Last updated: October 22, 2016

‘We will be astonishing’

‘We will be astonishing’

Leaving family and community to study in the city was not easy for teens Jamika Shillingsworth and Kobe See Kee.

New Safe Schools has old link

New Safe Schools has old link

The Safe Schools replacement website may still contain a link to an external organisation despite Coalition changes.

Detention school shut down

Detention school shut down

Unrest forced a shutdown of Tasmania’s school for youths in criminal detention last month.

Opinion split on funding changes

Opinion split on funding changes

While changes to research funding have been applauded, graduate studies heads say the timeline is unfeasible.

Project backs indigenous leaders

Project backs indigenous leaders

“We are set to make an enormous difference,” according to University of Melbourne vice-chancellor Glyn Davis.

Growing focus on teacher quality

Growing focus on teacher quality

Australia is not alone in raising the bar for teaching graduates, an international study has revealed.

Multiculturalism lures students

Multiculturalism lures students

International education and multiculturalism have fed off each other to strengthen student flows down under.

CSU stance bewilders Christianity

CSU stance bewilders Christianity

Tom Drake-Brockman fails to understand why CSA spent $10,000 on a legal challenge to his marking complaint.

Philanthropic quest for parity

Philanthropic quest for parity

This is a global challenge the Atlantic Philanthropies is tackling through a series of international initiatives.

Selective schools ‘over-funded’

Selective schools ‘over-funded’

The Catholic school system says selective state high schools are ‘hugely inequitable’.

Male dominance program for tots

Male dominance program for tots

Victorian preschoolers will be exposed to a controversial program that associates masculinity with dominance.

We’re underfunded: private schools

We’re underfunded: private schools

Private schools have hit back against repeated claims that some are receiving unfair amounts of taxpayer funds.

Lessons on ‘male privilege’

Lessons on ‘male privilege’

Victorian students will be taught about how ‘masculinity’ encourages ‘control and dominance’ over women.

Jobs dip for ‘tail-end’ graduates

Jobs dip for ‘tail-end’ graduates

The demand-driven system has turned employment into a buyer’s market, flooding the workforce with graduates.

One-year funding contracts for now

One-year funding contracts for now

Vice-chancellors have received letters from the Education Department signalling interim arrangements.

Reform ‘leaves courses unfunded’

Reform ‘leaves courses unfunded’

The reforms to the VET FEE-HELP loan scheme have put new funding pressure on the cash-strapped VET sector.

Canberra ‘negligent on fraud’

Canberra ‘negligent on fraud’

An ugly fight threatens to break out over who should pay to stop fraud in the family daycare sector.

Loan scheme on reform list

Loan scheme on reform list

The first meeting of an ­advisory panel charged with higher education reform will focus on student loans.

Trade uni for opportunity

Trade uni for opportunity

Make it easier for students to attain vocational skills.

Slapstick tactics fed $1bn fraud

Slapstick tactics fed $1bn fraud

Cars were in the driveway and the family daycare investigators heard adult voices inside the ­Melbourne home.

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