The Steam Room was a United Kingdom reality television show hosted by Jo Guest and Michelle Marsh. The first season, hosted by Jo Guest was broadcast in autumn 2004 and the second was co-hosted by Michelle Marsh with Richard Alexander (September 2006 to January 2007). Both seasons were broadcast on the Men and Motors cable/satellite channel in the United Kingdom, operated by ITV.
A steam room is an enclosed space with large amounts of high-temperature steam, creating a high-humidity environment. People sit in this room in a similar way to a sauna (conversely a hot, but dry atmosphere), for relaxation and purported benefits to health and well-being. They can be commonly found in gyms, sanitariums and health resorts. Smaller, standalone steamroom enclosures can also be found in residential buildings.
Steam rooms are commonly maintained at a temperature of 41 degrees Celsius or above, with a high humidity of around 100% adding to the sensation. In comparison, saunas are maintained at a much higher temperature due to the lack of humidity in the air (often 70-90 degrees Celsius).
The amount of power required for steam generation varies depending on construction style.
My baby says she's mine all mine but I know that she's
just Lupine
Well, what can I do
She locks me in the little room so she can howl beneath
the moon
Without fear of hurting me
Well won't somebody help me please help me in this misery
Won't somebody break this spell
And send my baby down to hell
My baby says she's mine all mine but I know that she's
just Lupine
Well, what can I do?
I woke up this morning and what did I see ?
I was covered in blood my baby's lying next to me
Her throat had been ripped out
I suppose it must be true
The werewolf must be me and not you
My baby says she's mine all mine but now I know that I'm
Well what can I do?
Yeah, now I know that I'm Lupine i have myself a real
good time
Well, what would you do?