Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: teamfk vs iSoccerTV vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge • iSoccerTV: http://bit.ly/iSoccerTV
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Kevin Volland - Top 5 Goals
1899 Hoffenheim striker Kevin Volland has been making a name for himself in the Bundesliga in the last two seasons with some spectacular goals. We've picked ...
How To Shoot a Knuckleball Power Free Kick Like a Pro (Shooting Technique - Football/Soccer) - In-Detail Tutorial (deutsch/german & english) - Wie schießt man einen Flatterball (Freistoß) mit Kevin Volland von 1899 TSG Hoffenheim. Dieser wird heute seine Schusstechnik im Detail erklären! Viel Spaß beim Video! ► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
► Facebook: http://facebook.c
Kevin Volland - Welcome to Real Madrid - German Talent - 2013/2014
See All Goals from German Nationalattacker Kevin Volland so far. - TSG Hoffenheim 2013/2014 - Music: Raleigh Ritchie - Stronger Than Ever
Youtube Football Soccer Challenge: freekickerz vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim) Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Elfmeter-Battle: teamfk vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge ► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
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Dost vs. Volland - Sharp Shooters Go Head-to-Head
Both Bas Dost and Kevin Volland came to the Bundesliga in the summer of 2012 and have since forged reputations as some of the division's most fearsome forwards. Take a closer look at how they compare as we put some of their best Bundesliga moments head-to-head.
On Matchday 9, Dost will face Volland as VfL Wolfsburg entertain TSG Hoffenheim.
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you acces
Kevin Volland - Skills & Goals 2013/14 | TSG Hoffenheim ᴴᴰ
Hey Leute/Hi Guys. That's my first Video of my new Channel GermanProd92,but many of you know me above my first Channel ''BorussiaEdit95'' :). So of course you can Subscribe my first channel too & have Fun with my Kevin Volland video!
Pls Subscribe my first channel/Aboniert doch bitte meinem 1. Kanal : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfTI-ZzyXj8LRdX-z6HPJ9w
• Kevin Volland TSG Hoffenheim ᴴᴰ
Kevin Volland vs Borussia Dortmund. (DFB-Pokal) (07.4.2015)
Follow on twitter or subscribe for more Liverpool videos.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rayted_are
all by @VollandVolt_.
Hoffenheim vs Bayern Munich 1-0 Kevin Volland Goal 2015 on 9th second of the match
Hoffenheim vs Bayern Munchen 1-2 Kevin Volland Goal 2015
Fastest Goal in German Football League Ever.
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9-Second Goal - Volland's Bundesliga Record
It was the highlight of the still young Bundesliga season: Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland scored a goal for the history books in his side's meeting with FC Bayern München. With just 9 seconds on the clock, he fired home to make it 1-0 with TSG's first touch of the game - no one has ever scored faster in the history of the Bundesliga.
You can see highlights of the match at http://www.bundesliga.com
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): Power Challenge - freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: Schusskraft-Challenge - teamfk vs iSoccerTV vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge • iSoccerTV: http://bit.ly/iSoccerTV
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Kevin Volland Goals, Skills and Assists 2013/14
Sorry for the short video, there weren't many clips available for Kevin. :( 3 Likes will make my day!
Deddy Corbuzier Berantem sama Volland Humonggio
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat.
Kevin Volland (Marktoberdorf, 30 luglio 1992) è un calciatore tedesco, attaccante del TSG 1899 Hoffenheim.
#AskVolland - Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland Answers Your Questions
We put the word out to the Bundesliga's Twitter followers (@Bundesliga_EN & @Bundesliga_DE) to post questions for Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland. It was great to see so many of you get involved - thank you! Enjoy hearing Kevin's answers and getting to know one of the Bundesliga's biggest attacking talents a little better.
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany'
Triangle The Golden Side
Watch the first movie here
This Movie:
Production Cost = 0
1. Most of the scenes taken by only one smartphone and some we do it with no Cutting. (3:00-4:21,etc)
2. Total Production took 8.5 Hours
3. All Casts in the movie were not payed
4. No Slings and fake floors for any of the fighting scenes
5. Some of the fighting were not choreographed
Kevin Volland's Screamer for Hoffenheim
It was the stand-out moment in the 1-1 draw between Sport-Club Freiburg and TSG 1899 Hoffenheim: Kevin Volland fired in a glorious long-range goal to bring the away side back on level terms.
You can see highlights of the match at http://www.bundesliga.com
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us a
VIDEO: Volland double v Denmark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZOU4WpBOWw
KopTalk tees just in! http://koptalk.bigcartel.com
Please Thumbs Up & Subscribe! Click on 'SHOW MORE' below for all my social media links, details on how you can enter my free prize draws and how you can support me and make this channel better!
Spornoseksual Menggeser Pria Metro Seksual Deddy Corbuzier, Chika dan Volland Humonggio
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat.
Kevin Volland: Vom Löwen zum deutschen Nationalspieler | TSG 1899 Hoffenheim
Er ist eines der neuen Gesichter im vorläufigen WM-Kader von Joachim Löw - Kevin Volland. Der Bundestrainer weiß genau, warum er den 21-jährigen Stürmer der ...
Kevin Volland||Skills and Goals 2013/2014||
Kevin Volland's beste Momente 2013/2014
Triangle - Hitman Mission (corbuzier, chika jessica, volland)
Hubungan Chika Jessica dan Deddy Corbuzier telah berubah. Deddy Corbuzier adalah seorang pembunuh bayaran yang telah pensiun dan bekerja pada seorang mafia. Volland adalah teman masa kecil Deddy dan masih bekerja sebagai pembunuh bayaran. Volland memiliki hubungan spesial dengan Lolita yang juga bekerja sebagai pembunuh bayaran tanpa diketahui oleh agensi.
Lolita adalah seorang gadis yang sangat
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: te...
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: teamfk vs iSoccerTV vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge • iSoccerTV: http://bit.ly/iSoccerTV
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► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
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► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Football Challenges? Ihr wollt mehr solcher lustigen oder spannenden Challenges sehen?
• Funny German Youtuber Challenge: https://youtu.be/yw3vkTKHOIw
• Dizzy Penalties: https://youtu.be/XDLI0nwsnYw
• Football in Darkness: https://youtu.be/zer6e8iihdY
• Balotelli vs Reus vs Fabregas: https://youtu.be/JBuI0_BYbiM
• miCoach Football Challenge: https://youtu.be/MmmyMq4cfhA
• freekickerz vs unisport: https://youtu.be/vZ2Au8qPsdw
20syl - C.Y.D.T.T. (Can You Dance To This)
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
wn.com/Ultimate Football Volley Challenge W Volland
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: teamfk vs iSoccerTV vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge • iSoccerTV: http://bit.ly/iSoccerTV
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► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Football Challenges? Ihr wollt mehr solcher lustigen oder spannenden Challenges sehen?
• Funny German Youtuber Challenge: https://youtu.be/yw3vkTKHOIw
• Dizzy Penalties: https://youtu.be/XDLI0nwsnYw
• Football in Darkness: https://youtu.be/zer6e8iihdY
• Balotelli vs Reus vs Fabregas: https://youtu.be/JBuI0_BYbiM
• miCoach Football Challenge: https://youtu.be/MmmyMq4cfhA
• freekickerz vs unisport: https://youtu.be/vZ2Au8qPsdw
20syl - C.Y.D.T.T. (Can You Dance To This)
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
- published: 27 Jun 2015
- views: 15249
Kevin Volland - Top 5 Goals
1899 Hoffenheim striker Kevin Volland has been making a name for himself in the Bundesliga in the last two seasons with some spectacular goals. We've picked ......
1899 Hoffenheim striker Kevin Volland has been making a name for himself in the Bundesliga in the last two seasons with some spectacular goals. We've picked ...
wn.com/Kevin Volland Top 5 Goals
1899 Hoffenheim striker Kevin Volland has been making a name for himself in the Bundesliga in the last two seasons with some spectacular goals. We've picked ...
- published: 02 Apr 2014
- views: 28935
author: Bundesliga
How To Shoot a Knuckleball Power Free Kick Like a Pro (Shooting Technique - Football/Soccer) - In-Detail Tutorial (deutsch/german & english) - Wie schießt man e...
How To Shoot a Knuckleball Power Free Kick Like a Pro (Shooting Technique - Football/Soccer) - In-Detail Tutorial (deutsch/german & english) - Wie schießt man einen Flatterball (Freistoß) mit Kevin Volland von 1899 TSG Hoffenheim. Dieser wird heute seine Schusstechnik im Detail erklären! Viel Spaß beim Video! ► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
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► Shop (DE): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de (weltweiter Versand)
► Shop (EN): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de/en (worldwirde shipping)
► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Tutorials? Ihr wollt mehr solcher Fußball Freistoß Tutorials sehen?
• Cristiano Ronaldo Longshot Tutorial: https://youtu.be/PzaseZTNveE
• Cristiano Ronaldo Schusstechnik: https://youtu.be/ocSc75Vwwos
• CR7 Jumping Power Tutorial: https://youtu.be/wu5Gvsv-2CI
• Bale Top Spin Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QIkhwGmqhQI
• Curve Ball Tutorial: https://youtu.be/MdH70abco1s
• Marco Reus Tutorial: https://youtu.be/JKi0xQUwCDg
• Messi Free Kick Technique: https://youtu.be/ara1A7JK_TU
1. Henrik3000 - Crunchy White
2. On The Low (ft Kid Ink Trinidad Jame)
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
wn.com/How To Shoot A Power Knuckleball Free Kick W Volland
How To Shoot a Knuckleball Power Free Kick Like a Pro (Shooting Technique - Football/Soccer) - In-Detail Tutorial (deutsch/german & english) - Wie schießt man einen Flatterball (Freistoß) mit Kevin Volland von 1899 TSG Hoffenheim. Dieser wird heute seine Schusstechnik im Detail erklären! Viel Spaß beim Video! ► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
► Facebook: http://facebook.com/freekickerz
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/teamfk
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► Vine: https://vine.co/freekickerz
► Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/freekickerz
► Shop (DE): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de (weltweiter Versand)
► Shop (EN): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de/en (worldwirde shipping)
► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Tutorials? Ihr wollt mehr solcher Fußball Freistoß Tutorials sehen?
• Cristiano Ronaldo Longshot Tutorial: https://youtu.be/PzaseZTNveE
• Cristiano Ronaldo Schusstechnik: https://youtu.be/ocSc75Vwwos
• CR7 Jumping Power Tutorial: https://youtu.be/wu5Gvsv-2CI
• Bale Top Spin Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QIkhwGmqhQI
• Curve Ball Tutorial: https://youtu.be/MdH70abco1s
• Marco Reus Tutorial: https://youtu.be/JKi0xQUwCDg
• Messi Free Kick Technique: https://youtu.be/ara1A7JK_TU
1. Henrik3000 - Crunchy White
2. On The Low (ft Kid Ink Trinidad Jame)
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 3211
Kevin Volland - Welcome to Real Madrid - German Talent - 2013/2014
See All Goals from German Nationalattacker Kevin Volland so far. - TSG Hoffenheim 2013/2014 - Music: Raleigh Ritchie - Stronger Than Ever...
See All Goals from German Nationalattacker Kevin Volland so far. - TSG Hoffenheim 2013/2014 - Music: Raleigh Ritchie - Stronger Than Ever
wn.com/Kevin Volland Welcome To Real Madrid German Talent 2013 2014
See All Goals from German Nationalattacker Kevin Volland so far. - TSG Hoffenheim 2013/2014 - Music: Raleigh Ritchie - Stronger Than Ever
Youtube Football Soccer Challenge: freekickerz vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim) Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Elfmeter-Battle: teamfk ...
Youtube Football Soccer Challenge: freekickerz vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim) Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Elfmeter-Battle: teamfk vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge ► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
► Facebook: http://facebook.com/freekickerz
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► Vine: https://vine.co/freekickerz
► Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/freekickerz
► Shop (DE): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de (weltweiter Versand)
► Shop (EN): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de/en (worldwirde shipping)
► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Football Challenges? Ihr wollt mehr solcher lustigen oder spannenden Challenges sehen?
• Funny German Youtuber Challenge: https://youtu.be/yw3vkTKHOIw
• Dizzy Penalties: https://youtu.be/XDLI0nwsnYw
• Football in Darkness: https://youtu.be/zer6e8iihdY
• Balotelli vs Reus vs Fabregas: https://youtu.be/JBuI0_BYbiM
• miCoach Football Challenge: https://youtu.be/MmmyMq4cfhA
• freekickerz vs unisport: https://youtu.be/vZ2Au8qPsdw
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
wn.com/Football Penalty Shootout • Pro Vs Youtuber W Volland
Youtube Football Soccer Challenge: freekickerz vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim) Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Elfmeter-Battle: teamfk vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge ► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
► Facebook: http://facebook.com/freekickerz
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/teamfk
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► Vine: https://vine.co/freekickerz
► Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/freekickerz
► Shop (DE): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de (weltweiter Versand)
► Shop (EN): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de/en (worldwirde shipping)
► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Football Challenges? Ihr wollt mehr solcher lustigen oder spannenden Challenges sehen?
• Funny German Youtuber Challenge: https://youtu.be/yw3vkTKHOIw
• Dizzy Penalties: https://youtu.be/XDLI0nwsnYw
• Football in Darkness: https://youtu.be/zer6e8iihdY
• Balotelli vs Reus vs Fabregas: https://youtu.be/JBuI0_BYbiM
• miCoach Football Challenge: https://youtu.be/MmmyMq4cfhA
• freekickerz vs unisport: https://youtu.be/vZ2Au8qPsdw
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 227129
Dost vs. Volland - Sharp Shooters Go Head-to-Head
Both Bas Dost and Kevin Volland came to the Bundesliga in the summer of 2012 and have since forged reputations as some of the division's most fearsome forwards....
Both Bas Dost and Kevin Volland came to the Bundesliga in the summer of 2012 and have since forged reputations as some of the division's most fearsome forwards. Take a closer look at how they compare as we put some of their best Bundesliga moments head-to-head.
On Matchday 9, Dost will face Volland as VfL Wolfsburg entertain TSG Hoffenheim.
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
wn.com/Dost Vs. Volland Sharp Shooters Go Head To Head
Both Bas Dost and Kevin Volland came to the Bundesliga in the summer of 2012 and have since forged reputations as some of the division's most fearsome forwards. Take a closer look at how they compare as we put some of their best Bundesliga moments head-to-head.
On Matchday 9, Dost will face Volland as VfL Wolfsburg entertain TSG Hoffenheim.
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 6760
Kevin Volland - Skills & Goals 2013/14 | TSG Hoffenheim ᴴᴰ
Hey Leute/Hi Guys. That's my first Video of my new Channel GermanProd92,but many of you know me above my first Channel ''BorussiaEdit95'' :). So of course you ...
Hey Leute/Hi Guys. That's my first Video of my new Channel GermanProd92,but many of you know me above my first Channel ''BorussiaEdit95'' :). So of course you can Subscribe my first channel too & have Fun with my Kevin Volland video!
Pls Subscribe my first channel/Aboniert doch bitte meinem 1. Kanal : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfTI-ZzyXj8LRdX-z6HPJ9w
• Kevin Volland TSG Hoffenheim ᴴᴰ
• Skills & Goals 2013/14 ᴴᴰ
• Music: Vicetone - United we dance
- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. It is not to be used for copying and selling. No copyright infringement intended
TSG Hoffenheim Kevin Volland 2013/14 Ron Robert Zieler Markus Miller Robert Almer Hiroki Sakai Stefan Thesker Andre Hoffmann Felipe Marcelo Christian Schulz Christian Pander Miiko Albornoz Edgar Prib Leon Andreasen Manuel Schmiedebach Ceyhun Gülselam Lars Stindl Hiroshi Kiyotake Leonardo Bittencourt Jan Schlaudraff Artur Sobiech Joselu Mato Deniz Kadah Jimmy Briand Hannover 96 Roman Weidenfeller Langerak Mats Hummels Matthias Ginter Neven Subotic Sokratis Lukasz Piszczek Marcel Schmelzer Jakub Blaszczykowski Nuri Sahin Marco Reus Sebastian Kehl Ilkay Gündogan Mchitarjan Sven Bender Jonas Hofmann Kevin Großkreutz Schieber Aubameyang Ciro Immobile Borussia Dortmund Manuel Neuer Dante Philipp Lahm Boateng David Alaba Thiago Alcantara Javi Martinez Franck Ribéry Arjen Robben Xherdan Shaqiri Mario Götze Xabi Alonso Bastian Schweinsteiger Thomas Müller Mario Mandzukic Claudio Pizarro Robert Lewandowski Fc Bayern München Ralf Fährmann Benedikt Höwedes Uchida Christian Fuchs Dennis Aogo Kevin Prince Boateng Julian Draxler Leon Goretzka Jefferson Farfan Max Meyer Sidney Sam Klaas Jan Huntelaar Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting Fc Schalke 04 Yann Sommer Daems Oscar Wendt Antonio Rüdiger Patrick Herrmann Thorgan Hazard Havard Nordtveit Christoph Kramer Granit Xhaka Max Kruse Raffael Branimir Hrgota Borussia Mönchengladbach Rene Adler Jaroslav Drobny Marcell Jansen Johan Djourou Heiko Westermann Rafael van der Vaart Milan Badelj Pierre-Michel Lasogga Artjoms Rudnevs Hamburger SV Diego Benaglio Naldo Daniel Caligiuri Ricardo Rodriguez Vieirinha Diego Ivan Perisic Luiz Gustavo Kevin De Bruyne Ivica Olic Bas Dost Malanda VfL Wolfsburg Bernd Leno Papadopoulos Lars Bender Emre Can Gonzalo Castro Heung Min Son Hakan Calhanoglu Karim Bellarabi Eren Derdiyok Stefan Kießling Josip Drmic Bayer 04 Leverkusen Timo Horn Patrick Helmes Anthony Ujah Marcel Risse 1.Fc Köln Loris Karius Jonathan Geis Ja Cheol Koo Shinji Okazaki 1.FSV Mainz 05 Sven Ulreich Alexandru Maxim Moritz Leitner Martin Harnik Vedad Ibisevic Timo Werner VfB Stuttgart Jonathan Schmid Julian Schuster Admir Mehmedi SC Freiburg Bundesliga
wn.com/Kevin Volland Skills Goals 2013 14 | Tsg Hoffenheim ᴴᴰ
Hey Leute/Hi Guys. That's my first Video of my new Channel GermanProd92,but many of you know me above my first Channel ''BorussiaEdit95'' :). So of course you can Subscribe my first channel too & have Fun with my Kevin Volland video!
Pls Subscribe my first channel/Aboniert doch bitte meinem 1. Kanal : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfTI-ZzyXj8LRdX-z6HPJ9w
• Kevin Volland TSG Hoffenheim ᴴᴰ
• Skills & Goals 2013/14 ᴴᴰ
• Music: Vicetone - United we dance
- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. It is not to be used for copying and selling. No copyright infringement intended
TSG Hoffenheim Kevin Volland 2013/14 Ron Robert Zieler Markus Miller Robert Almer Hiroki Sakai Stefan Thesker Andre Hoffmann Felipe Marcelo Christian Schulz Christian Pander Miiko Albornoz Edgar Prib Leon Andreasen Manuel Schmiedebach Ceyhun Gülselam Lars Stindl Hiroshi Kiyotake Leonardo Bittencourt Jan Schlaudraff Artur Sobiech Joselu Mato Deniz Kadah Jimmy Briand Hannover 96 Roman Weidenfeller Langerak Mats Hummels Matthias Ginter Neven Subotic Sokratis Lukasz Piszczek Marcel Schmelzer Jakub Blaszczykowski Nuri Sahin Marco Reus Sebastian Kehl Ilkay Gündogan Mchitarjan Sven Bender Jonas Hofmann Kevin Großkreutz Schieber Aubameyang Ciro Immobile Borussia Dortmund Manuel Neuer Dante Philipp Lahm Boateng David Alaba Thiago Alcantara Javi Martinez Franck Ribéry Arjen Robben Xherdan Shaqiri Mario Götze Xabi Alonso Bastian Schweinsteiger Thomas Müller Mario Mandzukic Claudio Pizarro Robert Lewandowski Fc Bayern München Ralf Fährmann Benedikt Höwedes Uchida Christian Fuchs Dennis Aogo Kevin Prince Boateng Julian Draxler Leon Goretzka Jefferson Farfan Max Meyer Sidney Sam Klaas Jan Huntelaar Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting Fc Schalke 04 Yann Sommer Daems Oscar Wendt Antonio Rüdiger Patrick Herrmann Thorgan Hazard Havard Nordtveit Christoph Kramer Granit Xhaka Max Kruse Raffael Branimir Hrgota Borussia Mönchengladbach Rene Adler Jaroslav Drobny Marcell Jansen Johan Djourou Heiko Westermann Rafael van der Vaart Milan Badelj Pierre-Michel Lasogga Artjoms Rudnevs Hamburger SV Diego Benaglio Naldo Daniel Caligiuri Ricardo Rodriguez Vieirinha Diego Ivan Perisic Luiz Gustavo Kevin De Bruyne Ivica Olic Bas Dost Malanda VfL Wolfsburg Bernd Leno Papadopoulos Lars Bender Emre Can Gonzalo Castro Heung Min Son Hakan Calhanoglu Karim Bellarabi Eren Derdiyok Stefan Kießling Josip Drmic Bayer 04 Leverkusen Timo Horn Patrick Helmes Anthony Ujah Marcel Risse 1.Fc Köln Loris Karius Jonathan Geis Ja Cheol Koo Shinji Okazaki 1.FSV Mainz 05 Sven Ulreich Alexandru Maxim Moritz Leitner Martin Harnik Vedad Ibisevic Timo Werner VfB Stuttgart Jonathan Schmid Julian Schuster Admir Mehmedi SC Freiburg Bundesliga
- published: 13 Dec 2014
- views: 10
Kevin Volland vs Borussia Dortmund. (DFB-Pokal) (07.4.2015)
Follow on twitter or subscribe for more Liverpool videos.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rayted_are...
Follow on twitter or subscribe for more Liverpool videos.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rayted_are
wn.com/Kevin Volland Vs Borussia Dortmund. (Dfb Pokal) (07.4.2015)
Follow on twitter or subscribe for more Liverpool videos.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rayted_are
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 208
Hoffenheim vs Bayern Munich 1-0 Kevin Volland Goal 2015 on 9th second of the match
Hoffenheim vs Bayern Munchen 1-2 Kevin Volland Goal 2015
Fastest Goal in German Football League Ever.
Subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC...
Hoffenheim vs Bayern Munchen 1-2 Kevin Volland Goal 2015
Fastest Goal in German Football League Ever.
Subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX046VaIwCTJRrG72yU2WAw?sub_confirmation=1
Follow on Twitter https://twitter.com/7WeLoveFootball
wn.com/Hoffenheim Vs Bayern Munich 1 0 Kevin Volland Goal 2015 On 9Th Second Of The Match
Hoffenheim vs Bayern Munchen 1-2 Kevin Volland Goal 2015
Fastest Goal in German Football League Ever.
Subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX046VaIwCTJRrG72yU2WAw?sub_confirmation=1
Follow on Twitter https://twitter.com/7WeLoveFootball
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 126174
9-Second Goal - Volland's Bundesliga Record
It was the highlight of the still young Bundesliga season: Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland scored a goal for the history books in his side's meeting with FC Bayern M...
It was the highlight of the still young Bundesliga season: Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland scored a goal for the history books in his side's meeting with FC Bayern München. With just 9 seconds on the clock, he fired home to make it 1-0 with TSG's first touch of the game - no one has ever scored faster in the history of the Bundesliga.
You can see highlights of the match at http://www.bundesliga.com
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
wn.com/9 Second Goal Volland's Bundesliga Record
It was the highlight of the still young Bundesliga season: Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland scored a goal for the history books in his side's meeting with FC Bayern München. With just 9 seconds on the clock, he fired home to make it 1-0 with TSG's first touch of the game - no one has ever scored faster in the history of the Bundesliga.
You can see highlights of the match at http://www.bundesliga.com
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 4511
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): Power Challenge - freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes ...
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): Power Challenge - freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: Schusskraft-Challenge - teamfk vs iSoccerTV vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge • iSoccerTV: http://bit.ly/iSoccerTV
► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
► Facebook: http://facebook.com/freekickerz
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/teamfk
► Twitter: http://twitter.com/freekickerz
► Vine: https://vine.co/freekickerz
► Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/freekickerz
► Shop (DE): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de (weltweiter Versand)
► Shop (EN): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de/en (worldwirde shipping)
► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Football Challenges? Ihr wollt mehr solcher lustigen oder spannenden Challenges sehen?
• Funny German Youtuber Challenge: https://youtu.be/yw3vkTKHOIw
• Dizzy Penalties: https://youtu.be/XDLI0nwsnYw
• Football in Darkness: https://youtu.be/zer6e8iihdY
• Balotelli vs Reus vs Fabregas: https://youtu.be/JBuI0_BYbiM
• miCoach Football Challenge: https://youtu.be/MmmyMq4cfhA
• freekickerz vs unisport: https://youtu.be/vZ2Au8qPsdw
• Volley Challenge vs. Volland: https://youtu.be/c0oweyMmxDU
1. DJ Sliink x TWRK x Green Lantern - Trifecta (If You Don't)
DJ Sliink
Green Lantern
2. 8er$ & Lowend - Bubble Wrap
3. Logic - Ballin (Instrumental)
Outro: 8er$ & Lowend - Bubble Wrap
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
wn.com/Football Power Challenge • Pro Vs Youtuber W Volland
Soccer Challenge (PRO vs YOUTUBER): Power Challenge - freekickerz vs iSoccerTV vs Kevin Volland (Striker 1899 Hoffenheim). Heute haben wir eine sehr spannendes Fußball-Battle: Schusskraft-Challenge - teamfk vs iSoccerTV vs Volland (Stürmer TSG Hoffenheim). Viel Spaß bei der Challenge • iSoccerTV: http://bit.ly/iSoccerTV
► Join #teamfk / Komm ins #teamfk: http://bit.ly/jointeamfk
► Facebook: http://facebook.com/freekickerz
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/teamfk
► Twitter: http://twitter.com/freekickerz
► Vine: https://vine.co/freekickerz
► Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/freekickerz
► Shop (DE): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de (weltweiter Versand)
► Shop (EN): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.de/en (worldwirde shipping)
► Shop (US): http://freekickerz.spreadshirt.com (worldwirde shipping)
► 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/skillballerz
Kevin Volland
► https://facebook.com/vollandkevin
► https://twitter.com/kevolland
► https://instagram.com/kevin_volland
Do You want to see more Football Challenges? Ihr wollt mehr solcher lustigen oder spannenden Challenges sehen?
• Funny German Youtuber Challenge: https://youtu.be/yw3vkTKHOIw
• Dizzy Penalties: https://youtu.be/XDLI0nwsnYw
• Football in Darkness: https://youtu.be/zer6e8iihdY
• Balotelli vs Reus vs Fabregas: https://youtu.be/JBuI0_BYbiM
• miCoach Football Challenge: https://youtu.be/MmmyMq4cfhA
• freekickerz vs unisport: https://youtu.be/vZ2Au8qPsdw
• Volley Challenge vs. Volland: https://youtu.be/c0oweyMmxDU
1. DJ Sliink x TWRK x Green Lantern - Trifecta (If You Don't)
DJ Sliink
Green Lantern
2. 8er$ & Lowend - Bubble Wrap
3. Logic - Ballin (Instrumental)
Outro: 8er$ & Lowend - Bubble Wrap
►My Equipement - Was ich zum Filmen benutze (Anzeigelink)
➨ Schwebestativ / Flycam: http://goo.gl/4t5no5
➨ Kamera 1: http://goo.gl/REtuWE
➨ Kamera 2: http://goo.gl/2Z6b66
➨ Kamera 3 (für Soundaufnahmen): http://goo.gl/yYV5dg
➨ Camcorder (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/Uf0MLQ
➨ Camcorder 2 (Free Kicks): http://goo.gl/uvXm0P
➨ Mikrofon (ohne Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/KYtWx5
➨ Mikrofon (mit Magic Lantern): http://goo.gl/I1tMs0
➨ Mikrofon (Interviews & Sprache): http://goo.gl/c7dr5J
➨ Stativ: http://goo.gl/qFRFDS
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam: http://goo.gl/ZaOJ8N
➨ Goal-Tor-Cam 2: http://goo.gl/oyW3jp
➨ Editing/Schnittprogramm: http://goo.gl/epYDSq
➨ Thumbnails & Bildbearbeitung: http://goo.gl/Z9lPPQ
➨ Soundrecording (@ Home): http://goo.gl/tkPT9V
➨ Mein PC (ungefähre Zusammenstellung): http://goo.gl/Vw0lcX
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 49302
Kevin Volland Goals, Skills and Assists 2013/14
Sorry for the short video, there weren't many clips available for Kevin. :( 3 Likes will make my day!...
Sorry for the short video, there weren't many clips available for Kevin. :( 3 Likes will make my day!
wn.com/Kevin Volland Goals, Skills And Assists 2013 14
Sorry for the short video, there weren't many clips available for Kevin. :( 3 Likes will make my day!
Deddy Corbuzier Berantem sama Volland Humonggio
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui ba...
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat.
Official Website - www.netmedia.co.id
wn.com/Deddy Corbuzier Berantem Sama Volland Humonggio
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat.
Official Website - www.netmedia.co.id
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 6924
Kevin Volland (Marktoberdorf, 30 luglio 1992) è un calciatore tedesco, attaccante del TSG 1899 Hoffenheim....
Kevin Volland (Marktoberdorf, 30 luglio 1992) è un calciatore tedesco, attaccante del TSG 1899 Hoffenheim.
wn.com/Football Talents Kevin Volland
Kevin Volland (Marktoberdorf, 30 luglio 1992) è un calciatore tedesco, attaccante del TSG 1899 Hoffenheim.
- published: 25 Jun 2013
- views: 1933
author: Totobaby
#AskVolland - Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland Answers Your Questions
We put the word out to the Bundesliga's Twitter followers (@Bundesliga_EN & @Bundesliga_DE) to post questions for Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland. It was great to se...
We put the word out to the Bundesliga's Twitter followers (@Bundesliga_EN & @Bundesliga_DE) to post questions for Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland. It was great to see so many of you get involved - thank you! Enjoy hearing Kevin's answers and getting to know one of the Bundesliga's biggest attacking talents a little better.
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
wn.com/Askvolland Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland Answers Your Questions
We put the word out to the Bundesliga's Twitter followers (@Bundesliga_EN & @Bundesliga_DE) to post questions for Hoffenheim's Kevin Volland. It was great to see so many of you get involved - thank you! Enjoy hearing Kevin's answers and getting to know one of the Bundesliga's biggest attacking talents a little better.
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
- published: 02 Apr 2015
- views: 7098
Triangle The Golden Side
Watch the first movie here
This Movie:
Production Cost = 0
1. Most of the scenes taken by only one smartphone and...
Watch the first movie here
This Movie:
Production Cost = 0
1. Most of the scenes taken by only one smartphone and some we do it with no Cutting. (3:00-4:21,etc)
2. Total Production took 8.5 Hours
3. All Casts in the movie were not payed
4. No Slings and fake floors for any of the fighting scenes
5. Some of the fighting were not choreographed
Triangle isn"t a movie, its a Critique. and we call it Pseudo Reality Movie. where most of the story behind the movie was really happening in reality on the same time created by our media and our own audiences.
wn.com/Triangle The Golden Side
Watch the first movie here
This Movie:
Production Cost = 0
1. Most of the scenes taken by only one smartphone and some we do it with no Cutting. (3:00-4:21,etc)
2. Total Production took 8.5 Hours
3. All Casts in the movie were not payed
4. No Slings and fake floors for any of the fighting scenes
5. Some of the fighting were not choreographed
Triangle isn"t a movie, its a Critique. and we call it Pseudo Reality Movie. where most of the story behind the movie was really happening in reality on the same time created by our media and our own audiences.
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 86252
Kevin Volland's Screamer for Hoffenheim
It was the stand-out moment in the 1-1 draw between Sport-Club Freiburg and TSG 1899 Hoffenheim: Kevin Volland fired in a glorious long-range goal to bring the ...
It was the stand-out moment in the 1-1 draw between Sport-Club Freiburg and TSG 1899 Hoffenheim: Kevin Volland fired in a glorious long-range goal to bring the away side back on level terms.
You can see highlights of the match at http://www.bundesliga.com
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
wn.com/Kevin Volland's Screamer For Hoffenheim
It was the stand-out moment in the 1-1 draw between Sport-Club Freiburg and TSG 1899 Hoffenheim: Kevin Volland fired in a glorious long-range goal to bring the away side back on level terms.
You can see highlights of the match at http://www.bundesliga.com
The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel gives you access to clips from Germany's football league that you won't find anywhere else. Visit us at www.youtube.com/bundesliga to see what all the noise is about! Subscribe now! http://goo.gl/MuJEUZ
- published: 22 Feb 2015
- views: 8831
VIDEO: Volland double v Denmark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZOU4WpBOWw
KopTalk tees just in! http://koptalk.bigcartel.com
Please Thumbs Up & Subscribe! C...
VIDEO: Volland double v Denmark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZOU4WpBOWw
KopTalk tees just in! http://koptalk.bigcartel.com
Please Thumbs Up & Subscribe! Click on 'SHOW MORE' below for all my social media links, details on how you can enter my free prize draws and how you can support me and make this channel better!
£2 MONTHLY http://koptalk.in/1iB8J1y
£20 ANNUALLY http://koptalk.in/1iB8R0R
I have more than 1000 videos on this YouTube channel but if you join DKB.TV you'll gain access to even more videos with no intros, no advertising and no other annoying bullshit. DKB.TV is for you if you love my videos and want to support me. With your support I can invest more time into this free YouTube channel and purchase additional equipment to provide better content. DKB.TV subscribers have helped KopTalk.TV (this YouTube channel) grow so much. Without DKB.TV I couldn't justify spending as much time as I do here on YouTube. Everyone benefits as a result of you becoming a DKB.TV member.
If you're a Liverpool fan you could join me and thousands of other Reds on our VIP Members' website. As a KopTalk VIP Member you receive a FREE annual DKB.TV Membership!
Some of my most loyal supporters *ASK* to contribute additionally towards the development of my channel. If you want to buy me a pint (I'll record a video buying it and give you a shout out!) or help me invest in new gear for the channel, feel free using paypal @ duncanoldham.com
Thanks to my loyal supporters, I have been able to invest in a 4G router and internet connection to upload faster videos. I have purchased a HTC RE video camera which I use for Melwood Raw and various office equipment such as my chair and lights. I have also been able to buy an iPad to use during srs biz tripod rants and while out and about (replying to your comments etc). In the summer of 2015 I will also be taking delivery of a new computer that will enable me to upload even more videos to KopTalk.TV as I will then have 2 computers to record, edit and encode my videos on. All of this wouldn't have been possible without my friends here.
Nobody has bought me a pint yet though. Bastards! LOL.
I love hearing from you guys. Send me a postcard from wherever you are in the world and I will send you one back! I'll also enter your card in to regular prize draws for KopTalk give-aways! Your card will be shown in a future video on this channel!
Sr. Duncan Oldham
Apartado 108
03530 - LA NUCIA (Alicante)
http://twitter.com/KopTalk - Liverpool FC news
http://twitter.com/KopTalkMembers - for our VIP members
http://twitter.com/KopTalkTV - for KopTalk.TV updates
http://twitter.com/DKB_TV - for DKB.TV updates
http://twitter.com/DuncanOldham - personal stuff
http://www.facebook.com/KopTalk - Liverpool FC news
http://www.facebook.com/KopTalkMembers - for our VIP members
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http://www.facebook.com/DunkOldham - personal stuff
http://instagram.com/koptalkofficial - Liverpool FC stuff
http://instagram.com/duncanoldham - personal stuff
@KopTalk - Liverpool FC stuff
@DuncanOldham - personal stuff
http://www.koptalk.co.uk - Liverpool FC news
http://www.joinkoptalk.com - Get your VIP Membership to KopTalk
http://www.dkb.tv - Watch more of my LFC videos
http://www.koptalk.tv - This YouTube channel
http://www.duncanoldham.com - personal stuff
wn.com/Kevin Volland Liverpool Link
VIDEO: Volland double v Denmark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZOU4WpBOWw
KopTalk tees just in! http://koptalk.bigcartel.com
Please Thumbs Up & Subscribe! Click on 'SHOW MORE' below for all my social media links, details on how you can enter my free prize draws and how you can support me and make this channel better!
£2 MONTHLY http://koptalk.in/1iB8J1y
£20 ANNUALLY http://koptalk.in/1iB8R0R
I have more than 1000 videos on this YouTube channel but if you join DKB.TV you'll gain access to even more videos with no intros, no advertising and no other annoying bullshit. DKB.TV is for you if you love my videos and want to support me. With your support I can invest more time into this free YouTube channel and purchase additional equipment to provide better content. DKB.TV subscribers have helped KopTalk.TV (this YouTube channel) grow so much. Without DKB.TV I couldn't justify spending as much time as I do here on YouTube. Everyone benefits as a result of you becoming a DKB.TV member.
If you're a Liverpool fan you could join me and thousands of other Reds on our VIP Members' website. As a KopTalk VIP Member you receive a FREE annual DKB.TV Membership!
Some of my most loyal supporters *ASK* to contribute additionally towards the development of my channel. If you want to buy me a pint (I'll record a video buying it and give you a shout out!) or help me invest in new gear for the channel, feel free using paypal @ duncanoldham.com
Thanks to my loyal supporters, I have been able to invest in a 4G router and internet connection to upload faster videos. I have purchased a HTC RE video camera which I use for Melwood Raw and various office equipment such as my chair and lights. I have also been able to buy an iPad to use during srs biz tripod rants and while out and about (replying to your comments etc). In the summer of 2015 I will also be taking delivery of a new computer that will enable me to upload even more videos to KopTalk.TV as I will then have 2 computers to record, edit and encode my videos on. All of this wouldn't have been possible without my friends here.
Nobody has bought me a pint yet though. Bastards! LOL.
I love hearing from you guys. Send me a postcard from wherever you are in the world and I will send you one back! I'll also enter your card in to regular prize draws for KopTalk give-aways! Your card will be shown in a future video on this channel!
Sr. Duncan Oldham
Apartado 108
03530 - LA NUCIA (Alicante)
http://twitter.com/KopTalk - Liverpool FC news
http://twitter.com/KopTalkMembers - for our VIP members
http://twitter.com/KopTalkTV - for KopTalk.TV updates
http://twitter.com/DKB_TV - for DKB.TV updates
http://twitter.com/DuncanOldham - personal stuff
http://www.facebook.com/KopTalk - Liverpool FC news
http://www.facebook.com/KopTalkMembers - for our VIP members
http://www.facebook.com/KopTalkTV - KopTalk.TV updates
http://www.facebook.com/DKB_TV - DKB.TV updates
http://www.facebook.com/KopTalkMembers - for our VIP members
http://www.facebook.com/DunkOldham - personal stuff
http://instagram.com/koptalkofficial - Liverpool FC stuff
http://instagram.com/duncanoldham - personal stuff
@KopTalk - Liverpool FC stuff
@DuncanOldham - personal stuff
http://www.koptalk.co.uk - Liverpool FC news
http://www.joinkoptalk.com - Get your VIP Membership to KopTalk
http://www.dkb.tv - Watch more of my LFC videos
http://www.koptalk.tv - This YouTube channel
http://www.duncanoldham.com - personal stuff
- published: 24 Jun 2015
- views: 301
Spornoseksual Menggeser Pria Metro Seksual Deddy Corbuzier, Chika dan Volland Humonggio
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui ba...
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat.
Official Website - http://www.netmedia.co.id
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatama...
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/netmediatama
Follow Sarah Sechan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahSechan_NET
Terms & Conditions http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
wn.com/Spornoseksual Menggeser Pria Metro Seksual Deddy Corbuzier, Chika Dan Volland Humonggio
Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh host wanita (Sarah Sechan) yang akan berbincang-bincang dengan bintang tamu dan akan membahas sesuatu yang belum diketahui banyak orang. Program ini akan ditambahkan item-item yang menarik dan akan melibatkan pemirsa di studio dan di rumah. Dikemas dalam suasana santai, menarik dan humoris namun tetap memberikan informasi yangg berguna bagi masyarakat.
Official Website - http://www.netmedia.co.id
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatama...
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/netmediatama
Follow Sarah Sechan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahSechan_NET
Terms & Conditions http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 1377
Kevin Volland: Vom Löwen zum deutschen Nationalspieler | TSG 1899 Hoffenheim
Er ist eines der neuen Gesichter im vorläufigen WM-Kader von Joachim Löw - Kevin Volland. Der Bundestrainer weiß genau, warum er den 21-jährigen Stürmer der ......
Er ist eines der neuen Gesichter im vorläufigen WM-Kader von Joachim Löw - Kevin Volland. Der Bundestrainer weiß genau, warum er den 21-jährigen Stürmer der ...
wn.com/Kevin Volland Vom Löwen Zum Deutschen Nationalspieler | Tsg 1899 Hoffenheim
Er ist eines der neuen Gesichter im vorläufigen WM-Kader von Joachim Löw - Kevin Volland. Der Bundestrainer weiß genau, warum er den 21-jährigen Stürmer der ...
- published: 08 May 2014
- views: 1808
author: SPOX
Kevin Volland||Skills and Goals 2013/2014||
Kevin Volland's beste Momente 2013/2014
Kevin Volland's beste Momente 2013/2014
wn.com/Kevin Volland||Skills And Goals 2013 2014||
Kevin Volland's beste Momente 2013/2014
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 304
Triangle - Hitman Mission (corbuzier, chika jessica, volland)
Hubungan Chika Jessica dan Deddy Corbuzier telah berubah. Deddy Corbuzier adalah seorang pembunuh bayaran yang telah pensiun dan bekerja pada seorang mafia. Vol...
Hubungan Chika Jessica dan Deddy Corbuzier telah berubah. Deddy Corbuzier adalah seorang pembunuh bayaran yang telah pensiun dan bekerja pada seorang mafia. Volland adalah teman masa kecil Deddy dan masih bekerja sebagai pembunuh bayaran. Volland memiliki hubungan spesial dengan Lolita yang juga bekerja sebagai pembunuh bayaran tanpa diketahui oleh agensi.
Lolita adalah seorang gadis yang sangat ambisius. Ketika agensi memerintahkan untuk memburu Deddy, Lolita mengambil tugas itu dan meminta Volland untuk memisahkan antara pertemanan dan hubungan mereka.
Volland dihadapkan antara teman masa kecil dan hubungan percintaan dengan Lolita.
Film pendek ini dibuat oleh TRIANGLE TEAM dan kami bukanlah pembuat film professional. Sebagian dari adegan diambil menggunakan DSLR dan ponsel. Keseluruhan adegan diambil dalam waktu 8 jam. Seluruh aktor dan aktris telah menyetujui untuk tidak dibayar membuat biaya produksi menjadi 0.
Deddy Corbuzier is a hitman Agent who retired from the agency since he had a son. He work independently to a big mafia for protecting the daughter. The agency promised a big money for any agent to kill him.
Two agents took the job. They are lovers not known by the agency. The girl is so ambitious to get the money to run away with her boyfriend. The man was confused between killing a person he knew from child hood or following the will of his girlfriend.
Then the story begin..
This short movie was made by TRIANGLE TEAM and we are not a movie maker. The shots taken by using DSLR and smartphones. Whole movie was shot in 8 hours. All casts were agreed not to be payed and total budget were 0. The casts are professional Indonesian's Celebrities, Actors, Fighters and Stuntman.
We basically use what we have to make this short movie. This is just for fun and to show that it's possible to make a movie with 0 costs.
Director: Volland Humonggio (https://instagram.com/vollandvolt_/)
Chika Jessica (https://instagram.com/ckjessica25/)
Deddy Corbuzier (https://instagram.com/mastercorbuzier/)
Volland Humonggio
Special Thanks to:
Lolita Agustine (https://instagram.com/lolitagustine/)
Max Metino (https://instagram.com/maxmetino/)
Director of Photography:
Volland Volt
Erick Wesz (https://instagram.com/erickwesz/)
Yudhi Leao (https://instagram.com/yudhileao/)
Fhay TG
Bahari Wushu
Ari Taekwondo
Reyhan Sebastian
Aulia Putra
Please check also our short movie made by Triangle team and subscribe to this channel.
wn.com/Triangle Hitman Mission (Corbuzier, Chika Jessica, Volland)
Hubungan Chika Jessica dan Deddy Corbuzier telah berubah. Deddy Corbuzier adalah seorang pembunuh bayaran yang telah pensiun dan bekerja pada seorang mafia. Volland adalah teman masa kecil Deddy dan masih bekerja sebagai pembunuh bayaran. Volland memiliki hubungan spesial dengan Lolita yang juga bekerja sebagai pembunuh bayaran tanpa diketahui oleh agensi.
Lolita adalah seorang gadis yang sangat ambisius. Ketika agensi memerintahkan untuk memburu Deddy, Lolita mengambil tugas itu dan meminta Volland untuk memisahkan antara pertemanan dan hubungan mereka.
Volland dihadapkan antara teman masa kecil dan hubungan percintaan dengan Lolita.
Film pendek ini dibuat oleh TRIANGLE TEAM dan kami bukanlah pembuat film professional. Sebagian dari adegan diambil menggunakan DSLR dan ponsel. Keseluruhan adegan diambil dalam waktu 8 jam. Seluruh aktor dan aktris telah menyetujui untuk tidak dibayar membuat biaya produksi menjadi 0.
Deddy Corbuzier is a hitman Agent who retired from the agency since he had a son. He work independently to a big mafia for protecting the daughter. The agency promised a big money for any agent to kill him.
Two agents took the job. They are lovers not known by the agency. The girl is so ambitious to get the money to run away with her boyfriend. The man was confused between killing a person he knew from child hood or following the will of his girlfriend.
Then the story begin..
This short movie was made by TRIANGLE TEAM and we are not a movie maker. The shots taken by using DSLR and smartphones. Whole movie was shot in 8 hours. All casts were agreed not to be payed and total budget were 0. The casts are professional Indonesian's Celebrities, Actors, Fighters and Stuntman.
We basically use what we have to make this short movie. This is just for fun and to show that it's possible to make a movie with 0 costs.
Director: Volland Humonggio (https://instagram.com/vollandvolt_/)
Chika Jessica (https://instagram.com/ckjessica25/)
Deddy Corbuzier (https://instagram.com/mastercorbuzier/)
Volland Humonggio
Special Thanks to:
Lolita Agustine (https://instagram.com/lolitagustine/)
Max Metino (https://instagram.com/maxmetino/)
Director of Photography:
Volland Volt
Erick Wesz (https://instagram.com/erickwesz/)
Yudhi Leao (https://instagram.com/yudhileao/)
Fhay TG
Bahari Wushu
Ari Taekwondo
Reyhan Sebastian
Aulia Putra
Please check also our short movie made by Triangle team and subscribe to this channel.
- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 101424