- published: 06 Mar 2016
- views: 17288
The Bogor Botanical Gardens (Indonesian: Kebun Raya Bogor) is a botanical garden located in Bogor, Indonesia, 60 km south of Jakarta. It is currently operated by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Indonesian: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia or LIPI). The Gardens are located in the city center and adjoin the presidential palace compound of Istana Bogor. It covers an area of 87 hectares (210 acres) and contains 13,983 different kinds of trees and plants of various origin. The geographic position of Bogor means it rains almost daily, even in the dry season. This makes the Garden an advantageous location for the cultivation of tropical plants.
Founded in 1817 by the order of the government of the Dutch East Indies, the Garden thrived under the leadership of many renowned botanists including Johannes Elias Teijsmann, Rudolph Herman Christiaan Carel Scheffer, and Melchior Treub. Since its foundation, Bogor Botanical garden has served as a major research center for agriculture and horticulture. It is the oldest botanical garden in Southeast Asia.
The Bogor Palace (Indonesian:Istana Bogor, Dutch:Het Paleis te Buitenzorg) is one of 6 Presidential Palaces of Indonesia, it is located in the city of Bogor, West Java. The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural and historical features, as well as the adjoining botanical gardens. Istana Bogor was opened to the public in 1968 to public tour groups (not individuals), with the permission of the acting President of Indonesia, Suharto. The gardens of the palace covers an area of 284,000 square metres (28.4 hectares).
During the colonial era the palace became favorite residence of the Governors-General due to Bogor's more adaptable climate. It was also favored by the late President Sukarno and became the official presidential residence until his downfall in 1967. The palace remain mostly unused until February 2015, when the new president Joko Widodo moved the president's office from Merdeka Palace to Bogor Palace.
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci, meaning: Without a care in Dutch), which dates back to 1745 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors to escape the heat and diseases of Batavia. The location for the new palace was discovered by Baron van Imhoff on 10 August 1744, in a village named "Kampong Baroe". On the site he ordered a mansion to be built, however the construction wasn't completed by the end of his career in 1750 and thus it was continued by his preceder Jacob Mossel.
Bogor Regency (Indonesian: Kabupaten Bogor) is a regency (kabupaten) of West Java, Indonesia, south of DKI Jakarta. It is considered a bedroom community for Jakarta, and currently home to over 5 million people.
It is bordered by Tangerang Regency, the cities of South Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi, and finally Bekasi Regency, all to the north; it is also bordered by Lebak Regency (in Banten Province) to the west, Sukabumi Regency to the south, Cianjur Regency to the southeast, and Karawang Regency to the east; it fully encircles Bogor City, although the latter is administratively independent of the regency.
The area has witnessed significant population growth. Two areas formerly within the Regency have been split off as autonomous cities; on 20 April 1999, the city of Depok (until then a part of the Regency) was unified with some neighbouring districts of Bogor Regency to form an autonomous city of Depok (independent of the Regency); and Bogor city is also an autonomous city (similarly independent of the Regency). The Indonesian government has announced that it intends to divide the existing Bogor Regency by splitting off the western districts to form a new West Bogor Regency (Kabupaten Bogor Barat).
Bogor (Indonesian: Kota Bogor, Dutch: Buitenzorg) is a city on the island of Java in the West Java province of Indonesia. The city is located in the center of the Bogor Regency (Indonesian: Kabupaten Bogor), 60 kilometers (37 mi) south of the Indonesian capital Jakarta, although it is administratively independent from that regency. Bogor is the 6th largest city of Jabodetabek (the Jakarta metropolitan region) and the 14th nationwide, with a population having passed 1 million; it is an important economic, scientific, cultural and tourist center, as well as a mountain resort. In 2015, the new president (Joko Widodo) moved the seat of the president from Merdeka Palace to Bogor.
In the Middle Ages, the city was the capital of Sunda Kingdom (Indonesian: Kerajaan Sunda) and was called Pakuan Pajajaran. During the Dutch colonial era, it was named Buitenzorg (meaning "Without a care" in Dutch) and served as the summer residence of the Governor-General of Dutch East Indies.
With several hundred thousand people living on an area of about 20 km2 (7.7 sq mi), the central part of Bogor is one of the world's most densely populated areas. The city has a presidential palace and a botanical garden (Indonesian: Kebun Raya Bogor) – one of the oldest and largest in the world. It bears the nickname "the Rain City" (Kota Hujan), because of frequent rain showers. It nearly always rains even during the dry season.
Pesona Alam Resort & SPA Hotel puncak, Bogor - video review [FULL HD]
Sobat Jalan Episode Bogor Part 2: The 1O1 Hotel Suryakancana
R hotel rancamaya, Bogor, Indonesia - hotel review
Review Hotel Seruni puncak Bogor, Indonesia [FULL HD]
Santa Monica Hotel & Convention Bogor Indonesia
Hotel Seruni di Puncak Cisarua Bogor Indonesia
Kamar Hotel Unik di Bogor - Weekend List 10 Januari 2016
BEST WESTERN Hotel Bogor Icon Bogor Indonesia
Hotel Pesona Alam Resort & SPA terletak di puncak, Bogor Indonesia, memiliki view yang sangat bagus untuk anda nikmati, hotel ini benar benar menawarkan nuansa alam yang indah. Tarif hotel Pesona Alam Puncak per malam saat ini sekitar Rp 1 juta. Jangan heran jika hotel ini sering penuh dan susah untuk di-booking. More info, visit : http://www.bobocantik.com Video Review lainnnya : GH Universal Hotel Bandung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLs3JtU5sIU Rumah Stroberi Bandung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKnb-7_n4_o Hotel Seruni Puncak Bogor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzvTlceonCE Thanks for watching All materials within the video are copyrighted! Contact us : bobocantik.com@gmail.com
Mau liat keunikan The 1O1 Hotel Suryakancana, Bogor, dan muka Kreshna abis diceburin di kolam? Check this out! Jangan lupa follow social media Tiket.com untuk mengikuti keseruan-keseruan lainnya. Jalan-jalan kita, Sob! https://www.facebook.com/tiket?fref=ts https://twitter.com/tiket https://instagram.com/tiketcom/ http://blog.tiket.com/
Hello Travelers ... this video I would like to review R hotel rancamaya, Bogor, Indonesia. Situated in the heart of a lush garden and beautiful land of Rancamaya Golf Estate, this hotel gives you the beautiful of Mt.Salak with a blast of fresh mountain air that can be reach easily from Jakarta. The R Rancamaya is adjacent to the exquisite multi award winning 18-hole championship golf course, Club and Lagoon outdoor swimming pool with unique design of each, 2 tennis courts and an extensive fitness area sets in the 700 acre of Rancamaya development. Comprising 140 well-appointed guestroom, suites and villas offering luxury and comfort for every traveler. Distance from : Soekarno Hatta Int'l Airport (80 km), Jakarta (50 km), Bogor Business District (8 km), Bogor Leisure Area (8 km) Visit ...
Inilah hotel Seruni yang berada di kawasan puncak Bogor, dengan view pegunungan indah yang telah berhasil direview oleh bobocantik.com, hotel ini mempunyai banyak patung, relief, ukir ukiran khas Jepara. Tarif hotel Seruni puncak Bogor berkisar antara 900 ribu - 1,1 juta (per malam, februari 2016) tergantung hotel seruni 1, 2 atau 3 dan tipe kamarnya. Untuk Tarif Villa Seruni berkisar antara 3 - 6,1 juta per malam. Untuk info selanjutnya silahkan kunjungi www.bobocantik.com All materials within this video are copyrighted! Contact us : bobocantik.com@gmail.com Review hotel seruni puncak bogor Tarif hotel seruni puncak bogor Music list : Dat Groove by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Artist: http://audionaut...
Santa Monica Hotel & Convention Bogor Indonesia Santa Monica Hotel & Convention Bogor Indonesia
Hotel Seruni berada di kawasan puncak Cisarua Bogor, lebih tepatnya sebelum Taman Safari Indonesia
Event seru, pergi ke mana, makan di mana, tips, resensi film, musik dan semua yang perlu anda ketahui untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan yang menyenangkan. --- Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatama... Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/netmediatama Follow Weekend List on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeekendList_NET --- Terms & Conditions http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
Sebuah Hotel dengan nuansa minimalis modern, sangat nyaman sebagai tempat singgah dan istirahat dari kepenatan.....dengan harga yang terjangkau. Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas standard TV plasma, Water Heater dan Air Conditioner, serta Tokyo Curry House...suatu tempat untuk menikmati hidangan khas Jepang.
Book now direct for the best available rates, click here: http://goo.gl/MxVRHQ BEST WESTERN Hotel Bogor Icon, upscale luxury hotel located in the luxury residential area of Bukit Cimanggu City. Close to exciting nightlife, restaurants, shopping, entertainment and a few minutes from Bogor Botanical Garden and Bogor Presidential Palace. The services and facilities will satisfy the discerning business and leisure travelers alike.
Wihii, Ria's vlog sekarang tayang di hari Jumat! Ria ketagihan buat naik kereta dan berencana nginep di Bogor nantinya! Kayaknya Ria jatuh cinta deh sama kota Bogor. Setelah menjelajah kuliner yang super duper enak, Ria mendadak dikerjain sama Bieber! Sukses gak Ria menjalankan challenge mendadak dari Bieber? Oh iya, tonton video ini sampe habis ya, ada DUA quiz menarik dari Kak Ria (atau klik show more) QUIZ! 1) Sebutkan 3 makanan yang Ria makan di video "4 Cara Ampuh Pedekate ke Ria" (https://youtu.be/duaOiz7f0ig). Tulis jawabannya di kolom komentar, dan Ria bakal pilihin siapa yang dapetin giveaway! 2) Siapa member iKON favorit Ria PD-nim? Jawab pertanyaannya lewat link ini: bit.ly/NontonIKONBarengRia (Ingat, jawabnya harus via form yang ada di link barusan, ya. Bukan di kolom koment...
Pendukung klub sepak bola Persija Jakarta, The Jakmania, bentrok dengan warga Bogor di sepanjang Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor. Official Website: http://beritasatu.tv Facebook.com/BeritaSatuTV Youtube.com/BeritaSatu @BeritaSatuTV
Bogor nyaman ? Video ini didedikasikan untuk kota dimana saya dan teman2 bahkan mungkin kalian yang menonton menginjakan kaki, yaitu kota BOGOR .... video ini dibuat bertujuan agar kita2 lebih peka terhadap kenyamanan lingkungan sekitar, untuk hal yang di anggap kecil,contoh nya seperti sampah.... sampah hanyalah contoh sebagian dari banyak kenyamanan saya ucapkan terimakasih untuk semua pihak yang membantu proses pembuatan video ini.. Video By.... #Otaklecet mari berbagi kebaikan dengan mulai membagikan video ini ... :) saya yakin sampah adalah masalah kita semua,bukan masalah sebagian pihak... dan ini mungkin terjadi bukan hanya di bogor. semoga kota kita menjadi semakin baik. Song By realxing (www.bensound.com) Sajak Sebuah Nama - Avi Aditya Email : Satulimadelapan@gmail.com
inilah aksi sweeping oleh viking dijalan jakarta-bogor tepatnya di kandang roda saat ps tni vs persija di stadion pakansari,dan mengakibatkan kendaraan mobil pribadi hancur
Warga dan The Jakmania Bentrok, Bogor Mencekam. Duel Persija versus PS TNI di Stadion Pakansari, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat petang berakhir rusuh. Iring-iringan ribuan pendukung Persija atau The Jakmania yang hendak pulang diadang ribuan warga. Bentrokan pun tak terhindarkan. Aparat pun mengadang ribuan warga yang hendak menyerbu suporter Persija itu dengan melepaskan tembakan peluru hampa dan gas air mata. Akibatnya, dua unit kendaraan milik Resmob Polres Bogor dirusak. Begitu juga warung dan rumah warga di Simpang Alternatif Sentul, Jalan Jakarta-Bogor kena sasaran para pendukung Jakmania. Dilaporkan sejumlah kendaraan roda dua dan empat juga rusak. Suasana panas sudah mulai tercium sejak sebelum pertandingan. Massa Jakmania melempari minimarket dan sebuah mobil sedan. Tak hanya itu, t...
Thankyou for watching! I made videos hoping to inspire and make people happy. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO Like, Comment & Subscribe/Berlangganan (GRATIS) ! OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE: Instagram @SkuyCloth http://instagram.com/SkuyCloth Business : jakartabeatbox@gmail.com Official Website : http://www.gazellebeatboxschool.com Twitter : https://twitter.com/GazelleCross Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GazelleCross Instagram : http://instagram.com/GazelleCross Ask.Fm : http://ask.fm/gazellecross Line ID : @LRando ( Pake @ ya! ) Subscribe to Jakarta Beatbox: https://www.youtube.com/JakartaBeatbox Subscribe to Fransiska Felicia: https://www.youtube.com/Felozeli Send your Mail to: SEKOLAH BEATBOX INDONESIA http://www.gazellebeatb...
POJOKJABAR.com, BOGOR - Bentrokan hebat antara suporter Persija dengan warga Bogor yang dikenal sebagai bobotoh Persib. Bentrokan terjadi sore dan malam ini. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan jalan raya Jakarta-Bogor lumpuh hingga lima jam. (tim)
Please support our video with your share and like. This video is made for our project of subject introduction to retail business. Like for Like | Presunive | owl people | Cimory | Bogor | Youghurt President University - Business Administration batch 2014 - Desi Rachmayani - Ike Astriana - Nurdesti Ningtias
Perform pertama Vanquisher DC pada tanggal 25 Mei 2013 sebagai bintang tamu di acara Job Fair yang diadakan oleh kampus Gici Business School (GBS), Bogor. Jumper: -Ibram @ibrahimIBRM -Bungky @bungkusky_m -Arief @Ariefzuhri Shuffler: -Imam @AbdurasyidImam -Herlangga @HerlzPSCS3 -Anas -Pramanda B-Boy: -Daan -Falih -Ghifary -Hasby -Putra -Ayash Selamat menyaksikan ^_^
PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO ♥ Like, Comment & Subscribe/Berlangganan (gratis) ! Bikin akun Youtube kalian masing2 ya! :) Fransiska Felicia | @Felozeli Daily Vlogger | Influencer Business : feozelia@gmail.com Instagram : http://instagram.com/felozeli Twitter : https://twitter.com/felozeli Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/felozeli Subscribe to Laurentius Rando: https://www.youtube.com/LRando Send your Mail to: SEKOLAH BEATBOX INDONESIA http://www.gazellebeatboxschool.com/ (Your mail will be featured on Mail Time Video on this channel) Stay Happy & Lovely ! :)
Salah satu pembelajaran yang menyenangkan untuk anak-anak adalah berjualan. kegiatan business day di sekolah alam memberikan ruang itu. Anak-anak membawa makanan yang dibuat di rumah kemudian menjualnya kepada anak-anak kelas lain, guru dan orang tua. Pada kegiatan business day, anak-anak belajar tentang uang, transaksi, kemandirian, percaya diri dan kerja keras. Selamat menyaksikan! Lagu: Blue Skies by Silent Partner
Mirah Hotel Bogor is located in downtown of Bogor. The hotel business is located between two beautiful mountains (Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango) and has a panoramic view of the city Jakarta - Indonesia. We feature 88 guestrooms, outdoor pool, access to a local fitness center, meeting room, Karouke Rooms, Functions Room, Amenities, hairdryers and coffee makers are in all guestrooms.
Perform pertama Vanquisher DC pada tanggal 25 Mei 2013 sebagai bintang tamu di acara Job Fair yang diadakan oleh kampus Gici Business School (GBS), Bogor. Dancer: -Anggun -Vitri -Bella -Anne -Dian -Ratu -Anis Selamat menyaksikan ^_^
ES Equad
JANGAN lupa nonton yah :D
"Kupu kupu Malam" (=Hookers) Me going undercover in Puncak/Indonesia.... I was always thinking that I should record this on tape and show it to ya'll on youtube. Putting it on tape is strictly forbidden! F#*K it! so I put it in my belt and cam on! ;) If you like Natural indonesian girls ya'll should visit Puncak ;) And I can tell ya...It's also freakin' CHEAP! lol For the curious people...NOPE! I didnt do anything...just watching dem girls :) Watch out for Episode 2... 2B Continued.... The guy with the black jacket? He's the pimp! lol
SOUNDSATION at @XoneClubBogor @InstagramRCM @ikmaltobing @triad_label @MAHADEWAband @wilhelmusjckson @Chrizz_VMD @MitatheVirgin @milacheah @ikmaltobing @mitathevirgin @instagramrcm @coboy_dj @soundsation_events #xoneclubevent #xoneclubbogor #xoneclub #soundsations2016 #igers #instamag #iponeasia #club #events #dj #nightlife
►Check out my list of 50 incredible Indonesian foods: https://migrationology.com/indonesian-food/ During my trip to Jakarta, I mostly remained in the city. But Ken and Gratiana from http://cowokrakus.com/ invited my wife Ying and I to go with them and their family on an Indonesian food trip to Bogor and the surrounding region (about an hour from Jakarta). Our first stop when we drove out of Jakarta and to Bogor was a famous place to eat Bogor style laksa at a restaurant called Laksa Bogor Pak Inin. It was exactly my kind of a restaurant, open air and local, with a wonderful friendly environment. The laksa was unlike any other laksa I’ve ever had, and it was fantastic. Laksa Bogor - 10,000 IDR ($0.72) Next, we stopped at a place called Toge Goreng Pak Abung, which is another legendary In...
We can buy Bandung Wet Lumpia Lumpiah Basah Bandung only costs Rp.6.000 (46 Cents USD) the taste is so good. hi TTM: Rasa Lumpiah Basah Bandung memangn enak banget,silahkan datang aja langsung ke Jalan Kapten Muslihat Bogor persis di depan Gereja, thanks for watching:). Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
We can buy Fried Meatball Basreng Bakso Goreng only costs Rp.2.000 (30 Cents) the taste is so good. hi TTM: Rasa Baso Goreng memang enak,silahkan datang aja langsung kedepan Statiun Kereta Bogor,thanks for watching:) Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
We can buy fruit Bogor Asinan Bogor only costs Rp.12.500 (93 Cents USD) the taste is so good. hi TTM: Rasa Asinan Bogor memang enak,silahkan langsung aja datang ke Samping Station Kereta Bogor Kota,thanks for watching:). Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
We can buy Martabak Mini Bandoeng only costs Rp.2.500 ( 19 Cents USD) per piece the flavour are Raisin Kismis,Chocolate,Cheese,Strawberry Blueberry etc taste is sweet and so good. hi TTM: Rasa Martabak Mini Bandoeng memang enak,silahkan datang aja langsung ke Jalan Kapten muslihat Matahari Bogor seberang Station Kereta Api Bogor,thanks for watching:). Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
we can buy Mr.M.Yusuf Yellow Soup Soto Kuning Khas Bogor Pak.M.Yusuf only costsRp. 35.000 (2 USD and 70 Cents) complete3 with rice, the taste is so good. hi TTM: Rasa Soto Kuning Pak.M.Yusuf Khas Bogor memang enak, silahkan datang aja langsung ke Jalan Surya Kencana Bogor depan Mega Suara,thanks for watching:). Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
On 6th July 2015 10 minutes after we woke up we decided to pack our one day one night clothes and go to bogor. We went there by train in results we need to walk or use public transportation to our hotels, we spent one night at 1O1 hotel bogor Jl Suryakancana a place for food culinary. With limited of clothes we decided that one day isnt enough so we find another hotel with a relaxing and big swimming pool, we stayed one more night at ASTON bogor then finally decided its time to go home. Shot by : Bunga Cinta Camera : SJ CAM 4000 Wifi Edited by : Bunga Cinta
We can buy Sumedang Seupan Taleus Ketan Wangi 1 Original flavour costs Rp.10.000 (75 cents) complete with Cheese etc only costs Rp.15.000 (1 USD and 13 Cents), the taste is so good. hi TTM: Rasa Sumedang Seupan Taleus Ketan Wangi memang enak,silahkan datang aja ke Jalan Surya Kencana Bogor,thanks for watching:). Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
We can buy Dodongkal only costs Rp.5.000 (39 Cents USD) the taste is so good. hi TTM: Rasa Dodongkal memang enak,silahkan datang aja langsung ke Pasar Anyar Bogor,thanks for watching:) Jakarta Indonesia Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
To Watch All The Best Videos Click Here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMtQ4sCSgEeKCSsZKeiN_g Puncak or Puncak Pass (Indonesian for "top" or "peak") is a mountain pass in West Java, Indonesia. The pass connects the city of Bogor and Bandung, and is spread within the regencies of Bogor, Cianjur, and Sukabumi. The area is a popular area for tourism. Puncak Pass is located on the ridge to the north of Mt.Gede-Pangrango. The highest point of the pass is about 1500 m altitude. There is a volcanic lake Telaga Warna near the main route. Another tourist attraction, just south of the pass, is the Cibodas Botanical Garden. Taman Safari, a wildlife park, is also located in Puncak. Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia Tourist Attractions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7i9a1KEcMs Puncak Pass Bogor I...
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" Visit Kebun Raya Bogor " Intro to Hospitality Final Project Group : - Mulya Persada - Philips Sogo
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com/ http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/
Bogor to Ponchak Nanga (Tourist Point), Bogor, Indonesia.
The Richness of Bogor Hospitality and Tourism, The Podomoro University Project. "A TRIP TO GUNUNG PANCAR, SENTUL CITY - BOGOR" THE BOLANGERS Members: 1. Britney Tiufany 2. Johan Hardjana 3. Ricky Anderson Hallo guys! Perkenalkan kami dari Podomoro University, Hotel Business Program tahun 2015! Di video kami kali ini, kami akan membahas mengenai salah satu tempat wisata alam yang patut kamu kunjungi di Sentul City, Bogor! Yaitu di Gunung Pancar. Di Gunung Pancar, terdapat 2 daya tarik wisata, yaitu Hutan Pinusnya dan Tempat Pemandian Air Panasnya. Penasaran tentang Gunung Pancar, Hutan Pinus, Tempat Pemandian Air Panasnya? Yuk! Langsung dicek videonya yaa! Kalau kamu ada pertanyaan, atau pengen tau info lebih lanjut, tinggal di comment di video ini ya! Thankyou :) p.s: Jangan lu...
Love you till I die
I think I'm really gonna love you till I die
Somehow you make me wanna love you till I die
I've never known a love to last
I've seen a lot of loves go past
I don't know how, but I know why
I'm gonna love you till I die
Love you till I die
I think I'm really gonna love you till I die
It's no use fighting it and I won't even try
Your ways are hypnotizing me
I feel in chains and I feel free
I don't know how, but I know why
I'm gonna love you till I die
Love you till I die
My love will be a river never running dry
Deep as the deepest ocean, like a mountain high
A summer breathe, a thunderstorm
It's our romance that keeps me warm
It's not confession but it's true
I dedicate my life to you
You will make me cry
You'll make me sing and you will give me wings to fly
I will believe you and I'm sure that you will lie
I don't expect a wedding ring
'Cause it's a never lasting thing
And there's no power to steal me now
Apart from those to clear my
Love you till I die
I think I'm really gonna love you till I die,
Somehow you make me wanna love you till I die
I've never known a love to last
I've seen a lot of loves go past
I don't know how, but I know why
I'm gonna love you till I die
I don't know how, but I know why
I'm gonna love you till I die
Love you till I die
I think I'm really gonna love you till I die,
Somehow you make me wanna love you till I die
I've never known a love to last
I've seen a lot of loves go past
I don't know how, but I know why
I'm gonna love you till I die
I don't know how, but I know why
I'm gonna love you till I die