Britain: Between a rock and a hard brexit

Written by Josh Holroyd Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Britain EU Dave KellamThe recent hardening of Tory rhetoric over Brexit and the status of migrant workers in Britain has shocked many, prompting some on the left to wonder if we too should advocate immigration controls and others, such as Owen Jones, to fall into a spirit of impotent despair. But aside from being a return to form for Britain’s traditional “Nasty Party”, May’s hard talk reflects a deepening divide within her own party and, if anything, a position of weakness rather than strength.


60 years since since the Hungarian revolution of 1956

Written by Julianna Grant Monday, 24 October 2016

Hungaryétlőtt_harckocsi_a_Móricz_Zsigmond_körtéren.jpgYesterday, 23rd October was the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. That movement of the Hungarian masses signified the culmination of the growing discontent evident in Eastern Europe at the time. We republish an article originally written 20 years ago, explaining the events that took place and their significance.


Pakistan: The activities of the Progressive Youth Alliance

Written by the PYA Saturday, 22 October 2016

Multan-Student-Protesting-against-Multan-Board-for-Discrepencies-in-Intermediate-Part-One-Examinations-7Last year the Progressive Youth Alliance was launched in Lahore. This was a landmark event gathering youth from all over Pakistan. Here we publish a report on the latest activities of the PYA, its intervention across Pakistan in recent student protests and its successes in winning leftward moving nationalist youth organisations.


Aleppo, Mosul and Imperialist Hypocrisy

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 21 October 2016

Crocodile tears for Syria LatuffThe saying goes that there are lies, damned lies and statistics. To this list we must add diplomacy, which is lying raised to the level of an art form.


International capitalists brace before Italian banking crisis and constitutional referendum

Written by Rivoluzione editorial board Thursday, 20 October 2016

Cliff -_Public_Domain--PixabayOn 9 July, the London Economist came out with a cover entitled "The Italian Job" which portrayed Italy as a bus on the edge of a precipice from which Britain, symbolized by a London cab, is already falling.


“Rise Up Tamils!” Demonstration Puts Tamil National Question Back on the Agenda

Written by Sinthujha Kumarasamy and Ted Sprague Thursday, 20 October 2016

Sri Lanka-CIA WFB MapThe recent rally in Jaffna, a Tamil populated capital in the Northern province of Sri Lanka, under the banner “Ezhuka Tamil” (Rise Up Tamils!) has once again posed the question of Tamil self-determination to the fore since the bloody defeat of Tamil Tigers 7 years ago. This demonstration is an indicator of swelling discontent among the Tamil minorities. Despite Sri Lankan State’s victory over the armed separatist Tigers the national question has not been solved in Sri Lanka and the misery of the Tamil population in the North and Eastern provinces have only worsened.


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Venezuela: La suspensión del referéndum revocatorio, la agudización de la lucha de clases y las tareas de los revolucionarios

Written by Declaración de la Corriente Marxista del PSUV Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Bolivarians taking over parliament 2 - Henry Tesara AVNEl pasado Jueves tribunales penales de los estados Monagas, Carabobo, Aragua y Apure, entre otros estados del país, declararon la nulidad de los efectos de la recolección del 1% de las firmas para la activación del referendo revocatorio, luego de que fueran admitidas las demandas por fraude electoral que fueron introducidas ante éstos, debido a los delitos de forjamiento y usurpación de identidad que fueron cometidos durante dicho proceso. Dicha sentencia, automáticamente implicó la suspensión de la denominada recolección del 20%, como último paso previo para la realización del referendo revocatorio. Acto seguido, el CNE hizo público un comunicado en el que se ordenó la suspensión del proceso de recolección de firmas en todo el país.


Alepo, Mosul y la hipocresía imperialista

Written by Alan Woods Monday, 24 October 2016

Crocodile tears_for_Syria-LatuffSe dice que hay mentiras, malditas mentiras y estadísticas. A esta lista hay que añadir la diplomacia, que ha sido elevada al nivel de una forma de arte.


Presentación de la revista política América Socialista #14 en Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Written by Izquierda Marxista (Honduras) Monday, 24 October 2016

presentacion AS_14_-_Own_WorkEl pasado 25 de septiembre se realizó en Tegucigalpa, Honduras la presentación de nuestra revista teórica “América Socialista #14”, la actividad fue programada en la sede de Libre (Libertad y Refundación partido que aglutina al sector más avanzado políticamente de la clase trabajadora en Honduras) ubicado en la colonia Humuya.