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Posts Tagged with "St. Louis"

Ferguson takes to the streets again Tuesday, Aug. 11, during more than a week of protests around the first anniversary of the Aug. 9, 2014, murder of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. – Photo: Charlie Riedel, AP

Ferguson police intensify abuse, but no amount of tear gas, hatred and contempt will deter us

August 20, 2015

One year following the tragic killing of Michael Brown, with more and more people across the country acknowledging the systemic targeting of Black communities by law enforcement, police officials in St. Louis and St. Louis County have made no progress. Police officials remain unrepentant for their heavy-handed and violent reaction to people they are sworn to protect and serve.

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.
Marissa Alexander leaves the courtroom on Jan. 27 – free at last, sort of. – Screenshot: WJXT

Marissa Alexander released from prison: Supporters celebrate, demand full freedom

January 28, 2015

Supporters of Marissa Alexander in Jacksonville, across the U.S. and all around the world are overjoyed that she has been released from jail after serving three years behind bars for defending her life. In 2010, Alexander, a Black mother of three from Jacksonville, Florida, was forced to defend her life from a life-threatening attack by her estranged husband by firing a single warning shot that caused no injuries.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
Cheris Place writes: “Immediately after the shooting, people poured out in the streets in shock and sympathy for the family. It started out as a peaceful protest and a candlelight memorial for this young man. However, Ferguson and St. Louis County sent in cops in riot gear, and reportedly allowed their dog to urinate on the flowers Michael’s mother had put over his blood.”

Let’s talk about Ferguson

November 23, 2014

I was born and raised in Missouri, so hopefully I can shed some light on how Ferguson, a little Missouri suburb of 21,000 people, became the focus of the nation, and even the world. I am getting the stench that they’re about to pull the pin on another grenade to throw that community into upheaval, so first let’s take a hard look at what they’ve been through and why. First of all, when we think of racism, we tend to think of Mississippi and Alabama due to the events of the ‘60s. However, Missouri was one of the bloodiest states during the Civil War because it was so divided – and it is still that divided today, as we’ve seen in Ferguson.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
St. Louis rebels Chip Wiley and his friend Tommy exchange war stories and pictures from the previous night. These photos were taken in August, in over 100-degree heat. – Photo: JR Valrey, Block Report

From the front lines in Ferguson: ‘We will go out hard’

November 19, 2014

They’re like, “Fuck it. I can die out here for nothing going at these cats from the other side or I could die for justice tonight with these police.” They’re fearless – they’re ready to be a martyr. Now all of this money that it must cost to bring all these cops in, … all y’all had to do was put one man in jail. That’s it! A thousand police officers are going to be here in St. Louis and for what? To go out and kill another unarmed Black kid in the streets and then leave him there for four hours? I think that the ripple effect of this is going to rock the whole nation. It could be the tipping point for race relations in America when it comes to policing.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
“Police officers move in to arrest protesters as they push and clear crowds out of the West Florissant Avenue area in Ferguson, Mo., early Wednesday, Aug. 20,” reads the AP caption. – Photo: Curtis Compton, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Ten illegal police actions to watch for in Ferguson

November 18, 2014

When the Michael Brown verdict is announced, people can expect the police to take at least 10 different illegal actions to prevent people from exercising their constitutional rights. The Ferguson police have been on TV more than others, so people can see how awful they have been acting. But their illegal police tactics are unfortunately quite commonly used by other law enforcement in big protests across the U.S.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
During her Bay View-Block Report-sponsored book tour in April 2013, Cynthia McKinney spoke to a full house at Laney College. “Ain’t Nothing Like Freedom,” her second book, is an autobiography about her years as a six-term Congress member from Georgia. Cynthia, like Paul Robeson, has been largely silenced by the powers that be. Though she is invited to speak all over the world, here in the U.S., her truth telling is considered too dangerous and she is rarely quoted or heard in the mainstream media. – Photo: Darnisha Wright

Cynthia McKinney on autism and Ferguson

October 13, 2014

While people were righteously rebelling in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, against police terrorism, a Center for Disease Control whistleblower confirmed something that has been on the lips of conscious ghetto dwellers for decades. International peace activist Cynthia McKinney speaks on the U.S. government spreading autism through vaccinations in the Black community, on Ferguson and much more.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
These photos were taken at Michael Brown’s funeral, held in Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, St. Louis, which was filled to capacity with 4,500 mourners, leaving hundreds more to wait outside. They were taken by The People’s Minister of Information JR Valrey and posted to Facebook with the comments that appear beneath them. Enjoy them as we await his print quality photos. Here, a young woman reads a flier that is shown at the end of the story. – Photo: Minister of Information JR Valrey, Block Report

Thousands attend funeral of Michael Brown

August 26, 2014

Slain 18-year-old Ferguson, Missouri, resident Michael Brown was laid to rest on Aug. 25. The funeral was a local and national event with thousands in attendance. Brown was killed by a white police officer, Darren Wilson, on Aug. 9 while he walked through the streets of his neighborhood. His brutal death from six gunshot wounds fired at close range sparked immediate mass demonstrations in Ferguson that have continued for over two weeks.

Strike updates: Stop prison torture at Pelican Bay

July 12, 2011

Support for the hunger strike grows with solidarity actions across the U.S. and Canada this past weekend.
A series of noise demonstrations outside jails, detention centers and prisons occurred internationally in St. Louis, New York City, Oakland, Los Angeles, Montreal and Kitchener, Ontario.

Filed Under: Prison Stories
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