, a measure neither governments nor business could ignore.|By Amy Remeikis

If you're deliberately trying to provoke people, perhaps it's a tad undignified to then complain about how people subsequently got all provoked, writes Andrew P Street.

Flags look great on flagpoles and they're handy for identifying which side is winning during Olympic events and wars. What they're not typically good for is clothing.|By Andrew P Street

The nine Australian men who were arrested after stripping down to budgie smugglers during the Grand Prix in Malaysia have arrived at court.

They could be charged with an "intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace" or public indecency.