Thought for the day 31 October 2016

Medieval French Christians believed that Halloween was when the dead rose for a horrifying carnival, the Danse Macabre, the Dance of Death. In village pageants around Europe, the faithful re-enacted this event by dressing as corpses. Originally intended to honour the dear departed, it is believed this led to our modern costumed celebrations. Today, in the wake of the New Moon and also Venus's conjunction to Saturn, what starts off as a flight of fancy, could become a moment to celebrate for years to come.

It's nearly Halloween, so what better time to treat yourself to a spookily accurate chart reading. What are your deepest secrets and desires? Can you change your future? A full chart will reveal all. Download a discounted reading now! (20% OFF until OCTOBER 31)


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Someone's looking out for you. They're fighting your corner and making changes on your behalf. But this someone is unlikely to be found in any social circle. They inhabit a realm inaccessible to those without wings on their backs and golden circles above their heads. That probably doesn't fit the image you have of a guardian angel. In fact, to those closest to you, the face they see when they need guidance is, well, yours. Yet even you need an authority to turn to occasionally. If you want support now, just ask for it. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Feb 20 - Mar 20


All processes take time to complete. You can't go straight from blending the ingredients to icing your cake; baking time is essential. Holding a ticket may be an auspicious sign of an exciting trip; but you will still need to ride the train. And when building relationships, even when two people feel instantly drawn, they need time together before they really know each other. Venus and Saturn's conjunction suggests that you need to put effort into a key relationship. Be patient. The New Moon promises an exciting beginning. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Mar 21 - Apr 20


I'm captivated by a song. It's Jolene by Dolly Parton, which I've always liked. But this is the 7-inch vinyl 45rpm version, but played at 33rpm. Suddenly, the guitar work rings out, and the melancholy of the melody plus the beauty of the lyrics become achingly clear. Unlike most voices, Dolly doesn't sound like a gloopy mess at this lower pitch - her voice soars with elegant precision. Life is currently asking you to make a change. It wants you to take things slower. Some things are best enjoyed when allowed to linger. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Apr 21 - May 21


This week's big story is the continuing influence of the weekend's Venus and Saturn conjunction. We get one of these every year, but they don't all happen at quite the same time, in quite the same sign. And, although they invariably have an impact on you (Taurus is ruled by Venus), the effect can differ. You're currently keenly conscious of the need to do the right thing, in an area of life where several wrong things have recently been done. But for that to happen, you must think hard about what the right thing really is. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


May 22 - June 22


It's proving difficult to write your forecast today. You see, I have a new kitten and he wants to play, so I have to stop and find the piece of string he likes to chase. Then I need to stroke him and make sure he's purring perfectly. And now I'm unfocused because my leg has gone numb while he snoozes on my lap. You can see my dilemma, can't you? Perhaps not. Someone's trying to imply that their life is harder than it really is. Don't fall for excuses or make any of your own. A little discipline goes a long way today. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Jun 23 - Jul 23


If you want to master a subject or become a shining light within a profession, first you must learn the rules, then you must follow them. Finally, you must develop your ability to judge when the rules can be appropriately broken. You have a rebellious streak and, though you keep it under control, every so often you are strongly inclined to question convention and challenge tradition. The New Moon that followed the weekend's Venus-Saturn conjunction, suggests that this ability to be so bold is a great blessing. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Relationships don't stay the same, because people change. Even ones that seem as solid as a rock will have their corners softened by time. Yet, even if romance fades, the strong core can remain. Unlike rocks, however, relationships can't remain sedentary if they wish to survive. They must adapt to new conditions and remain creative in the agreed framework they exist within. If your heart feels restricted now, don't fear for its survival. A heart as big as yours will sometimes run out of room. But there's mileage left in it yet. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Aug 24 - Sep 23


If the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, why not just move the fence? Turn it around so that the other side faces your garden. This would please you and make your neighbour happy too. Indeed, it's a wonder that no-one is marketing a rotating fence! It could be set to turn on a slow-timer so everyone will always feel content. At the weekend, Mercury made a positive link to Neptune in your opposite sign. So just how green is your grass? How fertile is your soil? Well, plant a seed and watch it grow. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Think back to your early days at school. Can you remember how it felt to find yourself in a completely new environment? I daresay there were often tears at the gate, faked colds, and excuses invented to avoid the new challenges. Yet, if it weren't for your acquiescence, courage and ability to adapt to new situations, you wouldn't be reading this now. In fact, you'd be struggling to read anything! Life is trying to shape you for a better future. If you put the work in, you'll soon overcome the difficulties you face. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Your financial picture probably won't improve dramatically today. It may, indeed, get a little worse before it starts to get a lot better. But despite current tension, drama and insecurity, an improvement will come along surprisingly soon. Any sense of difficulty, despair or deprivation, is an important part of that process. It's helping you let go of something you've been hanging on to for the wrong reason. And with the power of a New Moon in your sign, once you have moved on, everything will get easier and happier. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Nov 23 - Dec 21


How skilful are you with a scalpel? Do you know your ventricle from your aorta? I'm not suggesting you need to perform a by-pass! But perhaps you can be a heart doctor. There's a restriction on your emotions that needs easing. Do you need surgery - or a more open heart? Though you find it hard to be contained, and yearn for exploration, a degree of compromise may be necessary. Just as your heart only survives when caged inside a chest, happiness comes when you recognise the support that structure can bring. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)


Dec 22 - Jan 20


They say the devil is in the details. It may be so, but angels also dwell in life's smaller spaces. We miss a lot when we paint with a broad brush. In trying to oversimplify the story of your life now, you're turning a three-dimensional object into a two-dimensional picture, robbing it of depth and depriving it of meaning. With Venus recently conjunct Saturn, and Mercury's link to Neptune, here comes a chance to remember what matters, and to restore precious perspective that's been lost. You don't need to make worrying comparisons. Now, how can you have the better, brighter future you so deserve? With a full horoscope reading. People have described them as spookily accurate. For Halloween, there's a 20% discount. Treat yourself - change your life. Download a discounted reading now! (OFFER ENDS TODAY!)