Last updated: October 24, 2016

Coal activists risk India interest

Coal activists risk India interest

Secretly foreign-funded Australian environmental activists work to ­oppose the $16bn Adani coalmine in Queensland.

‘High-cost’ hit from renewables

‘High-cost’ hit from renewables

Queensland’s 50 per cent RET has been undercut by the largest government-run power generator.

Emissions plan more hot air?

Emissions plan more hot air?

Aviation is turning to carbon offsets to cut the industry’s global emissions, but will it actually work?

Hardcore greens trumped unions

Hardcore greens trumped unions

Federal Labor’s 50 per cent renewable energy target was forced on to the party by a hardcore environment offshoot.

‘Hold horses’ on emissions

‘Hold horses’ on emissions

BCA says unilateral action by states on emissions cuts will impede progress at the national level.

Time up for tilting at windmills

Time up for tilting at windmills

South Australia’s storm may prove a blessing as ministers commit to tackle network reliability.

Intermittent sources not enough

Intermittent sources not enough

Power Point Pete knows energy security is vital.

Review into energy security

Review into energy security

The nation’s energy ministers have resolved to launch an independent review into Australia’s energy security.

$41bn blow from green push

$41bn blow from green push

Households are exposed to a $41bn cost for state government promises to embrace renewable energy, an analysis says.

Tas wind to aid nation’s energy

Tas wind to aid nation’s energy

Tasmania will back a national energy plan and argue it can provide energy security via its wind and hydro potential.

Target ‘will kill industries’

Target ‘will kill industries’

Queensland’s target of generating half of its electricity using renewables by 2030 is ‘unachievable’.

Renewable defence looks foolish

Renewable defence looks foolish

An interim report into the SA blackout reveals lessons for putting high renewable energy into the electricity system.

Shorten’s ‘crazy’ RET plan

Shorten’s ‘crazy’ RET plan

Josh Frydenberg has accused Bill Shorten of failing to explain how he would achieve Labor’s 50 per cent RET by 2030.

Planet ‘hurtling towards warming threshold’

Planet ‘hurtling towards warming threshold’

Earth is on track to sail past the 2C threshold for dangerous global warming by 2050, top climate scientists say.

‘Heed warning on mad aims’

‘Heed warning on mad aims’

Coal is needed to “keep the lights on” across Australia, a senior federal government minister has declared.

From blackout to trepidation

From blackout to trepidation

A flood emergency has hit north of Adelaide as residents clean up after a storm front battered South Australia.

Water clouds outlook for wines

Water clouds outlook for wines

Vigneron Jim Boehm knows flooding is a painful part of life for his treasured vines in the Barossa Valley.

Renewable energy hopes crash

Renewable energy hopes crash

Urgent action is needed to safeguard power security.

Andrews, Turnbull in war of words

Andrews, Turnbull in war of words

The PM and Daniel Andrews have taken potshots at each other during a lively day in state-federal relations.

Blackout a wake-up call: PM

Blackout a wake-up call: PM

Malcolm Turnbull has seized on South Australia’s statewide blackout to call for a shift in national ­energy policy.

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