- published: 23 Jan 2016
- views: 28143
An open standard is a standard that is publicly available and has various rights to use associated with it, and may also have various properties of how it was designed (e.g. open process). There is no single definition and interpretations vary with usage.
The terms open and standard have a wide range of meanings associated with their usage. There are a number of definitions of open standards which emphasize different aspects of openness, including the openness of the resulting specification, the openness of the drafting process, and the ownership of rights in the standard. The term "standard" is sometimes restricted to technologies approved by formalized committees that are open to participation by all interested parties and operate on a consensus basis.
The definitions of the term open standard used by academics, the European Union and some of its member governments or parliaments such as Denmark, France, and Spain preclude open standards requiring fees for use, as do the New Zealand, South African and the Venezuelan governments. On the standard organisation side, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ensures that its specifications can be implemented on a royalty-free basis.
The Final Reel | 2015 World Open Standard Vienna World DanceSport Federation SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/J1Q1Wy The Final Reel of the 2015 WDSF World Open Standard danced on 21 November in Vienna, AUT. FACEBOOK: wdsfisdancesporttotal TWITTER: @dancesporttotal INSTAGRAM: #wdsfdancesport GOOGLE +: World DanceSport Federation www.worlddancesport.org
Copenhagen Open 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark - February 2016 WDSF World Open Standard
2014 PD Open Standard Moscow | The Final Reel World DanceSport Federation SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/J1Q1Wy Final reel of the 2014 WDSF PD Moscow Open Standard that was danced on 26 October at the Crocus Expo. Final Standing 1. Mirko Gozzoli - Edita Daniute, LTU 2. Emanuel Valeri - Tania Kehlet, DEN 3. Donatas Vezelis - Lina Chatkeviciute, LTU 4. Evgeny Moshenin - Anna Oksengoyt, RUS 5. Igor Potovin - Daria Shevelilova, RUS 6. Andrey Philippov - Maria Tikhonova, RUS FACEBOOK: wdsfisdancesporttotal TWITTER: @dancesporttotal INSTAGRAM: #wdsfdancesport GOOGLE +: World DanceSport Federation www.worlddancesport.org
Polish Cup 2015, Warsaw, Poland, November 2015 WDSF World Open Standard Results: 1. No.521 Dmitry Zharkov - Olga Kulikova (Russian Federation) 2. No.409 Vaidotas Lacitis - Veronika Golodneva (Lithuania) 3. No.416 Giuseppe Longarini - Katarzyna Kapral (Poland) 4. No.363 Simone Carabellese - Lucia Cafagna (Italy) 5. No.341 Madis Abel - Aleksandra Galkina (Estonia) 6. No.402 Szymon Kulis - Margarita Zvonova (Poland)
The final of the 2013 WDSF World Open Standard danced on 13 July at the Shuangliu Sports Centre in Chengdu, CHN.
Polish Cup 2015, Warsaw, Poland, November 2015 WDSF World Open Standard Results: 1. No.521 Dmitry Zharkov - Olga Kulikova (Russian Federation) 2. No.409 Vaidotas Lacitis - Veronika Golodneva (Lithuania) 3. No.416 Giuseppe Longarini - Katarzyna Kapral (Poland) 4. No.363 Simone Carabellese - Lucia Cafagna (Italy) 5. No.341 Madis Abel - Aleksandra Galkina (Estonia) 6. No.402 Szymon Kulis - Margarita Zvonova (Poland)
Helsinki Open, Finland, October 2015 WDSF World Open Standard 1. No.540 Anton Skuratov - Alena Uehlin (Germany) 2. No.536 Pasquale Farina - Sofie Koborg (Denmark) 3. No.545 Vasily Kirin - Ekaterina Prozorova (Austria) 4. No.537 Valentin Lusin - Renata Lusin (Germany) 5. No.531 Evgeny Mushtukov - Sardarescu Andreea Carmen (Romania) 6. No.538 Dmitri Kolobov - Signe Busk (Denmark)
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2014 Int Open Standard Cambrils, ESP | The Final Reel World DanceSport Federation SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/J1Q1Wy The entire final of the 2014 WDSF International Open Standard in Cambrils, ESP, on 19 April. The multi-camera production is courtesy of the DO World DanceSport organiser PUBLIOLIMPIA and the HIGHVIDEO crew. FACEBOOK: wdsfisdancesporttotal TWITTER: @dancesporttotal INSTAGRAM: #wdsfdancesport GOOGLE +: World DanceSport Federation www.worlddancesport.org
In this video i open a cc3 and play some solo standard
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L'open source è in grado di garantire l'agilità e la velocità necessarie al business? Un gruppo di manager discute su come gli open standard permettano di erogare servizi IT in sicurezza e di interagire più efficacemente con i clienti
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Estamos en directo en EL MAGIQUERO! Para ayudarme con el canal podéis donar aquí: https://www.gamingforgood.net/s/elmagiquero#donate https://es.magiccardmarket.eu/Users/scorpi
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