

Malcolm Turnbull's consolation – Christmas is coming

Trim and taut, sure, but terrific? That's more of an aspiration for a slimmed-down Malcolm Turnbull, who turns 62 on Monday.

The Prime Minister has actually lifted his game at the dispatch box in recent weeks, garnering a few laughs from his troops and conveying a sense of enjoyment and even control.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull may already be looking forward to Christmas and the chance it offers to reset.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull may already be looking forward to Christmas and the chance it offers to reset. Photo: Andrew Meares

A "sense" of control rather than necessarily, the reality of it. Politics might well be showbusiness for ugly people but projecting relaxation as the ground slips sideways, has called for some pretty high-level thespianism. 

Take last week. It had been pencilled in as a certain win for the government.

It would be all about Labor's unhealthy relationship with union thugs as exemplified by the opposition's continued blocking of the controversial ABCC and Registered Organisations bills.

But it wasn't to be.


Valiant attempts by Turnbull, Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton to draw conversation back to Labor's unhealthy co-dependency with the union movement failed as the focus remained determinedly on shotgun laws and on the equally explosive relationship between Turnbull and his predecessor, Tony Abbott.

These two apparently unrelated issues turned out to be more entwined than was first apparent. Primarily because the Coalition, during Abbott's watch, had secretly reached an agreement with the libertarian senator, David Leyonhjelm, to horse trade between gun laws on the one hand and an entirely separate national security amendment, in August 2015.

Leyonhjelm duly delivered. But after being "deceived" when it turned out a short 12-month importation ban on the Adler 7-shot lever-action shotgun would be extended – perhaps indefinitely – he is one angry man.

This fact in itself has been under appreciated because, with Bob Day, Leyonhjelm had emerged as the more amenable of the Senate crossbenchers in the 44th Parliament and there seemed no reason to think this could not continue in the 45th.

No reason that is until Day called it a day on Monday, quitting the Senate as he faces what looks like impending bankruptcy after his home-building empire collapsed in debt.

Family First in South Australia will name a replacement eventually, but there is no guarantee of the newbie taking a similar supportive attitude to the ABCC or Coalition economic policy generally. Indeed, the signs suggest the replacement is more likely to take a militant state-first approach perhaps in the tradition of a Brian Harradine, or dare one suggest, a Nick Xenophon against whom the new FF senator would compete.

And now Leyonhjelm's goodwill has been pointlessly squandered. Not only dudded on gun liberalisation, but humiliated into the bargain. Despite his deal, sealed with an email from the office of Justice Minister Michael Keenan dated August 12, Abbott stated this week he never had any intention of lifting the ban given the security/terror threat. 

Worse was to come when Abbott denied any deal had been made on behalf of his office. Then on Friday, a senior Liberal backbencher, Michael Sukkar, stated publicly that Leyonhjelm had extracted no more of a concession from the government than it had already decided on the matter.

This simultaneously pitched Leyonhjelm as a putz and Turnbull – who hadn't ruled out lifting the ban, subject to state agreement on its classification – as weak.

The parliamentary climax saw Turnbull slapping down Abbott's denials in Parliament, after being given no other option.

None of this was any use to a government that was trying to talk about jobs and growth and to comprehensively nail Labor's "protection racket for the CFMEU".

Coalitionists were left licking their wounds and wondering which way this could go next. Most are mystified at how badly the government has performed in the political sense. In a supreme understatement, a former frontbencher noted "a certain lack of clarity" in the messaging, but conceded when pushed that there were many more faults than that and few if any positives.

Commentators generally agreed, noting a dangerous deterioration in the poisonous Abbott-Turnbull relationship, portending bigger troubles ahead.

Already there are mutterings in the ministerial wing about the Christmas break and the chance it offers to reset – and we're only in October.

This seems to be the new normal in Canberra. A pattern where governments start out fresh in February hoping to control the agenda only to be overtaken by events and stuff-ups, such that by November, it's all about next year.

A ray of light however, might be found in Turnbull's own performance. When Labor asked what efforts he had made to ascertain who was fibbing over the 2015 votes for guns deal – between his own ministers, Leyonhjelm, or the-then prime minister – Turnbull rambled on prompting Wayne Swan to interject "cut the waffle!". Amazingly, Turnbull did, bluntly telling the House he was "satisfied that the Minister for Justice acted in the full knowledge of the Prime Minister's Office at that time".

Astounded, Labor sought clarification, and probably expected some softening. Instead it got: "I refer the honorable member to my previous answer, which I think was perfectly clear." 

Indeed it was clear. Crystal.

Mark Kenny is chief political correspondent.